posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 10:24 PM
Text Green
My name is Trish, and am a public safety communications manager.
I have have been in the land-mobile radio field for the past
29 years ..
Side interests are:
SIGINT; COMINT; any types of electronic interception equipment
and techniques; Espionage; Covert Operations; and the "Intelligence
Community" in general (i.e. these topics by any country, whether U.S.,
former USSR; former East Germany & other former Eastern Block countries.)
I started collecting non-fiction books on these topics in 1976, and have
amassed a collection of 550+ volumes over the past 30 years..
This interest area pertains to early 1940's through present-day..
For readers here with an interest in military ground forces tactical radio
communications equipment, I started up a yahoo group in 1999 that
currently has 1260 members. Many are amateur radio operators, and/or
active-duty military with U.S. and other countries.
For those on ATS who may have researched the famous "Lucy" espionage
ring, I'd like to compare notes regarding the role of Alexander Foote, and
his possible "staged defection" in order to pass sanitized Enigma
intercepts to Russia via the Lucy ring, and apparently at the behest of
Trish - WA6UBE