This is an extremely important read for anyone that believes the rapture is upon us. Please read this with an open mind and keep in mind that if the
"rapture" does happen it will probably be because of this:
Jeez! Why the heck can't conspiract theorists just sum up their thoughts in one or two paragraphs? Who wants to read about a world conspiracy if
it's going to take you two weeks to get to the punchline? Man!
Jeez! Why the heck can't conspiract theorists just sum up their thoughts in one or two paragraphs? Who wants to read about a world conspiracy if
it's going to take you two weeks to get to the punchline? Man!
Cool, my message got posted twice. Don't know why!
its fully possible. the archeological digs are probably goign to be a favorite. they dont need a blue beam for that unless they are triggring earth
quakes. after almost total media consolodation and the corruption of ivory tower academia it would be pretty easy to do something like this.
The antichrist in the bible could do mircales supernaturally. perhaps they are trying to simulate an antichrist....
This is an amazing subject and i do see it as a true possibility for the ever approaching future it is going to be a scary time when even the closest
of your friends and family may fall prey to this hoax the implications of what may happen are very scary indeed sad to say but considering this
article was published in 1994 it doesn't seem like we can have much more time left.
Thanks for the great post I will defiantly be spreading this article around.
One last thing just on the subject of the Anti-Christ it is the perfect way to usher him in.
Dig a little deeper into Maitreya and you will find that some say he is already here and has already been doing miracles around the world.
In a sad sick way this truly is the perfect plan guess they only got one problem.God