John Titor-
"It is a mistake to give anyone your unwavering belief...but you will find that out yourself in 2005."
John Titor-
"The conflict was not about taking and holding ground it was about order and rights. They were betting that people wanted security instead of freedom
and they were wrong."
John Titor-
“Have you see the documentary on Waco? Just for argument's sake, what do you think would happen if information were discovered that confirmed the
worst accusations made against the law enforcement officers there? Would you hope nothing?”
"If the federal forces learned anything from WACO it was to install more reliable suppressors on their automatic weapons and don't use flash
grenades that leave shell casings after the fire."
John Titor
Q: Does the civil war start in such a way that those willing will have time to remove themselves to safer locations?
"Yes. You will be forced to ask yourself how many civil rights you will give up to feel safe."
Q: Will you readily be able to identify the enemy?
"They will be the ones arresting and holding people without due process."
“I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse.
"By 2008, I would say the civil conflict is pretty much at everyone's doorstep."
"On my world line in 2011, the United States is in the middle of a civil war that has dramatic effects on most of the other Western governments."
"Outright open fighting was common by then and I joined a shotgun infantry unit in 2011. I served with the "Fighting Diamondbacks" for about 4
years. "
"I would define it as a conflict where organized groups engage in maneuver and armed conflict."
”The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012…”
What is happening in New Orleans is more of a revolution [citizen vs Government] than a civil war[citizen vs. citizen]
What Im most concerned with is we are still early in the hurricane season, whats next?.. And how many more Natural disasters in the near future can
the USA deal with. Hurricans, flood, earthquake, tsunami, Our whole western style of civilization is so fragile...We in The USA are like 1 or 2
disasters away from our country or way of life from bein totally destroyed......Revolution seems to have started....question is Will it spread