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New Energy Technology

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posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 03:29 AM
There has to be a plot stopping any new energy technologies coming into the market. I am talking about perpetual motion devices or "free energy", whatever you call them.

I am submitting an idea to NASA on Sept. 7th through the NASA SBIR program. If there is a sinister plot I will find out.

I am going to post my personal information here in hope that if I end up dead or kidnapped it wont go unnoticed. I live in Rhode Island. I was a part of the class of 2000 at THS and my initials are JTW. If for whetever reason I dont at least update this thread with the status of my research proposal to NASA, please worry if you at all care about what powers may want to control this world.

I tried pitching a vague idea to the US Department of Energy and they told me the idea did not fall under their interest. I wasnt specific but they told me that generally they werent interested at all in any ideas at all. I wrote an email back yesterday. Also note the lady in charge is an obvious hardcore JEW, so maybe there is a thicker conspiracy. The lady totally scorned me for even mentioning I wanted to explore such a crazy idea as perpetual electricity.

Anyways so that is what I am going through right now. I hope they entertain my idea, if not and they are stingy against innovative ideas, or they want to stiffle new energy technology oh well, off to buidling it on my own at that point. Wish me luck.

[edit on 1-9-2005 by YaYo]

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 03:35 AM
What is your idea if I may be so bold?

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by Sigma
What is your idea if I may be so bold?

Sigma I live in a capitalist country, it is not in my interest to tell you.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 03:50 AM
Then why even bring it up? So that we can ensure that you have revenge if you are murdered? If you can't even hint at to how it operates then many people here will remain very skeptical.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by YaYo

Originally posted by Sigma
What is your idea if I may be so bold?

Sigma I live in a capitalist country, it is not in my interest to tell you.

Ummmmm.........hey this poster is another one not interested in solving the energy crisis. But, then again they probably have nothing that would work anyway.

If you want to solve the worlds energy problems, then by all means let the bright people of the world know and not the government.

Edit: As long as you are a capitalist, you will never solve our energy problems either. You are trying to market something that is derived from freely available resources that should be everyone's divine right to own. Are you saying you are trying to be a new age oil baron of free energy only to make profits off of what belongs to everyone?

[edit on 1-9-2005 by ben91069]

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 04:11 AM
I have looked up thousands upon thousands of pages of info on ZPE and Free Energy technology and only a few show any promise of commercialization. One company in peticular has a material that superconducts at room temperature and appears to be one of the few to apply that to the energy production equation. I am a friend of the CEO and I plan on visiting his company this October, in the mean time I continue to look at every aspect of future technology from Nanotech to Energy production.

In my experience in looking I have seen that a company that produces a ZPE or Free Energy Device cannot make a profit indefinently, as it changes the entire economic structure.

The conspiracy you talk about... yes I believe there is something... but I won't comment on it further.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by YaYo
I tried pitching a vague idea to the US Department of Energy and they told me the idea did not fall under their interest. I wasnt specific but they told me that generally they werent interested at all in any ideas at all. I wrote an email back yesterday. Also note the lady in charge is an obvious hardcore JEW, so maybe there is a thicker conspiracy. The lady totally scorned me for even mentioning I wanted to explore such a crazy idea as perpetual electricity.

Do go into this, please.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 01:05 PM
I don't know about you guys but this looks like a "Hey look at me" thread.

I am going to post my personal information here in hope that if I end up dead or kidnapped it wont go unnoticed. I live in Rhode Island. I was a part of the class of 2000 at THS and my initials are JTW. If for whetever reason I dont at least update this thread with the status of my research proposal to NASA, please worry if you at all care about what powers may want to control this world.[/quote]

This seems a little to desperate. And like ben91069 said, why don't you give this info to a university lab or someone else who can make it work?

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 07:40 PM
I am an actual person trying to give the government the knowledge for a "free energy" device. Although I call it perpetual electricity, it sounds more appropiate. I did try pitching the vague idea to the Department of Energy in which they told me that "perpetual electricity" was not in their interest. They told me that they were only interested in nuclear, solar, and fuel cell technology.

As far as pitching the idea to a University, that is a possibility for the future but there are problems with that. I do not work well with other people. People have certain beleifs in science and math that I do not subscribe to. I wont be willing to show all of my cards. I dont have the patience to have to deal with other people. It is unlikely I will look to other individuals for that kind of help.

[edit on 1-9-2005 by YaYo]

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 08:03 PM
Im sorry but what is the point of this

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by YaYoI tried pitching a vague idea to the US Department of Energy and they told me the idea did not fall under their interest. I wasnt specific but they told me that generally they werent interested at all in any ideas at all

They were being nice, they simply don't want bad and unworkable ideas.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Distortion
Im sorry but what is the point of this

The point is the world has evil people.

Electric cars, airplanes, and ships would ruin the oil industry. They would not be willing to let that happen.

I see the benefits it would have in the world and I would rather it become a reality then for things to continue on their current trend.

Nygdan: I would say it was because alot of people fail in R/R&D and they cant just give money to everyone that needs it. And partly because they are bias to what they give money for.

[edit on 1-9-2005 by YaYo]

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 02:52 AM
link here we go again with another "freee energy " thread.....

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 04:03 AM

Also note the lady in charge is an obvious hardcore JEW, so maybe there is a thicker conspiracy.

This thread is pointless without more information from the original poster, YaYo.
I love your "personal information", three letters from the alphabet.
You should give us more or stop wasting our time.

I must be very bored to be responding to crap like this.......... 2 points for you, and one for me, but it's still drivel.

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 05:05 AM
Here is a great energy technology that people should look hard at:


Stable plasma toroids at low pressure... a potential fusion breakthrough! I spoke with the man who invented this technology during the first oil crisis and has continued to refine it... all he needs is capital to create a functional device.

If you want to get off oil I suggest you consider looking at technologies like this and donate if possible!

Wish I could do a fundraiser for companies like this... however I am not sure how much interest there is among ATS and the rest of the net.

[edit on 2-9-2005 by Sigma]

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by anxietydisorder

Also note the lady in charge is an obvious hardcore JEW, so maybe there is a thicker conspiracy.

You lost all credibility from this one line.

I once read a book in High School over five years ago. I forget who the book was written by but it was in the antiterrorism genre (NONFICTION).

The book talked about how Jews were trying to infiltrate the US scientific community to spy. It talked about how they were fairly successful (more so then anyone else) and America had to stay awake about it. It was said that Israels ultimate goal was to rival the US in energy technology because they felt that was how you became the worlds superpower.

So in my mind when I was submitting my ideas to the Energy department, I noticed that alot of the Research departments within the DOE were headed by Jewish people. It reminded me of the book.

Goto the Energy Departments Research website. Take a look into the scope of what research areas they are looking into. Solar, Hydrogen, Nuclear, and Thermoelectrics. That doesnt cover every potential source of Energy. When I submitted my idea to them, they told me that my idea did not fit into their focused technology areas. They are the Department of Energy, they should entertain an idea on its merit not on what energy genre it fits into.

Im 50% done writing up my proposal to NASA, it is due by Sept. 7th. I dont see how they would refuse my idea, It would be criminal. I will update this thread.

[edit on 2-9-2005 by YaYo]

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 11:15 AM
Sounds like another yank my chain thread of vague ego driven nonsense.

No working model = no hall pass, go back to school.

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 02:32 PM
hey sigma, the energy of the magnetic field to repel the plasma in those torroids is both unefficient and impractable, just like the new one being built in france :/
The ppl working in CERN and that are onto something by trying to harvest energy from muons and neutrinos.

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by YaYo
There has to be a plot stopping any new energy technologies coming into the market. I am talking about perpetual motion devices or "free energy", whatever you call them.

Here's a fundamental problem with a perpetual motion device. Let's just pretend we live in BizarroWorld and that such a device works. If you use the energy in that machine to power another, then the internal energy stored in the first machine will be removed and put into the other machine.

Remember that there is always friction, there is always the transfer of kinetic energy to heat, there is always some sort of loss of electrical power outside of your system. Even if you had a machine that perpetuated itself, it would lose energy by powering another machine.

Anyway, the type of people that invent a perpetual energy machine that really works DON'T go on conspiracy theory website forums to speak with a bunch of nutcases - they have PhD's and work in independent research labs and make bazillions of dollars.


posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 10:22 PM
If their interest is in fuel cells then ask them what the by-product of using hydrogen and O3 in a fuel cell is. Also ask if using O3 in car engines is more or less harmfull then using just air. O3 is ozone and can be made very easily and can be directly injected into fuel cells/engines so that its not openly released.

That may get them interested in what you have to say, if not, screw them over by making it and releasing it freely. When you make it and it works, tell everybody what you made and what it does, then atleast you can be famous when you present the working unit.

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