posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 01:40 AM
Anyone of you here that have followed the peak oil posts or - unless you've lived in a cave the last few years - may have noticed the rise in oil
prices and gasoline prices.
Now I believe oil comes from where mainstream science says it does; extinct plant/marine life. Never mind debating about it here. There are many
threads already on ATS about this topic.
What I would like to discuss is the spiritual aspects of the nature of oil (which is energy) and how it relates to the end times. God states that he
is the alpha and omega, and that the nature of this physical world has good and bad, yin and yang, beginnings and endings, etc. etc. Therefore, it is
obvious that oil is a form of stored energy from the beginnings of life and that now in the last century has been exploited to the point that it is
becoming rare. The philosophy of peak oil is that we reach a point where supply cannot meet demand and the price escalates until it is for the most
part not feasible to use oil any more.
In other words, the energy of the past, we are now using now is coming to an end. Since this stored energy had its origins at the beginnings of life,
could this be our reaping of rewards and a sure sign of the waning or ending of the human drama?
Add additional thoughts if you feel this infers symbolizism that the time will soon come for our creator to finally intervene and put an end to the
reign of the antichrist or Satan.
Of course, if you really don't believe in what the Bible says of Revelations or the existence of God, this thread really isn't for you and it is not
here to debate those things.