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Zarqawi vows revenge !!!!

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posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 01:59 PM

DUBAI (AFP) - The Al-Qaeda group of Iraq's most wanted man Abu Musab al-Zarqawi vowed in an Internet statement it would avenge deadly US air strikes in Iraq on suspected militant hideouts.

"The American crusader forces, enemies of God, carried out an odious crime against the Muslims of Al-Qaim," said a statement in the name of the Al-Qaeda Organisation in the Land of Two Rivers.

The US military launched air strikes on suspected Al-Qaeda hideouts in the Al-Qaim area near the Syrian border on Tuesday, killing at least 56 people. The military claimed the attacks were thought to have killed Abu Islam, a reported Al-Qaeda operative, and several associates.

"We tell you, adorers of the cross, you will not escape," according to the website statement whose authenticity could not be verified.

everybody get ready. hes mad now!!!! we should all be very concerned.
, i wonder why we made him mad
, he wasnt mad then now hes mad now? did we kill one of his brothers?

[edit on 31-8-2005 by John bull 1]

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 02:06 PM
He says that the Americans will suffer in Iraq when we know full well his bombs and plans will kill 99% Iraqis and 1% Americans.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 02:08 PM
I know its not funny - but how can you not laugh out loud at the vernacular that these guys use?

"The blood of the infidels dogs shall run in the street! I curse their womanly mustaches!"

It's like you gotta go to school to learn how to curse and threaten so melodramatically...................

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 02:09 PM
He is pissed because the hideout we bombed is where he kept his beer, drugs, bling, and porn stash. I also heard from reliable sources that he lost his connection to World of War Craft in the bombing.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 02:10 PM

I curse their womanly mustaches!"

What mustache? Last time I checked US military personnel don’t usually have facial hair.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 02:15 PM
...but I just have to laugh at this!

Pyros is right on the money here. I mean, didn't Zarqawi state that the "sands of the Iraq would run red with the blood of the infidels?" I wasn't aware that fellow Muslims were infidels. After all, the only thing he's really been successful at doing is killing innocent Iraqi Muslims. I'm certain that will earn him a very coveted spot in heaven.

In all seriousness I hope that he is madder than a hornet. People who respond to such emotion lose sight of rationale and make mistakes... in this case I hope it is the mistake that costs him his life!

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 02:17 PM
The good thing about a rant like that is that it provides independant proof that the attack WAS right, and that the people killed WERE his men.

It puts into persepctive all the "you killed women and children" posts in another thread about this attack.


posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 02:20 PM
you gotta luv satelite imagery

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy

DUBAI (AFP) "We tell you, adorers of the cross, you will not escape," according to the website statement whose authenticity could not be verified.

Sounds like he just intends to kill Christians in general. You would almost thingk the guy was prejudice

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 05:04 PM
the guy's mad....hmmm....maybe we should bring Hockey to Iraq and Football 2 maybe this guy would join
.... and we could sick Tie Domi on him for a 5 minute

Maybe that's what th'r missing over Western Sports.....guess they have some soccer leagues....not realy sure.....
but noticed how the year without hockey effected our people (prob. in the US 2)'a have sports.

Maybe people would start t'a put energy to the sports and not into killinig eachother. Nothing like working up a sweat on the ice
or just watching a game with y'r kids

Y'r Canadian friend,

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 08:41 PM
.... I think He's playing the BUSH Card here.

The Infedels shall die crap..

IF your not with us your against us.
He see's everyone NOT contributing to his suicidal murderous dreams is contributing to the American Invasion.

Hey the USA did it. why cant the INSURGENTS?

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 10:05 PM
Ladies and gentleman please read the above post and reflect on it for about 2 seconds, yes such people do exist

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 10:28 PM
I can't work out if that comment is a poke at the poster or his message. Consdiering in your sig your quote about Bush Westpoiint, it ties in nicely with what I think Agit8dChop is saying.

Originally posted by WestPoint23
Ladies and gentleman please read the above post and reflect on it for about 2 seconds, yes such people do exist

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 12:59 AM
Pfff, another 'internet posting' from Al-Zarqawi.

I mean, tracing internet traffic is just so hard but maybe, just maybe, if Al-Zarqawi keeps posting on message boards, the USA might be able to actually confirm his existence one of these days.

Something they've yet to do.

Lets look at some Al-Zarqawi references shall we:

"A member of the former Iraqi Governing Council, Fadhl al-Rube'i, was interviewed on the Lebanese channel New TV, on May 16, 2004. He called Mr. al-Zarqawi mythical and a creation of the Pentagon's "disinformation" center."

"The spokesman for radical Iraqi Shi'ite leader Muqtada al-Sadr, Sheikh Abd al-Hadi al-Daraji, likewise stated in an April 4 interview with the Israeli-Arab weekly Kul Al-Arab that Mr. al-Zarqawi was an "ambiguous, imaginary, and made-up figure," created to justify American operations in Iraq."

An international relations expert at Egypt's Al-Ahram Institute, Said al-Lawindi, appeared on Egyptian channel 1, on November 16, 2004, and alleged that Mr. al-Zarqawi was a fabrication: "Where is this al-Zarqawi? I have read even in the French press, in Le Monde, that anyone can show a photograph of someone who died decades ago and claim that it is al-Zarqawi. This is an attempt by the U.S. to emphasize ... you can't go on forever talking about bin Laden, who has also become a myth."

Saudi daily Arab News, on October 26, 2004, and stated, "Zarqawi has been built up into an almost legendary figure ... Zarqawi is suspected of direct involvement in the kidnap and beheading of several foreigners in Iraq ... But many question his very existence." The article also discussed the battle in Falluja: "The people of Falluja, however, insist that they have never seen the man or heard about him except through the media. So, where is Zarqawi or, indeed, does he exist?"

But yeah, random postings on a website that the US can trump up are really solid sources. He's such a real person that only the US know he exists and they know because they've 'almost' caught him a few times as he's led them into a new battle in Iraq each time. Rumsfeld even compared him to Hitler!

Sounds like 1984 to me, someone's created a mythical enemy.
Remember, the Pentagon DO use propaganda if they feel the support isn't high enough with truth alone:

Pentagon Weighs Use of Deception in a Broad Arena
By Thom Shanker and Eric Schmitt
The New York Times
Monday 13 December 2004

[edit on 1-9-2005 by TheShroudOfMemphis]

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 01:07 AM

I mean, tracing internet traffic is just so hard but maybe, just maybe, if Al-Zarqawi keeps posting on message boards, the USA might be able to actually confirm his existence one of these days.

I mean, yeah you know, Al Zarqawi should just come out one day, walk down the street saying “here I am folks, I exist“. But why doesn't he do that? Oh gees I don't know, maybe the fact that he might have minutes to live afterwards may just factor in his decision to remain underground.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by WestPoint23

I mean, tracing internet traffic is just so hard but maybe, just maybe, if Al-Zarqawi keeps posting on message boards, the USA might be able to actually confirm his existence one of these days.

I mean, yeah you know, Al Zarqawi should just come out one day, walk down the street saying “here I am folks, I exist“. But why doesn't he do that? Oh gees I don't know, maybe the fact that he might have minutes to live afterwards may just factor in his decision to remain underground.

What? That makes no sense.

Your defending an 'anonymous internet posting' by 'Al-Zarqawi' while ignoring all the evidence via direct quotes that says he is not a real person and then you don't even understand the quote your replying too!

Al-Zarqawi doesn't have to do jack. If he's posting on the net, HE CAN BE TRACED by the government. Simple, they trace hackers, peado's, fraudsters all the time yet they RELY on al-Zarqawi's internet postings who could be done by anyone, from anywhere and then promote that as 'news'.

Keep the blinders on tight.

Got nothing to say about the quotes that al-Zarqawi is a US invention?

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 01:25 AM
There are ways to cover your tracks on the internet, however i will not go into these because of ATS rules. It is possible to greatly reduce the likelyhood of being tracked on the internet.

However, i do question how does somebody who lives in a desert and is probably not skilled in using computers accomplish this? He must have some help from somewhere.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 01:50 AM
We managed to find Saddam in a hole in out back Iraq.
We managed to track OSAMA usign his cellphone.
We've even gotten as close to Zarqawi to pinch his laptop as he dashed for safety

We've caught dozens of lutenants.. and with all the torture the US is implementing with the help of the CIA and international filghts.. they cant get enough info to catch the guy?

And I agree, you can cover your internet tracks.. but you have to know a fair few things.
Espceially when the PENTAGON is looking for you, I imagine you'd need to know an EXTRA thing or two.

why has he been stone quiet this last month and a half..
yet he throws out a internet email?

Hey I bet I could type an email, hack a arab website and post it claiming to be Iraqi.

posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 11:40 AM
This was written on Wed Aug 31 2005

Zarqawi was killed in 2004.

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A Jordanian extremist suspected of bloody suicide attacks in Iraq was killed some time ago in U.S. bombing and a letter outlining plans for fomenting sectarian war is a forgery, a statement allegedly from an insurgent group west of the capital said.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed in the Sulaimaniyah mountains of northern Iraq “during the American bombing there,” according to a statement circulated in Fallujah this week and signed by the “Leadership of the Allahu Akbar Mujahedeen.”

It said al-Zarqawi was unable to escape the bombing because of his artificial leg.

Before the Iraq conflict began last March, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said al-Zarqawi received hospital treatment in Baghdad after fleeing Afghanistan. U.S. intelligence sources said he apparently was fitted with an artificial leg.

The statement said the “fabricated al-Zarqawi memo” has been used by the U.S.-run coalition “to back up their theory of a civil war” in Iraq.

In February, the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq made public an intercepted letter it said was written by al-Zarqawi to al-Qaida leaders, detailing a strategy of spectacular attacks to derail the planned June 30 handover of power to the Iraqis. U.S. officials say al-Zarqawi may have been involved in some of the series of suicide bombings this year in Iraq.

“The truth is, al-Qaida is not present in Iraq,” the Mujahedeen statement said. Though many Arabs entered the country to fight U.S. troops, only a small number remain, the group said.

Bush must think we all have the same iq as him

[edit on 10-9-2005 by TrueLies]

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 11:54 PM
MAD do you say? We are all quite MAD down here replied the Hatter to Alice
Bombs unleased to bring peace? Bombs unleased to bring fear?Bombs used all the time and still destruction is Quite near!

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