posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 11:48 PM
I should point out that I'm one of the long-term skeptics here -- your picture of the board as a happy haven for any loon who wanted to post his
pictures of a fake electronic bird (remember that one?) or the luggage carousel he claimed was actually an entrance to a UFO base (remember THAT one?)
or his latest Evil Chupacabra In My Bedroom tale (remember that one?) still got whacked by us evil skeptics, even in the early days.
There are plenty of boards that accept these reports unquestioningly and will discuss them very earnestly. They won't try to pick apart a faked
photo of a group of Civil War soldiers who shot down a "pterodactyl." And they'd never be so rude as to locate sources for a photo of aliens and
point out that these are really S/FX from an indie movie.
There's a lot of folks who love that kind of board.
I'll be honest -- I don't. I like the good debates here and the good information. I've disagreed and been skeptical of a lot of things and have
been proven wrong any number of times. I've also proven others wrong.
I think this kind of board does a greater serviced than all the "we believe anything you say!" boards out there. There's a lot of disinformation
out there and certainly Clarke's law about 90% of just about everything is garbage rules in cyberspace.
The admins didn't hunt me down and beg me to show up and debunk stuff. No one contacted me and pleaded for me to stay (I figured they thought I was
an unmitigated pest)
The board took the directions it did because ordinary people -- like me -- showed up to learn and enjoy.
I've always found that if a board or Mud or anything else in cyberspace isn't fun to be involved with -- that this is a sign to go find another
hangout. Heaven knows I've left boards and Muds and Mucks and chats before. I didn't do the Melodrama "I'm LEEEEEEEEEEAVING!!!!" post. I just
left quietly and found places I liked better.
Like this place.
Your mileage may vary.