posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 09:28 AM
currently i am studying a teaching degree at uni (college for u yanks) and i am in a class of year 9's studying science which i want to teach in a
few of the students inquired about why we cant see the amount of stars in the city compared to out in the country.
i understande that this has something to do with the smog or general pollution that cities produce, myself living in a city of around 1 million people
can see the smog on particular days.
my question is: Is it smog the underlying cause for not being able to see stars in cities compared to that witnessed in the country areas, and if so
how does smog impact on light reaching the skies above mass populated areas?
I am new to this site so apologies if this seems a tad amatuer compared to what everyone is used to. Any comments are appriciated.