posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 07:20 AM
Hey im a big fan of the game CITY OF HEROES and if anyone has any tips,hints or exploits, post them here...
I was looking around some sites and all the tips you find you either have to register to the site or pay money to download the stuff.
Forget all that, just post all the tips you know and all the stuff you like about the game right here... also you can talk about CITY OF VILLAINS and
all the new features you are looking forward to.
Ive read stuff about how to get 250000xp in a few hours but you have to pay to download the page with the hints on it, its a big rip off!! first you
have to pay for the game then you have to pay the monthly fees and now these guys are making you pay to tell you how to play the game!!
But not here just post all the stuff you know about the game, and all those people who have bought the tips just post them here so the rest of the
people can see them and dont have to pay these ridiculous prices.