posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 09:05 PM
Now, this is mostly baseless speculation. I felt that I should say that early, so if this kind of thing bothers you, stop reading. Now.
I assume most of us know of the 'Roswell Incident' of the late 40's. But what if this is wrong? I present for your approval what I belive to be a
new, and unexplored theory to this board.
This starts off with the Roswell Airforce Base, and more to the point what could have happened. It is possible that the 'Bodies' recovered were not
from another world, but from ours. Perhaps the US government had dipped into some form of chemical\biological testing on humans. Or maybe breeding
men and beasts for a superior soldier.
I included the latter because of the time frame it happens in. We had just defeated Adolph Hitler, and snatched many of the scientists, documents and
test weapons. It is known that Hitler had plans for some kind of 'super race', and we could have gotten our mitts on someone high in up this
operation, and perhaps documents. Lets say that we did, and it didnt work as well as the government hoped. It flat failed. You need a way to dispose
of these bodies, and to make sure they aren't found.
Why go to this kind of extreme, to pose a UFO crash in the New Mexico desert? Speculation. If they created this kind of incident, then no one would
stop to think of the real actions taken. The government would probably have a few conspiracy crackpots (present company excluded) hounding them then
have to fess up to something on par with Dr.Mengle. So, they came up with a brain child. Simply create a fake crash scene, and use the bodies as false
'aliens'.. Total cover.
After that its a simple policy of blatant lies of 'weatherbaloons' to get people like us wondering if it was infact a UFO, while no one ponders my
Granted, this is baseless speculation, and im sure someone will prove this factaully incorectt. But it was fun to bring some fresh water into the
stagnant Roswell lake.