posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 12:39 PM
When I was in Brasil in June we were walking around downtown in Rio de Janeiro, and I came acrossed something that blind-sided me.
I guess it would be because the last place I would expect to see something like this, would be in the tourist capital of Brasil.
While we were on our endless trek to the correct bus stop, I happened to look up and next to me was a beautiful (say two story or three..not very
tall) stone building in the middle of the city. That wasn't what caught my eye though, what amazed was the fact that while I was scanning it I came
acrossed a symbol on it's crest.
It was an illuminated eye inside of the masonic symbol (that is if you take away the G and add the eye in the middle).
I started getting quite excited asking the others if they say the "illuminati" symbol, the only person that heard me say anything though had no idea
about anything we talk about here. So here I am, frustrated I couldn't stop and learn more about it, because I had to keep on the move.
I figured I would share my little experience and tell anyone that goes to Rio and is ever going around downtown to keep your eyes peeled for it, or
maybe learn some portuguese and ask about the stone building with the illuminated eye.
Now, I'm mostly wondering if anyone might have some information on this building, if so it would be greatly appreciated, as this is sparking my