posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 01:46 PM
Here is the thing guys, my wifes family lives in Biloxi and they do not have the funds to go anywhere. Besides the fact that they were warned of the
last few hurricanes and nothing happened, so they thought "lets ride this one out" until they saw it was a Cat 5. Then it was too late. I have
family in Lafayette and they had no damage at all. The last time I spoke with my wifes family was last night and they are all ok. So give Jesus thanks
for that, it was an answered prayer that they made it out of the storm ok. Not that much in property damage either. Now they are pulling from thier
meager resources and helping other who were less fortunate. People from the south know how to stick together for the most part. There are always going
to be those who prey on the tragedy but all in all we will come out ok. Now as for New Orleans...well they have never been right in the head there. It
was more like the left coast as far as the way they treat each other. You have to get away from the city to see how Loisi-ann folks really are. Just
my opinion anyway. I am biased because I am not from the city, but I spect 18 years travelling around the world for the Air Force and know that the
military will take care of the folks in the local are as it is part of our (past tense) job to help local communities when in need. Please, all the
haters of America and the Political whores don't knock America. This is the most generous and greatest nation the world has ever seen. Outside of
Venezuela, which is ironic, I don't see anyone helping us anytime soon. I guess they don't realise that if our economy tanks so will thiers. I mean
really, we invest in everyone and they invest in us. You go we go and vice-versus.