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Am I an indigo Child I need answers help.

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posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by euph0ric

Sorry but I slightly disagree with you. Psychics will tell you what ever they want to make money. Or what ever you want to hear.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 08:29 AM
i just recently met a guy and a girl who also believe that they also Indigo. IDK if they were trully indigo or not. They don't even try to search the truth in the internet

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by kendalknk

What you have just related also can refer to the RH negative blood anomalies. I had no idea that indigo referred to the aura of an individual but it makes sense. I was under two differing impressions of what the term " Indigo Children" really meant. I first started hearing the term in the late 60s when '___' and pot use was expected among the budding intellectuals.I was a teenager and thought at the time it was more hippy ways of relabeling a child of " Druggies'. '___' use had some horrible side effects on the fetus.if taken during pregnancy.But it is my understanding it originally related to:" Autistic Children. "Way after that about 10 to 15 yrs later it started to be interpreted as the people who were in contact with the ETs and were waiting to "be" beamed up "so to speak .Literally several hun-
dred people would sell their entire households and lifetime belongings and go wait in a designated area to be picked up by the ETS. and the press called them" Indigo Adults."

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Conspiracy Theorist06

Welcome indigo bro, this may be 6 years too late, nevertheless I shall reply. A great way to tell if you are an indigo or not is to take in iq test, you've prolly already done that. To be an indigo is a gift i'd say we're unique, not better, just unique, but in a good way. They're are many theories of what our purpose is howvever none are yet fact, I suggest you explore more strive to learn more about yourself, maybe even try astral projection, it is only when you trust in yourself, and reach the state of "I am" that you will truly know. Concern yourself not with the mundain everyday task of life but relax take a deep breath and remember we were not put here to be worker bees for oue governments, we were her to live, learn, and love in peace. Not chaos and stress. As far as your religion? It depends, what do you believe? that is all that matters, if you are christian then your priest may say yes it is because it is an unfamiliar concept, and as proven by history christians have shunned anything they do not understand and declared it devil work only to be proven wrong later. You are you, you create your reality.
Peace brother, namaste.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 06:59 PM
I was watching the sprite science videos and at one point it was describing Indigo Children. I though to myself "Sounds like me, to bad its so Vague and about describes a lot of people"

Well whatever, if it makes people feel special its not doing any harm. Were all looking for a purpose in this crazy world, a meaning and all that. If you found yours thats awesome for you.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:56 PM
I really think the sense of entitlement is a double edge sword like alot of things in this world. It makes indigos strive for excellence and makes them want as much knowledge as they can learn! Putting a label on it makes it seem like indigos are the chosen ones when really they just want to be understood and not alone in this seperated world. In the end everyone is flawed and has to realize their flaws instead of judging others because thats what this world needs right now to make it a better place! You can call me indigo, new ager, or whatever but really im just like everyone else a spirit having a human experience trying to better the whole.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 07:29 AM
be an indigo child or a hybrid alien you will look slightly different to everyone else.....they normaly have oval shaped faces and pointed chins. they have large black or deep brown eyes that you can see past in them. they have soft black hair and dark olive skin.

They don't normaly feel like they fit in except with others of their type.....they don't feel like they belong here and have a deep seeded sense of want to go home whereever home may be. Their parents or birthgivers masy have had alien and unfo experiences and so do they. They develop their skills quite early.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by ConspiracyNut23
I had no idea what an indigo child was so I did a quick search:

* They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)
* They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.
* Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents "who they are."
* They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
* They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
* They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.
* They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).
* They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
* They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").
* They are not shy in letting you know what they need.


Seems to describe half the children I know, Am I missing something?

LOL, about 75% of teens these days fit that quite well....

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by ConspiracyNut23

wow i think that sums up almost every single child and most adults living in america today. cant stand in line, impatient and thinks they are royalty or something special. isn't the orginal concept of an indigo child something similar to the half angels described in the book of enoch? if so probably not the best thing to be, but what ever i dont believe this SHHH is real, it sucks to be in america and have nothing special to distingush yourself with, i think that is where most of the indigo thing derives from

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by cenasangel

physically you just described an iranian american

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by cenasangel

I get the feeling you were abducted?

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 02:20 PM
Being an indigo child is not against you're religion. It just means that you are a little more in tune with yourself and a higher source, be it; god, ra, buddah, ect. I am an indigo myself so i know that that confusion you feel towards how religion affects your body body and purpose is irrational. Go with your gut feelings. When you participate in a religious community do you feel burdened by the experience, uncomfortable. Or, do you feel content and at peace with yourself. Usually your initial instincts will be correct.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 12:51 PM
Hi, I was born in 1981 & perhaps I canhelp you shed some *light* on what it means to be an INDIGO.

First, I want to mention that IDENTIFYING as a Crystal, Indigi, Light Worker, etc...doesn't make you or me SPECIAL or better than anyone...there is a very HEAVY burden/responsibility on our shoulders.

We are not SATISFIED with the material world. We litterally FEEL sick to our stomach by people we VALUE others by money, beauty, fame, fortune, etc...we could care less. And the irony is that we are often born into VERY materialist families. We are often not accepted by our families because we do not share their SHALLOW outlook or work ethic which makes them think we are physically lazy.

In many ways, our saving grace is our unshakeable FAITH & we are born in attractive bodies/faces so we have just enough of the EXTERNAL tobe accepted, however, when it comes to IDEAS/IDEALS morals, we clash..I my thoughts no matter how intelligent have neve rreally been ambraced by the majority of my family. I have ALWAYS looked outside my "bloodline" towards friends, neighbors EVEN complete strangers for understanding - I have actualy BONDED with complete strangers within MINUTES more than some people in my family for have known me my entire life.

We see FAR beyond the physical.material world. Earth can seem like a lonely cold place for us...ever since I got a computer & internet access - I have been searching for MEANING to WHY I am so sensitive & even psychic.HOnestly, I ssumed that everyone was able to read others like I do. When really, most people are clueless about others & their motives (even their own) its as if they are blinded or blocked from the TRUTH that I see SO clearly.

YES, we are greatly misunderstood. Recently I was told by a psychic friend that my AURA was open at my birth so I can ABSORB both positive/negative enrgy very easily.
If I were to write down EVERY experience I have had with Angels & Demons - miracles & misfortunes. Visions - it would literally be a novel. On the outisde, I ama pretty ordinary young woman.

I am a single mother and I CHOSE this PATH. My child hood was so traumatic that I feel marriage is not for me unless I meet a man who is my TWIN soul - no other man will do since I already know they will not be faithful or treat me the way I deserve.

I have been called self-centered & I do have an uncanny sense of entitlement but I know this comes with a birth parents had a lot of problems mentally & emotionally. My brother & I were placed in foster homes as small chilren. Finally my aunt (who could not have children) adopted us along with her husband who is old enough to be our grandfather.

Despite personal harships at such a young age, I am FULL of Empathy & some say WISDOM.I look at least 10 years YOUNGER than my chronological (earth) years.

Now that he is sick, I feel that there as been a SPIRITUAL opening or awakening that is FORCING me to realize that there is so much MORE to life than we can see, touch, hear...I have heard angels singing in the early hours of the morning. I have also been approache by the most even man (demon in human form) when I was out with a friend late at night.

I must mention that New York City (Queens) is my home. This is one of the most EVIL, low vibration cities in the world hence why it is so powerful (financial district) and WHY we are constantly being attacked. I was 20when 911 happened & I had a vision 2 weeks before the towers were hit MORE than ONE. I just "knew" & also had a VISiON....there was absolutely NO logical way fir me to know...Indigos & others have very VIVID.

I would also liket to ADD that I have NEVER worshipped the Devil (satan). I am very GOD/JESUS conscious & believe who heartedly in ANGELS...I read someone on THIS website feels that "Indigo Children is a CONSPIRACY from SATAN."

People are entitles to their OPINION however, there are not coming from a place of LOVE/acceptance but judgement....there is NO human being on EARTH who knows 100% what is evil/good since every human being is a MIX of both or else we would be ANGELS not human - something to PONDER.

IF you are an INDIGO, CRYSTAL or LIGHTWORKER - you will just know. It can be scary when you are a CHILD, however as an ADULT with self kknowledge/EDUCATION & the guidance of GOD/ Guardian Angels ~ everything will begin to CLICK & unfold. You might not understand for a VERY long time until you have an AWAKENING ( as I have recently).

Suddenly EVERTHING you have experienced: good, bad, weird, inspirational etc...will make PERFECT sense.

All the BEST to YOU on YOUR journey - feel free to respond & ask me questions!! Infinite Blessings.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by IndigoAwakening1111

Thank you so much for opening up. I don't even know you, but i feel as thought i can understand you completely. I also share a lot of the same issues as yourself with empathy, vivid and clairvoyant dreams, and being diagnosed as add. My life was also unusually hard. I have more than one question for you but is there a way to contact you outside this forum?
edit on 4-12-2011 by Demure897 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Conspiracy Theorist06

I dont advise telling your parents. I am an indigo child as well when i told my parents about my feelings and experiences they freaked out and told me i was a sociopath
Anyway after that i kept to myself. You need to talk to other indigo children like yourself. not family and friends if you have any that dont understand. can you please email me at [email protected] i have a few things i would like to talk to you about

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Mayet

What we indigo children feel is so inate it we cant doubt it. Certain concepts like spiritual concepts or the fact that there are higher more important things that are not on this world or more important things to do in life other than make money and die. Thins concept made perfect sense to me from a small child. i dont now how you would suggest i prove it, but the fact that indigo children are poping up all over the globe in unrelated places is proof enough, we are not some conspiracy.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

I meet all or most of the requirements of that of an indigo child.

There are no requirements for indigo children, its just something new agey types have made up to make themselves feel special.

but i'm not sure what it means to be one.

If you beleive that you are an indigo child it means you have an inferiority complex.

Is this going against my religion, should I tell my parents?

Its got nothing to do with religion, and sure, you can tell your parents that you think you are an indigo child.

I think you hit the BULLS-EYE on this BULL#

An "Indigo Child" seems to be a new-wave title for todays stubborn selfish little brats whose parents got some money and spoil them with it. Brats who dont appreciate anything and act like snobs with a huge ego thinking that the world owes them something, and that they are special.

And honestly I dont know WHY in the HELL anyone would want to share with anyone that they have the characteristics of the so-called "Indigo Child". What the HELL is in sugar-cereals or vaccines that the kids of today are getting? Its making them act BEYOND ridiculously.

Looks like it time to bring back the BELT and whoop the STUPID outta todays kids!!

edit on 25-11-2012 by oper8zhin because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by oper8zhin

Originally posted by Nygdan

I meet all or most of the requirements of that of an indigo child.

There are no requirements for indigo children, its just something new agey types have made up to make themselves feel special.

but i'm not sure what it means to be one.

If you beleive that you are an indigo child it means you have an inferiority complex.

Is this going against my religion, should I tell my parents?

Its got nothing to do with religion, and sure, you can tell your parents that you think you are an indigo child.

I think you hit the BULLS-EYE on this BULL#

An "Indigo Child" seems to be a new-wave title for todays stubborn selfish little brats whose parents got some money and spoil them with it. Brats who dont appreciate anything and act like snobs with a huge ego thinking that the world owes them something, and that they are special.

And honestly I dont know WHY in the HELL anyone would want to share with anyone that they have the characteristics of the so-called "Indigo Child". What the HELL is in sugar-cereals or vaccines that the kids of today are getting? Its making them act BEYOND ridiculously.

Looks like it time to bring back the BELT and whoop the STUPID outta todays kids!!

edit on 25-11-2012 by oper8zhin because: (no reason given)

Totally wrong. Dont you realize that your reaction is the same skepticism that attacked every change in human society. your comment just proves us right. this world has not gotten better. people are still hating on things they dont understand. I more feel sorry for you than anything

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 12:19 PM
If you're an Indigo, then so are most of the people on this planet.
Look around you, at your friends, parents, the guy at the grocery store. Many if not all will fit the profile of Indigo.
Please don't get pulled in by the New Age, feel good, I'm special mentality. It's all to make some feel superior, when they're not.
Notice you're being told to keep it secret? Don't tell parents,Don't tell friends, they won't understand you.
THAT should tell you a lot.
edit on 25-11-2012 by DAVID64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by DAVID64

I have told my parents. they just freaked out. so at least for me that shoots your theory out the window. anyway if that were true why are people like me considered so wierd. if most other people were the same they would understand

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