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Am I an indigo Child I need answers help.

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posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 02:09 PM
what does high frequency change actually mean?

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 01:13 PM
Calm down man, I'm a indigo child too, u don't need to worry about it.
Well, I didn't tell my parents about it, because they will not understand nothing after all
It may be difficult to explain everything about what comes to be a índigo, but if u want to, go and tell then.
But I certanlly would not do that, even if my parents have knowledge about it!!

It's your choice

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 01:42 PM
First of all, you need to be clear with yourself, that you're an Indigo/Crystalline or not. If yes, Crystallines are never really care about that, who knows about their abilities, what the others are going to say. For them, abilities are daily, for the outsiders, it's weird phenomenon. Some crystallines are never care with this, because it's their life and they're not really let anyone closer to learn their true identity (Especially, because most of the Crystallines are also doesn't know their true identity.). The rest Crystallines are simply don't care with others and do, what they do. If someone hates them for it, they don't care about it, because they knows; what they doing is 90%-95% better, what the others do.

Why are they not let anyone closer, who is an outsider? Because they're not going to explain everything to the ordinary men, they're not going to convince anyone because they don't feel that they need to explain anything to anyone. If someone learns their true identity, Crystallines just shrugs and steps further. Someone knows and who cares? Simple basic life philosophy.

It's a simple and especially beautiful life, which is extraordinary for the ordinaries, ordinary for the extraordinaries. Simple, isn't it? Get used to it.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by LooseLipsSinkShips
PEOPLE keep throwing out 2012. is this "high frequency change" going to occure on January 1, 2012 or what day will it start?

It won't change in one day on the other. It's process is allready going on, with the total shift to the new age in about 2012 I guess.

Indigo children are the pioniers of the 'mental' work being done. Lots of ol' garbage cleared in the emotional and mental realms. I guess most of em are here with healing capabilities. By them resonating allready on a higher frequency, being pioniers, they show others the way.

Indigos remain, infidels will die regretfully!

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 12:29 PM

Indigos remain, infidels will die regretfully!

You don't die do you? When do you die?

What is infidel? It sounds like fanatic Christian, "if you are not with us, you are are against us" and you will be burnt in hell, rotten away. That old trick doesn't work anymore. If you don't think it is old, then you have problems.

Just tell me, what do people who thought they are indigo have to do? Join you, pay tribute 10% of their income? Membership joining fee?
Tell me where do you go after you die? Do you die? When?

I know when you die, the exact date hours minute and second. That's the fact.
But what do you know? Indigo idiot?

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 04:51 AM
Am I the only one who is getting the 'Total BS, pile of want to be important rubbish' feeling or does anyone else here think the same? I find it incredibly sad when people have so little in their lives and have achieved/will achieve so little with their lives that they have to give them selves these new age clap trap titles to have their little fantasy of self importance.

My advice is tell your parents, I imagine they are all ready trying to find an excuse to chuck your idle existence out as it, calling yourself a prepubescent purple plonker (alternative indigo child title - more accurate I think) will just give them the option of getting you institutionalised.

Get some help.

[edit on 23-1-2007 by Quackmaster]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 05:16 AM
I think true indigos don't call themselves something to feel better or greater than others.

Indigo child, starchild, your soul is a star and everyone has one, so you are all starchildren.. the one shines brighter then the other, maybe a difference.

lots of jealuous mtfkrs around here..

accept yourself and you'll accept others, although it's sometimes hard to accept the stupidity and dumbness of others, and when you correct them they don't give a care.. ah no biggy. Let them live further in their ignorance.

As said before, these 'new' children, are born with allready a knowing of their connection with 'God'. Some, most or all? having 'paranormal' or Godly capabilities therefore.

When one is born without and gets to realize their connection with God they too are becoming these new children. It's just that, a level of awareness where anyone can come unto if they seek for it.

Open up inside.

And I tell you, clairvoyance or any thing isn't therefore quite amusing and such, one can suffer a lot due to it. Seeing more happiness and seeing more misery! The misery is what troubles us. We try to heal.. It's not always funny, I tell you!

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 05:42 AM
I was approaching this whole topic light heartedly, but on re-reading a few posts I have come to the conclusion you are actually serious about this stuff.

I fit virtually every criteria you mention and yes I do feel special, but I feel special because those around me love me for my actions and person, my children are balanced and enjoy life and I never detract from another’s right to have their own opinion. I just treat life as the gift it is and don’t feel the need to try and say mine is more individual or special than someone else's.

Taking this to the next level and labelling yourself as some self righteous group of dark violet veggie lovers, at least to me, strikes me as vulgar. You sit their like some sort of master of knowledge, enlightened beyond the rest of our simple understanding. To me you are extremely deluded to the point of genuine medical concern for the state of your mind.

The sad thing is I know no matter what is discussed, no matter what the truth, you are unable to let go of this fantasy because all you would be left with is a life as hollow and pointless as your attempts to prove the validity of this moronic maroon mammary drinkers club.


posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by Quackmaster
Am I the only one who is getting the 'Total BS, pile of want to be important rubbish' feeling or does anyone else here think the same? I find it incredibly sad when people have so little in their lives and have achieved/will achieve so little with their lives that they have to give them selves these new age clap trap titles to have their little fantasy of self importance.

My advice is tell your parents, I imagine they are all ready trying to find an excuse to chuck your idle existence out as it, calling yourself a prepubescent purple plonker (alternative indigo child title - more accurate I think) will just give them the option of getting you institutionalised.

Get some help.

[edit on 23-1-2007 by Quackmaster]

No you are not the only one
And funnily there are not only one kid who thought he/she is special. Many of them.

When you ask them what so special about it, they can tell nothing. And they will also tell you they don't care what people think about them. They are not seeking attention but they keep on coming here and posting "Hey I am coloured ".

I won't be surprised tomorrow some kids or some people will call themselves Blue Boy, Yellow Girls, Red sissy, Purple gays, they all think they are special and outstanding. They will tell you are just JEALOUS.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 06:21 AM
CinLung. Do you like it or not, you're colored too (It's really matter, you're an Crystalline/Indigo or not. Everyone is colored, but you may can't see it.). That's what we're calling auras. So, you're a colored guy and from your reactions, I would say, you have a yellow aura, a guy who is representing joy, fun toward few ways of life, but you're also a childish person who is usually envy toward others, almost everyone (You do not need to accept the fact, but it's not changing anything.). So, may we call you the yellow guy for the first round?

Anyway. There is no membership for Indigios (You need to born on that way.) and it has no connection to any of the religions. Please don't be stupid. And by the way, you don't know anything, exact death date or others, just want to provoke others. Please tell me, what is my death date (Month and day is not required.). Here is a hint. Far beyond 2012.

C/Is are not believing that they're special. They have their own life, they have their plus abilities and that's all. We, Crystallines don't want to race with the ordinaries. That's the mania of the ordinaries. But to understand this life, you need to be a Crystalline too.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 06:25 AM

* They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)

What is Royalty mean in here? Live like KING?, how many of you fantasizing you live like a Royal family but broke in your pocket?
There many lazy dreaming kids who steal!
And once a while every people do fantasize they are Kings and Queens.

This statement just fit everybody.

* They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.

All right, who doesn't feel deserving to be here? I think if a dog could talk it will tell you it deserves to be here also. 99.9999% of living beings deserve to be here.

This statement just fit everybody.

* Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents "who they are."

All right, they tell their parents that they are pigs or what? I think many people talk to parents about who what they are. Kids do discuss with parents.
People are learning more and more about sharing and leaving egoism, people are learning self-worth is not big issue.

This statement just fit everybody.

* They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).

Everybody has problems with that. Would you pick a dictator leader?

This statement just fit everybody.

* They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.

Who like waiting on the line? Who like driving on traffic jam? Who?
People are becoming impatient.

This statement just fit everybody.

* They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.

We live in a fast lane, people want/need fast solution. People need new inventions, new thought and technology.

This statement just fit everybody.

* They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).

A lot of dreamers do that, they thought they can solve the problem, they can invent something useful. But they did nothing for the rest of their life.

This statement just fit everybody.

* They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.

Yes, not many really like go to school, people want to live easy life, play all day all time. Every body is lazy to do socializing, it is the fact.

This statement just fit everybody.

* They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").

Yes, nobody like to admit their faults. They don't want to take responsibilities. They want to steal but don't want to go to jail.
Who wants to feel guilty?

This statement just fit everybody.

* They are not shy in letting you know what they need.

Do you shy when you ask for a good salary?
Do you shy when you ask food from parents when you are hungry?

This statement just fit everybody.

Everybody who read those statements will certainly think they fit them.
What a trap, what a joke.
Those who fall into the trap will try to search for another trapped persons. They start fit each other, the leader will start collecting money.
They teach you "self-worth is not big issue", so you will donate more of your money to your indigo coloured leader.

Well, American always teach me, if you want to be rich don't start a business, start a religion/cult.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:05 AM
The more special you feel, the more deluted you are.

It's all about a higher awareness, becoming aware of.. when you are aware off.. you can work with..

Several years ago, I too wanted to be recognized as an indigo, or a special kind of child of God, but pride sufficates.

Become aware of your self, who and what you are, and just be it, it's the best, purest way to go through life.

You are all children of God! Become aware of your capabilities and live like the child you are.

good luck and greetings.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 08:39 AM
CinLung... Yes, your approach is completely fit almost to anyone. But this approach is not the right one.

Royalty doesn't means king here. A royalty can be rich, maybe poor, but it's wealth is not about money. His generous acts are representing his royalty. That's a huge difference.

Your other approaches are also failing at many place.

Plus, you forgot the add the rest of the abilities. Why don't you talk about these too? My answers are between the ( )s.

* Have strong self esteem, connection to source (Usually to mother nature or to the spiritual world.)
* Have an obvious sense of self (No need of explanation)
* Refuse to follow orders or directions (The ordinary people are usually robots. Crystallines have their way of life, their way of thoughts, their own methods)
* Get bored rather easily with assigned tasks (That's true absolutely, even if it's about a NASA task. If there is no challenge for us, easy to reproduce, that's boring. Believe me.)
* Are rather creative (They're drawing as professional around the age of 3-6.).
* Display strong intuition (That's also not fit to many of the ordinary people.)
* Have either strong or no empathy for others (Exactly. I know this from experience.)
* Develop abstract thinking very young (Around the age of 6-8, some of them are earlier. Ordinary people usually can't understand this.)
* Are gifted and/or talented, highly intelligent (Able to read and count around the age of 2-3, start to learn one another language around the age of 3-4 without any help, etc, etc...)
* Are often identified or suspected of having ADHD (In many cases yes. I don't have any ADHD, so I can't speak about this.)
* Are frequent daydreamers (To achieve their goals, yes.)
* Have very old, deep, wise looking eyes (That's true again.)
* Multi-dimensionally awareness; they perceive a broader range of reality. (We're able to connect the dots in our mind, within a second.)
* Often very creative (Absolutely true. Many C/Is are writers, graphic artists and even musician at once. Plus many more. I'm the one of them. Ordinary people are usually do one or two things as pros. C/Is usually do six-eight as pros.)
* They sense and feel energies from people or other living things (aura reading). (I don't thinks so, you can do that. Most of the C/Is can.)
* Awareness of scientific, historical, anthropological and spiritual knowledge not consciously learnt. Sometimes called 'knowledge bombs'. (Knows something that they've never learn, never seen. That's also true.)
* They can communicate with the unseen world, spirits and angels (That's my favorite. C/Is can see and hear, what you see and hear not. Something what you can't see, that doesn't mean it's not existing.).
* Multi-dimensional healing abilities (Rarely ill, able to heal up from a 39.8 degree decease within few hours, sometimes withing minutes without any medicine.)
* Manifest unusual artwork, languages and scripts (That's also true. That's my job and I've never learn these skills, but it's completely natural to me and I'm a pro in my job.)
* Psychic/intuitive abilities (Also true.)
* Telepathic/Empathic abilities. (My other favorite, when I already know what the others are going to say, what they thinks, when they lies. A great advantage in business.).
* Highly intelligent (Usually 150-160 and above.)
* Awareness of past lives (Seeing places during music, where they never were, but they know and see later, it's really existing. Knows places and sometimes people without ever been there or meet there.).

CinLung. As I see these abilities are not really fit to anyone. Especially not for you. Before you're going to say, that I'm just an ignorant child, I tell you, I'm more then 25. But C/Is are existing, do you believe it or not. We don't really care about this.

Etherical Waterwave. C/Is not really feel themselves so special, because these abilities are ordinary for them.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 08:45 AM
One last thing. The greatest difference between C/Is and Ordinaries... C/Is don't want to get proofs for anything. Ordinaries want proofs for everything, because they can't and/or don't want to accept anything, what is already outside their daily life.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 09:32 AM
Dark Crystalline, your words ring true to my heart. This is not about feeling special or better than anyone else...That is where most people misunderstand the concept of Indigo and Crstalline children. We do not want to be treated any differently than other people...Everyone is special in God's EyE and it would be foolish to believe we were "more special" than you. Pride is a very dangerous thing to have in the spiritual world and this would be disadvantageous of indigos to be prideful.

As has been stated before, indigo and crystal are different auric colors that carry a higher vibrational tone. This means out of the rainbow the indigo (purpley blue) and crystal (pure light) colors radiate on higher frequencies than the others. I am an indigo undergoing some serious problems with my kundalini rising. I believe I am in the process of clearing my previous baggage and changing my vibration level to that of a crystal.

Again, anyone can chose to believe this or not. If it resonates with you, more power to you. If you are somewhat skeptical, ask God to help you with the answer and maybe you will have your own awakening.

Seek and you shall find!


posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 10:12 AM
With his post, CinLung could've also meant the equality in anyone of us.

Everyone has to raise their frequency. Everyone has to open up inside. Imagine us as flowers, anyone opens up when the sun starts shining for them. With different colours and forms. Mostly the same living together, in groups. Attracting each one to stay together. So different groups of different flowers arise. Each with their own purpose. But living on the same source.

CinLung will soon discover his own colour and form. He too is opening up inside while discussing this.

We are equals, but different. We're all expressing one source in different ways. Except for the fallen ones who take on the lower forms of our existence. Our frequencies are raised, I don't know what happens to the ones who don't choose to rise up. Those who choose to stay stuck in their lower patterns of thought. We are all working on a mass shift of awareness of mankind. Everyone must go over? Are there any left-behinders? They don't need to fear the light. They shall grow up to be like any new kid.. Well centered.

[edit on 23-1-2007 by etherical waterwave]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Quackmaster
I was approaching this whole topic light heartedly, but on re-reading a few posts I have come to the conclusion you are actually serious about this stuff.

I fit virtually every criteria you mention and yes I do feel special, but I feel special because those around me love me for my actions and person, my children are balanced and enjoy life and I never detract from another’s right to have their own opinion. I just treat life as the gift it is and don’t feel the need to try and say mine is more individual or special than someone else's.

Taking this to the next level and labelling yourself as some self righteous group of dark violet veggie lovers, at least to me, strikes me as vulgar. You sit their like some sort of master of knowledge, enlightened beyond the rest of our simple understanding. To me you are extremely deluded to the point of genuine medical concern for the state of your mind.

The sad thing is I know no matter what is discussed, no matter what the truth, you are unable to let go of this fantasy because all you would be left with is a life as hollow and pointless as your attempts to prove the validity of this moronic maroon mammary drinkers club.


OH my. Finally.
I've felt like i've been shouting in a room full of deaf people for so long that it's nice to see someone else with the same view.
In two different threads regarding this mumbo jumbo for the last few comments i've been pretty much alone.
I have no problem with people having to believe something to get them through life. We all need something don't we?
My problem is those same people that use something like the Indigo Child preposterous theory to ram something down the necks of us to try and make them believe they are better than us.
I have many beliefs that I would say others don't share, I even tell people about them BUT i'm not so arrogant to believe that everyone should believe it with me.

Thank You Quackmaster, thank you so much

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 10:46 AM
JebusSaves: The existence of Crystallines/Indigos is not about belief. It's not a religion. And there is a great difference between believe in something or you know something about your existence. Your belief can change. Your existence, your origin not. Crystalline is an existence, that is still existing, even if you're a C/I and not believes in that, deny that. But I believe, maybe I'm mistaken, you can't be a C/I if you're not one and you want to believe in that. C/I existence is not working with belief. At least not on this way. That's a difference.

No one wants you to believe in Crystallines. As I see the two threads, no one have ever asked you to do it, to believe in C/Is. We're not deaf, but your opinion, your point of view is not our problem. We're listening your opinion and accepting your point of view. If it's not matching with our existence, our way of life, we don't really care about it. We don't want to prove anything to anyone. You have the right to tell your statement. We don't want to force you to believe in C/Is. Crystalline/Indigo existence is not about superiority and inferiority. It's about a different kind, peaceful existence. C/Is don't want to prove something, what they already knows, experience day by day.

[edit on 23-1-2007 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 06:56 AM
"The topic is not about anything we can describe so you can understand because to understand is to be one with something that we can't explain to a level that anyone other than one who has been chosen for something you need to be enlightened at birth with would know. There are those who are enlightened and don’t know, but they will know when they turn purple."

I think that just about covers the entire Indigo stance as to whether or not you are one and also provides all the info that someone who isn't and does not believe would require.

You will find the above quote in the dictionary under "Bovine Faeces" spouted by many "Richard Cranium's" suffering from the condition "Self Importianceitus" which can lead to "Headicus Casius" resulting in a life "Laugh at my stupidicus assicus”.

We have all had enough now, so please end the joke and give us the punch line. If it is not a joke you have sincere sympathies.


[edit on 24-1-2007 by Quackmaster]

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 08:49 PM
Thanks you for your sincere sympathies.

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