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Originally posted by deltaboy
Al Qaeda has to do with 9/11 since Osama admited it in the video. maybe u havent forgotten his explanation why he targeted America, says somthing to do with supporting Israel. maybe u should look at the date of 9/11 and 2001. also Osama talks about "80 years of Muslim humiliation". he talks about the British helping to established the Jewish Homeland and the carving up of territories of the former Ottoman Empire which was the last evidence and bastion of the former Islamic Empire and into the Islamic Darkage in my view.
American state and yet we are PAYING market price for their oil?
Originally posted by Agit8dChop
I like it when people lable others america bashers.
damn right people bash america
your soo friggen stupid to go into iraq you deserved to get bashed.
if you dont liek the bashing stay out of world friggen affairs.
Market price for oil?.... lucky you even get any oil
people wait for days in lines in IRAQ for oil
and yes ,its now an american state.
what else would you call it?
Iraqi?.. The us didnt spend all this money, and sacrifice its own troops just for the Iraqi's to take control and push them around.
Its an american state.
thats how the middleast see's it...
what else would you call it, when a government invades, removes the leaders, then sets up what it deams responsible leaders...
c'mon edsinger, Israel was HATE simply for its involvment with american affairs.
IRaq is now an AMERICAN Funded, and RUN STATE!
The people that dont have a clue are the people like you, that still beleive the middleast is going to be all peachy with an IRAQ, that has been invaded by the USA.
Its a fairytale... made by idiots to convince the losers that your country is supreme.
America is a good country, but it had no right to decide on flaud intellegence, on faked memo's and dodgy squeelers to invade a country that was clearly no threat
you my friend are the ones that dont have a clue.
I agree devilswasp after the gulfwar 1, in 1991 IRAQ was destroying WMD.
but from 2000 - 2003 IRaq had nothign to dowith WMD's.
and until PROOF. hard PROOF comes to light the world will never beleive it
I mean america CONTROLS IRAQ, has free access ANYWHERE.. can read, investgate ANYTHING, yet they still havent found a god damn thing!
.. yeah. u keep telling ya self WMD's was in iraq if it helps ur sleep, knowing what your countries donig.
... new orleans.. wow you really are struggling for reasonable responses.
New Orleans is a distarter zone ofcourse its in chaos....
thats expected.
America invaded Iraq what... 3 yrs ago?... and ALL of those events on the list still occur, so i would say that order is a long long way off.
I never said it all evolved around the sunni triangle, thast a spin you placed on my message.
The sunni triangle is considered the more violent section of iraq, but thast not to say violence and explosions arent occuring all over IRAQ...
and it doesnt change a thing, being the CAPITAL city of a country, and majority of its second in charge cities are constantly under military occupation, with car bombs, murders, rapes and all that carrying on.
i still fail to see how u consider order to be upon them.
I agree, wrong ful murder happesn everywhere in the world.
the peopel like urself who call it order are the ones in chaos.
So it doesnt matter the factions are getting closer and closer to conflict...
because in those small rural area's where there arent militants roaming the streets, we consider this to be very much order......???
.. u seem to think america 's army is invincible.
If they wiped out your army in IRAQ it would cripple your countries ability
As you said before, if the us wanted a base in the middleast they would simply be in israel is stupid.
because israel is already target number1.
putting a large section of ur militry in israel is idiotic, bad planning and suicide.
If you want to take a cheap shot at me asying those soilders DIDNT die for the cause ur being told... go ahead.
I never said anything about the bravery of those soilders, your just fishing now!
Id consider IRAQ To have mre chance of being democratic than safe..
these insurgents arent terrorists.. they are IRAQI's... they are IRAQI's who feel cheated, becuase they felt secure under SAdadm, they worked, they obeyed theyre government rules, they worked, raised families.
and NOW... they have daily bombings, murders and everything the USA brought to IRAQ.
Thats why there is a insurgency
and it will grow DAILY.. why?
because every person the americans kill, is another brother/father/mother/cousin/uncle what ever wanting revenge.
They dont trust the government, why did it take so logn for the constitution to pass? they eventually FORCED it.
why are soo many officials being assinated?
if they didnt thnk Iraq was tainted, why are they tellign America to leave the land, if they thought america was going to help , bring safety and democracy, why would u hurt the one country trying to help yuo?
because they know the truth, they see the bodis in the streets, they hear the stories from friends, they watched as there country was bombed to crap, there government removed, and now th western invader has taken up residence in the FORMER presidents palace.
not tained..... thats a joke.
Coudl you handle a foreign goverment destroying your military, taking up residence in the whitehouse?... would you not consider the American ladn now tainted?
of course not..... for the sake of this argument im sure your able to come up with an excuse for YOUR country...
but those iraqi's should learn to love there new way of life huh? if they dont liek it toooo bad... beacuse the americans are there to stay until the countery accepts the new leaders
thats a pretty stupid scnario..
parade an american ship along iran waters..
are you realy that challeneged at mind?...
who said they would do that?..
they dont need to...
and Iran isnt stupid enough to fall for your countries bait...
....They might send some weapons acros the border, but they are going to try there hardest to keep there involvement secretive.
And finally, when your president has only a year to months remaining in his presidency, and no large scale attack is imminent, he will hit you again.
And you sheep will be happily led to your own death, bcause ur to ignorant to think foruself and look at this war for what it really is..
Democracy in Iraq?... huh!
You cant even get it right in your country ..
Originally posted by Agit8dChop
ahh you make me laugh.
I enjoy people who are still stupid enough to protest for this god damn war.
the whole worlds going down the toilet becuase of the ' coalition of the bribed '
and you sheep that still think it was the godo thing to do.. hahaha how ignorant you are!
Originally posted by Agit8dChop
ahh you make me laugh.
I enjoy people who are still stupid enough to protest for this god damn war.
the whole worlds going down the toilet becuase of the ' coalition of the bribed '
and you sheep that still think it was the godo thing to do.. hahaha how ignorant you are!
Originally posted by Agit8dChop
urrm that kinda doesnt make sense.. my opinion about someone really isnt an automatic thing. I decide my opinion on them, when i figure out the stuff they follow.
Its my opinion devilwasp.
I think the poeple whom stand up telling the world they still fall for the crap the government is feeding them, are stupid.
*Only a stupid person would STILL believe we went there for WMD,
Democracy and to free the Iraqi's.
*Only a stupid person would defend bush against being dishonest.
*Only a stupid person would still believe all the crap about sept11, the
Iraq evidence and the terrorists whom still ' ELUDE ' the strongest and
most sophisticated government in the world.
If you fit into one of the above catergories, my personal opinion of you is that your a stupid fool!
And Im prepared to have a healthy debate with ANYONE whom feels my personal opinion is based on INCORRECT assumptions.
Anti american, Anti Bush, Bush Bashing what ever you want to call it I dont really give a darn hoot. Because I make my own opinion based on 1 simple thing.
If you aint got none, or arent prepared to SHOW ME, then I dont belive a thing that your saying.
I apply this to the above catergories!
[edit on 27-9-2005 by Agit8dChop]:
[edit on 27-9-2005 by Agit8dChop]
Originally posted by Agit8dChop
and edsinger my idea's may mean less and less.. but its you stupid sheep americans that the world are hating as every day goes by.
Id rather have a say and be called stupid, than have the whole international community look upon me as a member of a murderous, lying curropt government, especially when i support them!
1) Saddam Hussein is no longer in power threatening his neighbors and defying U.N. demands.
2) There are no more torture chambers that cost the lives of children
3) There are no more rape rooms where husbands were forced to watch their wives get raped and beaten.
4) Free elections have been established.
5) Every day power plants are updated and running, bringing electricity, running water and light to cities
6) Women, Kurds and Shiites have equality for the first times in their lives.
Originally posted by sminkeypinkey
So now it's Jimmy Carter got Al Queda going?
Most amusing.
Carter might have sent a tiny amount of money but by any sane reckoning the real exploitation of fundy Islam was done by that traitor Ollie North, his CIA boss Poindexter and the ever so forgetful Reagan.
Originally posted by edsinger
Originally posted by Agit8dChop
and edsinger my idea's may mean less and less.. but its you stupid sheep americans that the world are hating as every day goes by.
Id rather have a say and be called stupid, than have the whole international community look upon me as a member of a murderous, lying curropt government, especially when i support them!
Well first of all, stupid is a stupid does.
I do not listen to the damn press. I do research and I listen to people in the know. We did not go into Iraq for just oil or WMD. yes it was part of the equation but not the sole reason.
Now, as for the stupid sheep Americans comment. I assume that you will throw into this catagory the others who 'believed' in the WMD? I mean MI6, the german Intel, Jordanian Intel, Isreali Intel, French Intel, Russian Intel, shall I go on?
No, its more likely you will continue to blame GW Bush and them nasty Americans. Next thing it will be all McDonalds fault as they are taking over the world and making it fat.
Iraq will be a defining moment for this generation, just as the early 80's was with the Tulipwalkers of the world. Reagan was right, you were wrong. At least admitt it for we all know it to be the truth.
Originally posted by WheelsRCoolAppeasement NEVER works when one seeks to conquer and destroy.
1. tulipwalker
A single grouping of leftist, liberal, communist, pinko, enviro-nazi tree hugging, anti-American peace nicks.
Originally posted by edsinger
Well I would still argue that the over 'war on terror' DID include Iraq for many reasons. Follow the link and read the chapter summaries.
Iraq harbored terrorists, that's a FACT.
He had used WMD before -- FACT
All the western nations including Russia, thought he had them -- FACT