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America's Secret War - The True Reason for war in Iraq...

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posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by fritz
I have to say that I agree with Passer By. The US and UK administrations have placed a ring through our noses, fed us all bull# and led us down the road to war, like lambs to the slaughter.

The US President Richard M Nixon was impeached for much less and Bill Clinton was also forced to resign. Both men were guilty of telling lies to the American people.

GW Bush Snr had a legitimate reason for invading Iraq (perhaps) and GW Bush Jnr appears to have got away with it.

Here in the UK, I was so angry with what has been doen, in my name, that I signed up for the impeachment of 'President' Tony Blair.

Only the people have the power to stop their folk from dying in a war that should never have been started. This was will go on for years to come and we, the people, are the ones who are wrong. We need to stop this madness now!

The other thing that really bugs me, is that lop-sided almost inane smirk that Bush Jnr always wears. Kinda makes you want to reach out and slap it off his face.

First of all, Bill Clinton was never forced to resign. Get your "facts" straight.

Secondly, NO ONE is putting a gun in peoples backs and forcing them to fight in Iraq. This is a volunteer system. There are two kinds of soldiers; those that love their country and are willing to fight WHENEVER the President asks them too and will follow orders to win because they are a true soldier. Then there are those that love themselves and want a free education and are willing to gamble that they won't go to war. However, if they do go to war, their mothers join other mothers alike and start protesting.

You want to "stop this madness"? Yes of course, it's total madness. Let's give the country back to Saddam Hussein so he can start threatening his neighbors again, let's bring back the torture chambers that CHILDREN died in, let's bring back the rape rooms because women are lesser people, let's give control to those that cut off innocent peoples heads so they can oppress the Kurds and the Shiites. Let's stop this "MADNESS" of free elections, equality, better schools, better roadways, electricity, running water and democratic freedom. It's INSANE! Who wouldn't want their wives raped in front of them while their child is being drown? This is "MADNESS", bring back the good old way of life.

And President Bush's smirk bugs you and makes you want to slap him? Well, never let be said that you're not judgemental by the way people LOOK.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Faust
Then there are those that love themselves and want a free education and are willing to gamble that they won't go to war. However, if they do go to war, their mothers join other mothers alike and start protesting.

And President Bush's smirk bugs you and makes you want to slap him? Well, never let be said that you're not judgemental by the way people LOOK.

So what is so wrong about the parents protesting? I guess you have no siblings that are there, or have been there?

I am a single father who has had a son out there for 6 months. Yeah, i hated every minute if it. Yeah i would have protested if i could have.
Saying its just the "mothers"is wrong. Its the families.

Bushes smirk and evil look does unnerve me. But not as much as his single brain cell thinking.

[edit on 30-8-2005 by Bikereddie]

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 02:44 PM
Who care about how he smirks or laughs I could care less. And as for people calling him stupid and incompetent, grow up! It was funny that they were silent when the Yale grades of the intellectual John Kerry came out huh?

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 03:35 PM
I don't know about stupid but he's definitely incompetent.
I give this book a very low credibility rating for the simple fact it says this "war" was started by the terrorists on September 11th. I suppose both the US and Al Quaeda were sitting around doing nothing to each other before that.

This book is all one man's speculation and it holds about as much water as any of the countless other examples of speculation being thrown around so freely here.

The fact of the matter is the only people who know what Bush and his colleagues are thinking are Bush and his colleagues (and the people pulling his strings if you believe in that kind of thing).

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Bikereddie

Originally posted by Faust
Then there are those that love themselves and want a free education and are willing to gamble that they won't go to war. However, if they do go to war, their mothers join other mothers alike and start protesting.

And President Bush's smirk bugs you and makes you want to slap him? Well, never let be said that you're not judgemental by the way people LOOK.

So what is so wrong about the parents protesting? I guess you have no siblings that are there, or have been there?

I am a single father who has had a son out there for 6 months. Yeah, i hated every minute if it. Yeah i would have protested if i could have.
Saying its just the "mothers"is wrong. Its the families.

Bushes smirk and evil look does unnerve me. But not as much as his single brain cell thinking.

[edit on 30-8-2005 by Bikereddie]

Correct, i have no family there. I do have 2 friends there though. Their families are behind them 100% and realize the importance of this war, they don't protest either. You can't be for the troops and against this war at the same time, it's just not possible.

It's equivalent to having a favorite football team, yet refusing to watch them play because you just think they're going to get beaten and severely injured in the process. So, instead of watching the game cheering them on you portest outside saying it's because you care about them. Yet the players don't have the heart to win because everyone's outside. Now think how the average soldier in Iraq feels about watching protesters on t.v. just after that same soldier brought power and electricity and running water to a small city earlier in the day.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by edsinger

Originally posted by white4life420Why? Because Amsterdam has not been suppressive of Muslim's for the sake of Oil and Israel.

But they have not been able to defend themsleves for the last century so they either let someone else do it or they get run offense, but you still speak Dutch there and not Russian or German I presume?

That is just an arrogant and ignorant remark.
First of all of what countries in europe that russia invaded or germany for that matter, did they force to change their language??????
Secondly life under a communist regime is worse imho then that so called democracy and freetrade that US has now, which in my opinion is just corruption in sheeps cloathing.
Atleast they had social healthcare and no homeless people for instance.

I hear that line alot from americans but they dont even know what they are talking about.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by motionknight

That is just an arrogant and ignorant remark.

It is not ignorant at all. The Dutch have not been at the forefront of this because of their size. They are now getting a bit spooked with the radical Muslims there now aren't they? A murder in the street because of what the person said....yeah it coming to a theatre near you also. The West is under attack, as soon as some of the others realize it, then they can help the US defeat it instead of bitching about Bush and the like...its your freedoms at stake too whether you realize it or not.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 08:37 PM
maybe Bush has somthing up on his sleeve. maybe u should realize Iraq is like right in the center bordering Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan.
who knew about dat???? i mean its like right there.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by edsinger

But they have not been able to defend themsleves for the last century so they either let someone else do it or they get run offense, but you still speak Dutch there and not Russian or German I presume?


Instaed of eating sauerkraut and listning to polka.. we got Mc Donalds and britney. Thank you soooooo much!


[edit on 31/8/2005 by Corinthas]

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 02:17 AM
Do you speak spanglish, ed?

I know a lot of Dutch who speak German, among other languages. I see the very language you speak is testiment to the still very apparent and far reaching British influence over the world.

[edit on 31-8-2005 by cargo]

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 06:28 AM
"The Middle East was not simply " the perfect foe" for a new imperial adventure for our moneyed overlords, it was vital to their interests
..You don't need to "steal" actual physical oil in the dead of night. You just need to control the market so you can keep your economy afloat.." (Quote: Gools)

This is the REAL reason for US political and military intervention in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Venezuala, and regions in West Africa.

Whoever dominates the oil supply through physical or economic means gains a competitive advantage in terms of industry, and leverage to force opponents to comply with global hegemonic strategy. Added to that, the world-economic ties to the Dollar as the primary currency of exchange gives the US licence to print as much money as they see fit without requiring assets to back it's value.

The problems arise when nations such as Iran, and recently China, seek to inrease their trade in oil and other commodities in other currencies such as Euros..suddenly the US trade-deficit looms far larger and makes the economy as whole far more fragile and suceptible to 'economic-shock'

The US is living far beyond it's means economically, and unfortunately, when the bubble finally bursts we'll all be dragged along on a downward spiral..

[edit on 31-8-2005 by timski]

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Bikereddie

So what is so wrong about the parents protesting? I guess you have no siblings that are there, or have been there?

I am a single father who has had a son out there for 6 months. Yeah, i hated every minute if it. Yeah i would have protested if i could have.
Saying its just the "mothers"is wrong. Its the families.

Bushes smirk and evil look does unnerve me. But not as much as his single brain cell thinking.

[edit on 30-8-2005 by Bikereddie]

Heres an idea:

Tell your son before he WILLINGLY joins the military that he CAN'T pick and choose when he fights.

I have no sympathy for you and your son. If he wasn't willing to go to ANY war that came up during his time in the military, he shouldn't have joined.

Give his benefits and college money whos actually willing to do their job.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by American Mad Man
Heres an idea:

Tell your son before he WILLINGLY joins the military that he CAN'T pick and choose when he fights.

I have no sympathy for you and your son. If he wasn't willing to go to ANY war that came up during his time in the military, he shouldn't have joined.

Give his benefits and college money whos actually willing to do their job.

Excuse me?
You want to accuse a soldier of being a coward say it to his face not behind a computer screen.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 03:57 PM
Your still looking for a plausible explanation for the war in Iraq???

This isn't about window shopping for the best explanation for the war in iraq so you can justify yourself standing behind your republican man.

Go to the website, go to archives, search in july 2002 and august 2002 and you will find the justification..

Mind you it's a slippery slope as i've already looked myself.

If you go into the PTS, and under american politics, click on is Iraq a lie?
On page two I gave verbatim prez bush's remarks before he took sadam about.

The very first thing he said about Taking Sadam out was that it was time for a regime change as he's been screwing around with the world and the UN when it comes to inspections.

As the story unfold so did more reasons..

It's called creating facts as you go along to justify your actions.

Yes by definition Sadam was a terrorist and needed to be removed.

If that's all you need to know to stand behind your prez then why care about who wrote a book about the justification for the war in iraq?

Answers can be found at the whitehouse website in the archives... I sat here for 2 hours searching for the answers myself..

The initial answer isn't the one people think it is today..

They are after the fact facts.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp
Excuse me?
You want to accuse a soldier of being a coward say it to his face not behind a computer screen.

No one said the soldier was a coward Devilwasp, but it's a nice typical liberal tactic in putting words in people's mouths.

As i said before, there are two kinds of soldiers. There are more similarities than differences while in battle. However, the reason they joined are different. America shouldn't be based off a free ticket, i never got one, nor do i want one.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 08:57 PM
... before I even START..

Im sick of people whom are FOR this bloodbath accusing those whom are AGAINST being Bush/America/Freedom Bashers.

Im sick of being called ANTI Bush, or a terrorist sympathiser?


Because I believe invading, murdering, looting and LYING all for one's BEST interests is wrong IMMORALLY, RELIGOUSLY, SCIENTIFICALLY and god damn just GENERALLY.

IF America hadda found plans for DESTRUCTION of the USA
IF America hadda found WMD's
IF Iraq hadda committed sept11
IF America hadda found Alqaeda in IRAQ

Then I would say, fair enough remove the threat, then get out.

BUT, becaue America found NONE Of the above..
BECAUSE America promised the world they had UNDENYABLE PROOF of these claims,
BECAUSE America is restricting the media reporting on the ACTUALLY HAppenings in IRAQ
BECAUSE America is constantly rambling about Sept 11 when it comes to IRAQ
proves to me, that this government is the most curropt the USA has ever seen.

How can ANYONE justify the slaughter that is happpening for NATIONAL secuirity?

I cant walk into a house here in OZ, where the residents are on the Dole, barely able to eat food, drink clean water... I cant just walkin , smash down the door, remove the males from the house and walk off?.. and then tell everyone i did it because i was protecting myself?

Hell, I cant go and bomb the # outta someone simply because they MIGHT be a threat?

Anyone who supports this war, is a lying, cheating blood thirsty MUNGREL!
Its innocent civilians, women, childeren MEN parents, sosns daughters everything DYING over there , all because America says its RIGHT?

Im ashamed to live in a world where there's even 1 person who accepts this, and backs it.
You dont deserve the happy family you have, you dnot deserve the roof over your head.
How can you back such a stupid, WRONG War that has NO Meaning?

There's no TRUE reasons for this war in Iraq any more.
America has ensured the entire world will live in misery and fear for as long as I can see..

No one in the public will ever know the meaning they REALLY went in, anyone who says they knwo is simply guessing, and anyone who says they can prove it is just as blinded and gullable as the people who still think this war was the RIGHT thing to do.

War is never RIGHT!, war is never JUST.
How can the world live in peace?.. when we are killing each others childeren.

Its so freakin stupid ,
why are you blood thirsty americans backing this war?
I want to know, what GOOD is going to coem out of this for the American people, for the IRAQI people, for the world?

Whats the ultimate gain, after soo much money spent, which SHOULD of helped america?
Whats the ultimate gain with the thousnads upon thousnads of Gravestones in IRaq, for Mums, Dads, Sons daughters?
They have no Water, no food, no petrol.
They live with sewage puddles at their front door.
Its lawless MURDER, Kidnapping rape anda ll sorts over there?
How are the Iraqi people better?
Saddam had health plans, saddam kept the factions in check, saddam didnt have wepaons and saddam wasnt a threat to the USA..
So why in the bloody hell are you still backign this god dam war?

All because they want to be patriotic maybe?

If thats the case then you can be as patriotic as you like.
If you beileve so much in the war , go to the front lines and murder yourself some innocence..
see how much you get off.

You stupid bloody Americans, HOW CAN U STILL THINK THIS IS JUST?
all you've dont is OPEN the world up for world war.
How can the police keep order, when they are the ones breaking the law?

This war has no reason,
its a pointless question for a pointless cause.

and before it starts.
I support any human willing to put on the uniform and perform tasks when his country is in NEED.
I Support any human willing to sacrifice his life, for the freedom and secuirity of his country.
I support him when his leader tells him to do terrible things.

I dont support the men TELLING him to do it.
I dont support the public ever saying its RIGHT.
I dont support anyone, who thinks mudering innocent people for the name of JUSTICE is correct.

If jesus were still alive, he would be ashamed of mankind.

[edit on 31-8-2005 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 09:16 PM
Too bad you don't like America's effort in Iraq. Those of us
that like it just have one thing to say, "Tough, nobody appointed
you God, so you just have to deal with this as the rest of us
humans, and watch us kick some butt."

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 09:24 PM
Typical bloody Response id expect from a blood thirsty gun totting American.
To bad if the world doesnt like us murdering INNOCENT WOMEN AND CHILDEREN. YOU CANT STOP US, SO CRY ALL YOU WANT!

and you WONDER why the world cant stand your country, your people and your president.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 09:26 PM
I hope all soilders return home from this war, unscathed and mentally sound.

I hope those who constantly ramble about this war being GOOD, JUST and FAIR.. I hope u lose a love one in a time of conflict.
Cause I woudl liek to ask u the question if you think its WORTH the loss!

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 09:31 PM
Yes I carry a gun. My gun, its a 45, carry it right on my right
hip, got the license to do it also, one of the perks of being
an American. Sometimes I even take it to church with me.
Its probably not the only one there either. I haven't shot any
innocent woment and children lately. I leave that to the jihadists.,
like they did with the WTC. You can't stand it that we are
going to defeat this bunch, but that's life, you don't always
get what you want. Just ask Osama Bin Laden and Saddam

Look out, the cowboy is coming the cowboy is coming.

[edit on 31-8-2005 by MajorCee]

[edit on 31-8-2005 by MajorCee]

[edit on 31-8-2005 by MajorCee]

[edit on 31-8-2005 by MajorCee]

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