posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 12:27 AM
Yup....pretty much as Magestica said.
As we grow older we become more physically focussed, our world is filled with the physical, the mystical and the magical has little our
minds are focussed on paying the monthly bills, acquiring that new car, putting food on the table or making work production targets.
Children however are normally less burdened by those 'worldly worries'.
Also...consider this: What are we?? Are we in body, breath and blood?? Or are we spirit?? Or are we a collection of the two?
Me...I believe we are all essentially spiritual entities that for whatever reason find ourselves within physical bodies for the time being. As such we
were spirit BEFORE these bodies...and we will be spirit after them. do you utilise any paranormal abilities? How do you sense things? How do you see/sense things that exist outside of the physical world? Do
you do that with your physical self...or your spiritual self? I'd say you do that mainly with your spiritual self. As I said, we were spirit before
these child is, in a way, 'closer' to 'spiritual self' by the very nature of them not being in this physical world as long as say
an adult has been. Their 'residual' spirit-hood (not a word, but hey, couldn't find one to fit) is still strong.