posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 04:11 PM
Very simple and i'll make this quick.. Maybe we can have a debate on this topic.
It would be a good thing to debate with reps and dems as I know they see these things very differently.
But when you grow up your taught certain lessons, mainly how to take care of yourself.. Survival right..
How can someone take care of themself when they have been handed money, food, and clothing their whole life in replace of those vital lessons?
Africa is a huge welfare state.. That's how I look at it.. It always will be, and that live 8 thing does nothing but make those people more dependant
on foreign aid.
These people don't even have the sense to move out of a drought infested area and into a more lush one ripe with vegetation...
Scientists say that we all originated in Africa, and migrated around the world...
We invented things, created, learned, and worked hard...
Is everybody who isn't in Africa more intelligent and sensible then these desert dwellers?
Are the people there as stupid as house flies??They keep producing offspring, they have no sense about having children if they can't afford one..
Meaning, they can barely take care of themself but they think they can care for a child who is just going to end up like them?! They know AIDS runs
rampant within their country yet they don't have the sense to just chill out with the sexual rendezvous?!
Ok so there is nothing to do in a desert but sit and have sex, is that it?
This is just such a paradox to me, it may sound harsh and totally un pc, but it just amazes me...