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All Will Be Revealed In 2025

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posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 12:32 PM
A side note on JFK:

What are the chances (assuming his assassination was part of a conspiracy) that the US gov't have kept the files about it? I would think that any files that incriminate the US gov't go straight through the waste paper shredder. Not kept so that they can be used against the gov't in the future.


posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 01:41 PM
If you think the govt. would give up any usefull facts then you don't visit this site very much - lol.

posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 06:34 PM
First Kennedy was assasinated in 63 & I believe the files can be opened in 2017, i might be off a couple years.

Originally posted by shorty
A side note on JFK:

What are the chances (assuming his assassination was part of a conspiracy) that the US gov't have kept the files about it? I would think that any files that incriminate the US gov't go straight through the waste paper shredder. Not kept so that they can be used against the gov't in the future.

Once the files are available to be opened I dont think there will be a smoking gun or anything pointing fingers. It will be a kinda who was in charge & it will let you assume more than 1 person or organization. The reason I assume the year 2017 is that probably all the people involved in a coverup investigation would be long dead.

Also I dont think Kennedy was killed because he knew of aliens & wanted it exposed or any off the wall reason involving aliens. I think it was more along the lines of The Kennedy brothers wadging war on organized crime & the teamsters & a large portion of the democratic party wanting power over him like maybe Lyndon Johnson. Well he profited most from Kennedys death, didnt he? Ive also read some books stating that organized crimes squeaky clean PR guys would consult Kennedy & he wouldnt have it. And that was right at the time the Mob was reaching its highest & most powerful time in history. You would think if someone was taking millions & millions of dollars from the Mob at that time, they would basically "wack em" no matter who it is. Im also wouldnt doubt L J was in on it too.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 03:08 AM

It is supposeldy against the law not to hide evidence for more than one-hundred years. My mom told me and I saw it in the news paper. They have it in a museum right now buts its covered up in sheets (or so I've heard) I saw a picture of the museum they're going to have it in.


posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by shaunybaby
first the yer 2000 was supposed to be special, but nothing happened. then it was 2006, then 2012, now 2025?

nothing special. just random years that people have picked out to try and predict that something of major consequence is going to happen. when 2012 comes along, i'm sure we'll start talking about and having threads titled:

''all will be revealed in the year 2034!''
''what's so special about the year 2056!!''

Thats is exactly what i think too.
Ppl want something to happen to change their(me included) boring lives.

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