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Has someone else experienced this?

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posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 01:28 PM
Since I was like 4 years old I have had these experiences where I would be sleep and all of a sudden my room would be freezing and I wouldn't be able to move. Here's the kicker....I would see these 6 things that I described as "little babies" come into my room and stand around my bed. I would tell my mom about these dreams and she always told me that it was just the devil getting at me. The weird crap is that there was one with a female voice who would talk to me and tell me that big things are expected from me and not to let my failures compromise the big plan. What the heck? Now we moved 2 times since I was 4 and they would follow me and actually aged. Now I have moved on...have a nice career and my own place and I recently was visited again. Ya'll I thoght they were little babies until I saw that freaky movie Fire In the Sky and they looked similar. It's weird that my girlfriend was actually awakened that night when they came and she was extremely cold and could not wake me. Has anyone ever experienced something like this?


posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 02:21 PM
Iv'e had similar experiences, but my room is never freezing. For about six years I have nights where I will wake up, and it almost feels like the whole room is shaking slightly, and its very dark (darker than dark). I can't move, and I see "humanoid outlines" standing around my bed, and sometimes other objects moving about above me. About a minute after I lie there everything seems to receed or materialize, the room gets a little lighter, and I can move again. I always feel as if I am being woke up instead of just "waking up", and after it's all over I have a "buzzing" feeling through most of my body. I've never been hurt so it doesn't bother me all that much.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 04:06 PM
once when i was a kid, 5 -my dad made a big deal because he said it would now take a whole hand to count my age on- I was running back home out of the woods at my house, with my back to the woods. It was just getting dark, sun had been down for a good half hour. Then I got stopped in my tracks, And it felt like i was being watched from behind. Trying hard as i could, i couldn't turn around and see. It was the worst feeling.

And whats worse to me is that the whole experience is one of those where a few weeks later you can't tell if the memory really happend or it was an extremely realistic nightmare with feelings.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 05:11 PM
my brother told me one time when he woke up but i coldent move. and he feal like it was some thing inn rom with him. but he tought it was nutting. end then he fall asleep agen. i dunno. maby its nothing

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 05:23 PM
A lot of these experiences posted here are quite similar to experiences mentioned in the paranormal forum. Mostly dealing with what's known as "sleep paralysis" with a little bit of astral projection or "OOBE" thrown in. Accompanied by this phenomena are perported "shadow figures" that vary is size and shape, but characteristically described as very dark, darker than dark and give a feeling of malevolence to the witness. Take a gander in the paranormal forum and browse the various threads there relating to this. It's not hard, they're actively discussed and most always at the top

[edit on 26-8-2005 by w00tw00t]

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 11:20 PM
Yodie78, do you know what the "little babies" meant by the "big plan"? Doesn't sound like you do, but I thought I'd ask.

[edit on 26-8-2005 by Frith]

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 12:11 AM
I was 4, woke up in the middle of the night for no reason. I rolled over and there was a humanoid figure parallel to me in the bed, but contrary to most of the above cases, it wasn't black, but a glowing mixture of color energy. That's the only way I can describe it facial features that I could make out, just the shape of a human and I had the impression that it was "staring" although it had no face. After about a minute or so my state of mind went from awe/shock to fear, and I ran down the hall.
Nothing was said and I don't recall any thoughts at all besides the image burning into my head for the time that I couldn't respond.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 12:25 AM
I've had similar sleep paralysis where I wake up in the middle of the night and I can't move for a while, then I have this really weird feeling and I can move.
It all feels like a dream, I can hear myself breathing, things seem to be slowed down, I seem to be moving really fast and I feel like someone is watching me.
I move around to get a grip on what's happenning, if it's a dream or not, or if I'm even awake.
It's only happened a couple times.

[edit on 8/27/2005 by Logical_Psycho]

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 12:28 AM
Recently I had a dream about a disc like spaceship landing in the middle of a freeway. Later in the dream I witnessed more of these discs while I was in a forest with a couple of my friends, all of a sudden these huge spider like beings began attacking us. That info is irrelevent, however, i disscused the dream with my mother the day after and she told me when I was 3 or 4 she witnessed a bunch of multicolored lights in our kitchen very similar to orbs, she thought she was dreaming, but that very same day I woke up telling her "The guys with the chinese eyes where here again". I don't recall any of it, just this strange feeling like i was afraid of something but I fought off the fear. She told me I talked to her about it about 3 or 4 times. She told me I was just dreaming and i probably had seen these figures in a movie or something.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 03:02 PM
The guys with the chinese eyes where here again
what did your mother said then you told here that? she most be shoked. after she se a UFO, then you come and told about The guys with the chinese eyes,

one thing happens to me.. my brohter told me, i was 3-4.. it was middle of the night. and he was on his whay to the bathroom.. then sundely i come in the front door, smiling. I dont remeber this, but i wonder what i did outside the house in the middle of the night. and how did i come outside in the firstplase. is it a whay to remember things that heppen long time agoe?? bring old memory back.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 03:57 PM
Yodie, what you have been experiencing is sleep paralysis. It's perfectly natural and not paranormal in origin. Usually when you go to bed you fall asleep and then wake up. But when sleep paralysis happens your body doesn't wake up but your consciousness does. Your body has a defense mechanism that paralyzes it when you sleep every night, so that you don't hurt yourself by acting out your dreams. When the glitch happens where your consciousness is awake but your body fails to realize this, then of course your aware of being paralyzed. In this state your body doesn't realise you are awake so you can often continue to dream. Since your consciousness is awake, your dreams can slip into reality in the form of what is called hypnagogic hallucinations. Your subconscious mind and conscious mind are at play at the same time in this state. It can be freaky but it isn't dangerous. The subconscious mind is a mysterious thing and for some reason people seem to see mostly scary things there. You snap out of it after your body realises your awake. I think people see scary things so that the fright makes their body jolt out of it's slumber. The only unusual thing I see in your story is the female voice, usually the subconscious voice is male for both men and women.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 05:59 PM
Yodie, what you have been experiencing is sleep paralysis. It's perfectly natural and not paranormal in origin. Usually when you go to bed you fall asleep and then wake up. But when sleep paralysis happens your body doesn't wake up but your consciousness does. Your body has a defense mechanism that paralyzes it when you sleep every night, so that you don't hurt yourself by acting out your dreams. When the glitch happens where your consciousness is awake but your body fails to realize this, then of course your aware of being paralyzed. In this state your body doesn't realise you are awake so you can often continue to dream. Since your consciousness is awake, your dreams can slip into reality in the form of what is called hypnagogic hallucinations. Your subconscious mind and conscious mind are at play at the same time in this state. It can be freaky but it isn't dangerous. The subconscious mind is a mysterious thing and for some reason people seem to see mostly scary things there. You snap out of it after your body realises your awake. I think people see scary things so that the fright makes their body jolt out of it's slumber. The only unusual thing I see in your story is the female voice, usually the subconscious voice is male for both men and women.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 08:42 PM
Hmmm. I think sleep paralysis is a great excuse for me being late to work in the mornings.


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