posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 09:26 PM
(new member, long time extraterrestrial enthusiast)
I will only try to guess based upon the most factual reports on UFO sightings. Those that I believe are most factual are the 1947 Roswell crash, the
1961 Betty & Barney Hill abduction, the 1980 Rendelsham/Brentwaters AFB sightings, and the 2000-current Stan Romanek alien stalkings.
1. The short Greys, at least one type, fly in disc-shaped ships with more obvious flight characteristics than others. The Roswell crash had at least
one ship (since there was likely two that crashed) that looked like a flattened modern day stealth plane with inward swept wing fins. It also had a
cockpit section and not a series of windows.
2. The taller Greys (Zeta Reticulans) that abducted Betty & Barney Hill use multi-windowed saucers.
3. Futuristic Humans (?), at least according to one credible witness's hypnotic regression therapy, use black metallic triangles. I believe they
also use a disc shaped craft. The only well known object has been the glowing triangle. Though the actual alien presence of the 1980
Rendelsham/Brentwaters case may still be uknown.
4. The "Possum People" that Stan Romanek saw in his hypnotic regression therapy appear in quite abstract objects. One being a multi-lobed silver
ball. The other being a red glowing soccer-ball. A small football sized red light appeared at Romanek's house, but that was likely a probe or some
kind of eavesdropping utility. Romanek also saw a series of green lights that gave the appearance of a massive object next to a plane that was flying
closely to them.
5. I forgot one. The Dzopa/Dropa people most famous for the "Dropa Stones". These short yellow men likely flew around in saucers as well. The
actual craft is an unknown, but this particular species of alien is fairly likely to exist.
Clifford Stone's claim of 57 recorded extraterrestrial species (as of 1989), some being human with extra senses, and the three types of greys, may or
may not be a part of what is the most factual evidence for ET craft. His two alien recounts are of grey-types with saucer shaped craft.
Bob Dean's claims of at least 12, possibly over 100 types of aliens (by the 1990s) had at least one account of an alien saucer piloted by 12
clone-like child sized creatures that might have been greys. Or they might have been some other kind of creature.
The Disclosure Project's Dr. Steven Greer claims that most, if not all abduction stories are done by the U.S. military to scare UFO whistle blowers.
One of those encounters he claims was the military using triangular craft to abduct a couple of politicians. So anybody that claims abduction, I'm
not too certain as to whether they actually were abducted by real aliens, or if they were abducted by the military to create terror and
[Edited on 2-9-2003 by heelstone]
[Edited on 2-9-2003 by heelstone]
[Edited on 2-9-2003 by heelstone]