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ƒirst introduction to the grays

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posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 01:22 AM
I am curious after reading this board for several months and seeing the influence the "grays" have on any given days postings I ask this question. When and were did this deluge of gray inspired information come from? Did it start with Roswell or does it have a history that goes much deeper then that? Was it one account that spawned a world wide induction to this belief of this species? Or is there something more tangible to account for it all?

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 01:55 PM
As far as the "Grays" being the prototypical alien, look up gazroks threads on roswell and the Betty and barney hill abduction. The hill case is basically what people would consider as "grays" and it is one of the first public accounts. It is also where we get Zeti Reticuli, after Betty's star map. After that people ran with it.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 03:34 PM
Just echoing that the above is basically correct. The Hill Case gave us the first modern account, and globally, this type of alien has been reported more than most (with human-looking ones, usually called "Nordics" as a close second).

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by silentlonewolf
...... After that people ran with it.
or flew with it.

Whompa1 - Thats a good question. Just one of the many "key roots" one can look through and chart the evolution of. I'm trying to map out the look of UFO's over 50 years. Starting with the cigar shapes and leading to glowing orbs and lights at night. There was one key eyewitness in the 1950's I believe that said "Saucer" in his newspaper account and the public then ran (or flew) with that. Poor cigar shaped UFO's were almost quickly decomissioned.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 03:47 PM
Well they seem like space vampires, and I would hasten to add that others tend to think they come from the Dogstar, according to George C Andrews there are 72 races of Alien Entities within the Multiverse.

Some have good experiences and some have traumatically bad experiences. I've heard that there are several different races of the Greys some appear Jewish and some Nordic and some just insectoid.

I'd hasten to add alot of people have contacted these critters through '___' experimentations, these followers of Terrance McKenna call them mischievous Space Elves.

I find they have curious ties to the Vampires and Incubuses and Sucubuses of old and that they may appear as Future Projected Selves as in projections either through ourselves and/or other Dimensional reasons.

You are either a believer, a contactee or an abductee. There are many Conspiracy angles to choose from the NWO to Nazis Nut and Bolts to Illuminati to Alternative Three Hypotheses and loads more.

Have you ever read Raymond Fowler books or WA Harbinson books, they detail alot of things to do with the Ultra Terrestial Mythos.

Some contactees have had the most ingeniuos of languages (such as UR) and technological secrets. There are I believe some contactee cults that exist such as Urantia, the Raelians, The I Am Movement, the Silver Shirts (which George Hunt Williamson and Adamski were in), Heaven's Gate, etc .

They are now a pernament fixture within the logos and the biogram of our collective archetypal memeplex, they have been as far back as 1908 to my calculations, I could have got that wrong.

After WW2 alot of flaps have happened which brings us to the possibility that somehow there has been a flap in our space time matrix, I feel that it maybe due to the atomic tests and bombs but that's a hunch.

Maybe it's a product of too much sci-fi or just the threat of the Cold Wars that affected our Consensual Realities but there is something either out there or in our inner spaces that we are now confronting, a possible paradigmal shift towards a new Aeon may have happened.

I've studied alot of ufology and alien abductions and cattle mutilations in the past, it's something that is quietly disquieting, a bit like demonology.

[edit on 26-8-2005 by castlesonair]

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 05:15 PM
link does an gray look "jewish" are they wearing yamacas and playing with dredels?

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 05:20 PM
Erm I don't know I do not subscribe to this theory at all, I just mentioned it as alot of UFO Nuts like to believe in it. People like William Cooper and that. I find the human racial sterotyping of Ultra Terrestials completely like a funny anecdote to a Global Fear Driven Planet. It's me passing on Friend Of A Friend Tales they are like memes for a racialism that may pervade some of the Abductee and Conspiracy Movement. Ooops.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Whompa1 does an gray look "jewish" are they wearing yamacas and playing with dredels?

Honestly how could a grey look "jewish." I mean they aren't human at all. Greys are the ones with the big heads and almond shaped eyes, not the alledged human type.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by DaTerminator

Originally posted by Whompa1 does an gray look "jewish" are they wearing yamacas and playing with dredels?

Honestly how could a grey look "jewish." I mean they aren't human at all. Greys are the ones with the big heads and almond shaped eyes, not the alledged human type.

Thats what I am trying to figure out.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by nullster

Originally posted by silentlonewolf
...... After that people ran with it.
or flew with it.

Whompa1 - Thats a good question. Just one of the many "key roots" one can look through and chart the evolution of. I'm trying to map out the look of UFO's over 50 years. Starting with the cigar shapes and leading to glowing orbs and lights at night. There was one key eyewitness in the 1950's I believe that said "Saucer" in his newspaper account and the public then ran (or flew) with that. Poor cigar shaped UFO's were almost quickly decomissioned.

If you look into the cultural aspects of it, the case for the Greys being real is pretty much nonexistant. The earliest descriptions of "aliens" were that they were humanois. Sightings in the 1800's genearlly were hoaxes; ones that weren't conclusively hoaxes described humans. The pre-1800's described humans as well.

The "grays" don't show up until the Hill case. I don't know if you're aware of it, but there was a movie shown a bit before the abduction that showed aliens as "small, bug eyed humans."

"chip implants" by the way don't really show up until after the X-files.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
"chip implants" by the way don't really show up until after the X-files.

Actually, I believe Budd Hopkins related impantation of chips into abductees in a couple of his books that were published before the X-files were shown on TV. Didn't Whitley Streiber also have one? Anyway, the X-Files got the idea from somewhere. They got it from abduction reports. Just as Steven Spielburg used UFO and abduction reports to create Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

There was something else....everyone's saying that the Betty and Barney Hill incident was the debut of the Greys, but the creatures in the Antonio Villas-Boas abduction had some simliarities. They were short and wearing grey coveralls. While they also had helmets, Villas-Boas saw that they had large eyes. The female described by him is very similar to the "hybrids" reported in abduction stories today.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 06:17 PM
Regarding the 1800's, I found one report of interest.

From "The Field Guide to Extraterrestrials" by Patrick Huyghe:
In 1896 Colonel H.G. Shaw and his friend and several witnesses said they were almost taken aboard a cigar shaped craft. The creatures described by the two were "tall and thin" with "delicate hands". They had "no hair excepy for a downy fur on their skin" and "large eyes, but their mouths and ears were small".

The descriptions seem similar to grays though taller and with....down. The illustration in the book looks somewhat like an elongated grey. Actually if anyone's ever seen Earth Final looks like a big-headed Taelon.

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 09:07 AM
the only aliens I have encountered here in Texas are illegal aliens lol.

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by swampcricket
the only aliens I have encountered here in Texas are illegal aliens lol.

Thats not funny mate

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by swampcricket
the only aliens I have encountered here in Texas are illegal aliens lol.

Poor taste, this is just trolling y' didn't even add to the thread.

Greys have been dipicited in ancient times on cave drawings and such.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 07:08 AM
I guess, the Grays have different reasons to be involved in the human history of UFOs. They seemengly want to be famous, needed, accepted and they want to have a good reputation among humans. But also, they give a note of other hostile entities among us, there are enemies called Reptilians, blood drinking shapeshifters, and so on.

Where do we put the UFO summoner parapsichoes, and those granting magical environment to the World, speaking Martian language, performing telepathy at a strange level and etcetra? What about these ppl driven by Greys? Well, lot of interesting viewpoint proving that Grays make fools of us. Do they laugh at us, or is it extremely serious?

But replying to your post, I clearly don't know. Perhaps, the genetics of Greys require a human body to survive, they may always need us or they would simply die, they will become extinct. Whatever is the reason, they are here, in direct contact with us and don't intend to leave. I guess, they must be in contact with us, they must fight the Reptilians for our needs and good reputaation, ...for what?

[edit on 1-11-2005 by Khali]

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Whompa1
I am curious after reading this board for several months and seeing the influence the "grays" have on any given days postings I ask this question. When and were did this deluge of gray inspired information come from? Did it start with Roswell or does it have a history that goes much deeper then that? Was it one account that spawned a world wide induction to this belief of this species? Or is there something more tangible to account for it all?

See here:

Greys were either imagined, or manifsted thru a "magick Portal" by Aliester Crowley. I'm amazed at how many people are still asking stuff like this after my intense thread. This forums category has been FULL of activity since I dropped that bombshell, shocking. its like everyone is just pretending it never happened?

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Just echoing that the above is basically correct. The Hill Case gave us the first modern account, and globally, this type of alien has been reported more than most (with human-looking ones, usually called "Nordics" as a close second).

ALL of you people really need to see here:

Thats all made up science fiction you're all talking about

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 11:43 AM
so the Hills, I read The Interrupted Journey and enjoyed it. What ever happened to the Hills, like now a days are they alive or whatever? or did any more info ever get discovered or anything? Any current stuff concerning them? did they ever have contact again? I'm just curious. If this is the wrong place to post this im sorry, and if theres other topics on ti could someone please refer them to me? Thanks!

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by swampcricket
Greys have been dipicited in ancient times on cave drawings and such.

Anybody got any links for images or websites that show any pictures like these ?

mod edit: quotation clarity

[edit on 3-12-2005 by sanctum]

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