Since this is my first post, I'll also use it as a test to see how it works.
Other then that, I'm simply just an independent UFO researcher and truth-seeker going on some years now. I'm sure some of you may know me from other
Below is A hand book of links that may help you answer some questions you have, ie, what are points ect....this is Zedds great link book for ATS
If you have any questions feel free to u2u me
You will find your u2u's in the member center
and also there is a message when you recieve a u2u
also need help getting your avatar up (or pic in your profile) check out this link Avatar, Pic in profile help
Do follow and read the links Asala has provided for you....its NOT a long read and answers the most common questions you will have. That IS the kewl
school of ATS and once your in the know your good to go!
Post unto others as you would have them post unto you!