posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 06:12 PM
I know what you mean. I was watching one of the "Lord of The Rings" movies in the theatres and there was a battle going on, and all of a sudden I
thought to myself "This is so pointless... why is this entertaining?" etc. From that day on, not even Matrix fight scenes have been able to excite
me. I think it is some very animalistic thing that you outgrow as you develop into a "better person".
On the other side of things, being the misery instead of watching for entertainment, I am constantly telling my friends that they are over-reacting to
situations, etc, and purposefully launching themselves into misery. It is like they purposefully put themselves in situations that will anger them,
sadden them, etc. I try to show them to control their emotions, not let their emotions control the, but it is just a useless effort it seems.
Life just seems to be all about pain and suffering, it seems.