posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 07:57 AM
I agree with you all. This is getting out of hand. How can we expect a physician to be effective if he or she cannot fully express their medical
opinion. My doc wants me to lose weight as well so instead of getting pissed, I got on the stair machine. He wants the heavy weight training cut to
toning exercises and me to focus on cardio so I am trying.
This also extends into other facets of life as well such as having one's genitalia mutilated or using an orifice in a way that was never intended.
How can we expect a doctor to continue treating symptoms without ever addressing the cause for fear of offending someone's lifestyle?
I've often used the example of having a lifestyle that includes punding my hand with a hammer everyday. Everyday, I go to the doctor with a broken
hand. But, the catch is, I want him to set it and give me pain killers for it at the expense of either my fellow tax-payers or my fellow insurance
premium payers and dare him to tell me to stop hitting my hand with a hammer because it is the lifestyle I have chosen.
I can sypathize with this woman because not all of us process fats and carbs the same way. I agree it is tough for some who are genetically inclined
to gain weight easy. However, to blame a doctor for telling you unless you do something, it will kill you is stupid at best.
Lung cancer is a sign that smoke inhalation will kill you. Rectal bleeding is a sign that its an exit only design by nature. High blood pressure and
obesity is a sign you shouldn't eat junk food so much. Infected gentalia is a sign that you shouldn't punch holes in there. None of these things
is the fault of your doctor so if you don't want to hear what he's going to tell you FOR YOUR OWN GOOD, do us all a favor, save us some of the money
it will cost our health system to offend you because of your chosen lifestyle and stay home.
Its that cut and dry, people.