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posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 11:49 PM
New book provides evidence of the Klinton complicity in the rise to power of Osama Bin Laden, and 911. This is not a new theory, but the first time documentation has been put together to prove it.

President Bill Clinton had the opportunity to stop, catch, or kill bin Laden more than twelve times during his presidency, a new book set for release this week claims!

And on at least two occasions through Drones and Global Positioning Systems the Clinton Administration knew exactly where bin Laden was -- and refused to take him out well after knowing he was as a national security threat.

LOSING alleges and details:

* Osama bin Laden�s rise to power and the September 11 attacks were due to the inactions and failures of former President Bill Clinton and key members of his administration who followed a law enforcement approach to fighting global terrorism as opposed to engaging a war on terrorism on national security grounds.

* How each failure by Clinton to retaliate made bin Laden look invincible in the Arab world, allowing bin Laden to attract new recruits and money.

* The 1993 World Trade Center attack --- documents how Clinton refused to believe it was a terrorist attack and viewed the bombing as an FBI investigation therefore blocking the CIA from entering the investigation on matters of national security.

* Drawn from secret Sudanese intelligence files, the full story of bin Laden's role in shooting down America's Black Hawk helicopters in Mogadishu, Somalia. This is the story that "Black Hawk Down" missed.

* President Clinton and a Democratic Senator Dennis DeConcini prevented the CIA from hiring Arabic translators-while bin Laden and Arabic-speaking terrorists killed Americans across the Near East.

* The story of Saudi Arabia's attempt to assassinate bin Laden in 1994.

* One of the FBI's most-trusted informants, Ali Mohammed, an Egyptian soldier, was given a military security clearance but was actually a double agent working for bin Laden.

* How the Administration engaged a policy to get Bin Laden removed from the Sudan back to Pakistan and Afghanistan only to get him closer to training camps and his recruits making him even more dangerous and embolden future terrorist acts.

* How Assistant Secretary of State for East Africa Affairs Susan Rice blocked opportunities to work with the Sudanese government looking to turn over bin Laden to the United States.

* Documents numerous Sudanese attempts to work with the United States to capture bin Laden only to be rejected by the US State Department.

* How the Monica Lewinsky and fundraising scandals, as well as a consuming desire to be re-elected, prevented Clinton from waging a war on terror and bin Laden and prevent 9/11.

* For more than two years Miniter interviewed soldiers, diplomats and intelligence operatives in Middle East, Africa, and Europe but found his best sources were, to his surprise, top level Clinton administration officials including former National Security Advisor Tony Lake, former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Clinton�s counterterrorism coordinator Richard Clarke, and former Director of Central Intelligence James Woolsey.

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 12:53 AM
Did you notice who wrote this book? A former Wallstreet Journal editorial writer! It doesn't get any more biased than that! This probably should have been posted in the mud slinging section,becasue this is far from fact!Notice how the real sources aren't reporting this gossip(MSNBC,CNN,CBS,ABC,BBC,NBC,Yahoo,Reuters,MSN news,NY Times,Washington Post,etc.) Why?because the only one who is reporting it Drudge report & newsmax,thats why!

This is about as fair as Fox news! PUH-LEASE! Everything is Clinton's fault! This is a fictional book written by a editorial writer! Its like having Michael Moore write a book about Bush & his abortion for his then girlfriend or how Bush went AWOL! heresay & gossip does not equal fact! I'm sure I won't convince you Dragon, so I'll just sit back,laugh, & roll my eyes! Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Go get them darn Clintoons!

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 01:36 AM
I had to make this file very small in order to post it on here more than likly you will need to copy the picture you will see on this link and blow it up to see what is written on it. ....

Clinton wasnt the only one responceable.

More will come out.


posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 01:36 AM

If I'm not mistaken, long time no serious posting traffic!


Yeah, I agree that 'Losing Bin Laden' is heavily biased in its conclusions and joining of dots, but many of the facts speak for themselves.

I guess diehard Clinton believers can console themselves that the final word on the Bush family's involvement in US and world politics will be far harsher than anything said about Clinton in this book.

Osama Bin Laden doesn't look his usual chirpy self on the cover does he?

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 01:45 AM
Agents from both the CIA & the FBI have come forward & said CLinton's administration gave the Bush administration files & intelligence RE:Al-Queada & spoke of possible terrorist attacks.It was Bush & co. who choose to ignore them.Lets not forget,Bush took a month long vacation in August 2001 after having only been in office 6 months(most jobs make you work 1 year before you get one week vacation,but when your a spoiled rich daddy's boy boy who's had everything given to you on a silver platter a month long vacation after only 6 months is fair to the Bush's!)

The same people accusing Clinton of this BS are the same ones who are spewing all the other lies they can't prove! They're the ones who said the Clinton's were getting a divorce! No matter how much they denied it,they kept saying it was true! They kept saying Bill was gonna host his own talk show. Bill denied it many,many times,but they still inisisted it was true!They insist Hilary is running in 2004.She has denied it non-stop.They say she's lying & is running! These nuts have ZERO credibilty & wouldn't know a real honest fact if it bit them on their corporate A$$!

I haven't posted because I've been on vacation for 3 weeks. Now that this place is minus one NUT (thank God for that!)I'll be sure to post more often! Thanks!

[Edited on 1-9-2003 by romantico]

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 02:18 AM
I don't have alot of information or quotes, but wasn't Bin Laden's rise to power in the 80's? When he was fighting against the Russians in Afghanistan the U.S. government was funding him with weapons, money and training his soldiers. This then would clearly be a result of the Reagan and Bush Sr. years, not the Clinton administration. After the Russians lost in Afghanistan, the U.S stopped funding Bin Laden, yet the damage was clearly already made, releasing a highly trained , well equipped force with a major chip on its soldier. Perhaps Clinton didn't take the initiative to catch him, but the percieved threat wasn't there. And blame cannot be put on Clinton for the failure of many from both ends of the American political spectrum.

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 02:27 AM

These nuts have ZERO credibilty & wouldn't know a real honest fact if it bit them on their corporate A$$!

I haven't posted because I've been on vacation for 3 weeks. Now that this place is minus one NUT (thank God for that!)I'll be sure to post more often! Thanks!

[Edited on 1-9-2003 by romantico]

Oh really lol

who as far as the nut is concirned is missing or is no longer going to be here making comments on this subject. As well as

These nuts have ZERO credibilty & wouldn't know a real honest fact if it bit them on their corporate A$$!
[Edited on 1-9-2003 by romantico]

Just who exactly is this directed at if it is directed at me I would point out that I have been here for some time I dont post as often as I used to because I have seen alot of people wake up to the reality of the everyday situations that we are facing. Past Examples= Micoplasma issue, Bohemian Grove, 2025 Airforce White Papers so on so forth. Wouldnt know a honest fact if it bit me in the butt yea ok.

I really love the part on the zero creditabilty thats classic.

"The same people accusing Clinton of this BS are the same ones who are spewing all the other lies they can't prove!"

Is this to suggest that bill could not or rather did not do anything wrong at all? And please lets stick to somthing other than the main stream media ideas of the Blo_ Job Incident as well as all the other relationship scandels that came out are you telling me that there is not one case of wrong doing on the part of bill clinton? How about iran contra that he was partners with bush before he took office? This did not take place or it just never existed? How about presidental excutive order PDD-NSC60. Clairify these points please.


No creditablity ... .. ..... ..

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 07:33 AM
RELAX!I was referring to Freemason.The man is just a coulter-esque nut bag!He was blinded by rage & rage only! Yeah, I say ZERO credibilty! Are you goona tell me the Clinton haters DIDN'T claim Bill was gonna host a tv show? Or the Clinton's WERE getting a divorce?Or that they STILL insist Hilary is running & so on?Your living in la-la land if you think the right wing has been honest in their Clinton claims!Laugh all you will,God knows I'm laughing at such a foolish claim! Bush dropped his dog today according to Drudgereport.Why not blame that on Clinton as well.While your at it,lets blame him for the heat & deaths in France this summer!

Jawapunk,your right.There would be no Bin Laden had it not been for Reagan or Bush sr.(after all Bush & Reagan both supplied Iranweapons to fight Iraq.Do the words "iran Contra"ring a bell?)Things are not as they appear & I realize Bush takes alot of sh*t that he doesn't deserve & the same goes for Clinton.I love Bill Clinton,but he was far from perfect(who is?)but this is just one fairy tale thats BS.There is NO credibilty to it once so ever.Its an ex Wallstreet journal editorial writer making a quick buck!He has nothing.No facts,just heresay & gossip.I could go out tomorrow & write a book on Bush & claim he raped me.I don't need proof.All I need to say is things like,"an un-named source confirmed this story" or an "close associate who wishes to not be named agess with this story".How come this isn't headline news?How come an investigation hasn't taken place?(when it comes to Clinton,the right wing love their investigations)Theres no truth in this story.

Desperate Clinton haters will believe anything negative written about the Clinton's.They don't need proof or evidence,just a claim is good enough for them.I say these people really need to get a life!

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 08:55 AM
link the same emotional detachment that gleefully leads the war proponents to say " Make an omlette....break eggs"...when the whole topic of civilians being unnecessarily blown to Beejeebus in this 'moral war' is engaged!
The mind set says "We must kill" because he's a threat. Yet, the "kill" attemptes were bemoaned as "distraction".
That this hatchet job was commissioned to be released at the same time that the critical mass of public opinion is starting to clearly see responsibility & possible partnering by the Bush team in this 'terror' marketing device....that's lost on you , huh?

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 09:00 AM
i think this is a bit silly...

how unless clinton had anything to do with 911 planning ect ect.. can it be blamed on him..

thats like saying because my best friend kills somebody and i spent alot of time with my best friend its partly my fault....

now i dont belive bin laden planned the 911 i think he works for the cia. maybe he doesnt even exsist...

but blaming clinton for what bin laden did... is just silly..

theoretically of course... i think 911 is much more complex than bin laden's followers...

i think he is possibly used as a scapegoat or a diversion!

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 09:02 AM
but blaming one person for another persons actions is just daft...

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