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Too Many UFO programs, too soon.

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posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 11:13 AM
For awhile after 9/11, there was a sudden abrupt stop, for almost no reason, now suddenly, we're flooded with programs weekly, and bi-weekly.

I wonder the reason for this?

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 11:30 AM
I dunno the reason, maybe its just coincidence.

I cant remember the amount of tv shows about aliens near 9/11, but lately ive noticed a HUGE increase on the amount of programs on the subject. (here in center europe)

Maybe because its "à la mode", specially because the War of the Worlds movie.

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 11:52 AM
These things always run in cycles. I wouldn't get too excited. Back in the early 80's there was a flood of UFO specials, even shows, all on primetime. So, I wouldn't take this as any kind of sign. At least it's coming back more into the public mindset....

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 08:26 PM
Simple logical reasons. 9/11 was all the media was focused on for a period of time which was expected. Now they're starting to cover other subjects once again now that we're 4 years out from 9/11.

If you remember, the Disclosure Project held their press club meeting in Washington D.C. very shortly before the 9/11 attacks in 2001. Those government/military insiders were willing to testify before congress and do what ever it took. But 9/11 changed all of that. Not that congress had the balls then or now to hold UFO hearings, but at least the chance was better before 9/11. I think it's good that all these UFO shows are poping up now. How could it be a bad thing? It's about time I say!

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 01:26 AM
The seemingly sudden resurgence of UFO/Alien-themed TV shows is entirely predictable if one considers the symbolic subtext at work.

The American public is four years out from a shared psychological trauma, 9/11. Elements of this trauma have, by nature (or manipulation/design) have left the public psyche unsettled and seeking means of coping. The events surrounding the attack at the WTC have re-ignited fears of unforseen violence and loss at levels not realized, on a mass scale, since possibly the bombing of Pearl Harbor, precedent to WWII (and haven't shrewd parralles between the current War on Terrorism and WWll been recently drawn by no less than the President himself?).

The fear of "death from the skies" at the hands of a poorly undererstood "alien" race has again become a part of the public's daily angst.

These themes now naturaly inform and inspire our entertainment mediums; hence are we able to experience and explore these fears in a controlled and idealized setting, with the goal being to integrate our anxieties into a functional life-map.

As Frank Herbert wrote: "I shall not Fear. Fear is the Mind Killer. I Shall Face my Fear and let it Flow Around and Through Me."

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 01:43 AM
I believe they are flowing with the trend. War of the Worlds most likely pushed it along, but there has been a pretty deep "sci-fi gap"

I miss the x-files.

Alot of new programs have still yet to come out yet about the UFO's, lots I see advertised in Canada... dunno about the states...

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 03:03 AM
New TV Shows due out this fall here in the USA (and Canada). I think they all owe a tip of the hat Chris Carter and "X-Files":

"Surface," Sept. 19, NBC. A beautiful scientist and her son are the only ones who realize something creepy is happening under the water.

"Supernatural," Sept. 13, WB. Brothers go on the road in search of creepy things that killed their mom and haunt their dad.

"Invasion," Sept. 21, ABC. In the middle of a Florida hurricane we start to suspect some nasty things are lurking in the swamps.

"The Night Stalker," 9 p.m. Thursdays, ABC. Newspaper reporters find scary things, act heroically and become weird. Our jobs are just like that - except for the scary things and the heroism.

"Ghost Whisperer," Sept. 23, CBS. Jennifer Love Hewitt sees dead people - only they have errands for her.

"Threshold," Sept. 16, CBS. Aliens land on Earth only to be greeted by a sea captain. Some government types - including a scientist with strong religious beliefs - join the party and try to decipher the visitor's intentions.

"Triangle," Sci Fi. This miniseries, coming in December, is set in the Bermuda Triangle and created by such folks as Bryan Singer ("X-Men") and Rockne O'Bannon ("Farscape"). With a cast headed by Sam Neill and Catherine Bell, it looks as if it could be another winner for the channel.

From the staff & wire services: The Argus Leader 8/18/05

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 03:36 AM
@ netzombie
Thanks for the info on the new tv shows.
Can wait till all them start..

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 07:47 AM

"The Night Stalker," 9 p.m. Thursdays, ABC. Newspaper reporters find scary things, act heroically and become weird. Our jobs are just like that - except for the scary things and the heroism.

I am SO happy to see this come to fruition...

I became a big fan of the old show (Darren McGavin (sp?) starred) when it ran on Sci-Fi... Lets hope they don't screw it up. Carter often credits Nightstalker for the inspiration of his X-Files.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 04:42 PM
I think UFO Files on the History Channel is over after the episode on August 29. At least no more shows are listed on the History Channel web site. I hope they keep that going for at least another year.


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