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Lake Monster Activity

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posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 02:50 AM
With the excitement of Bigfoot being "captured", it seems that we missed some other activities.

For some reason the Lake Monsters are stirring in the waters.
11 July (old news?) two fishermen spotted and video taped something on Lake Champlain... It's uncertain of what it is, but many guess it's Champ...

Burlington Free Press Article

No Picture to show us?

A Quebec innkeeper claims to have picture proof that the legendary monster of Lake Massawippi exists. This monster is called "Whippy" with pics taken by some tourist.
The Canadian CTV Article

One of the Pictures:

Not forgetting the two sightings of the Flathead Lake monster in Big Arm Bay (Sunny Shores Resort) end of July 2005.
Read this VERY interesting article: Big Fork Eagle Article

Again... Nothing conclusive...

Again it's interesting just how much Lake Monster (paranormal?) activity there has been in the past couple of weeks, and even more so that more and more of these "monsters" are being described as serpents...

[edit on 23-8-2005 by Gemwolf]

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 05:05 AM
The creature in the picture is looking an awful lot like a turtle.

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 09:39 AM
Yeah, and 'Whippy' doesn't have a reflection....either the light on a turtle or whatever was a bit odd, or it's photoshopped :p my opinion anyway

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 11:18 AM
Looks like a dolphin head.

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 01:15 PM
IMO, this is definitely not a turtle.

After blowing the pic up to 400% and enhancing the lighting, focus, etc. . . some rather interesting details become apparent.

Link 1 is simply 400% original size:
Link 1

Link 2 with lighting enhancement:
Link 2

Link 3 with lighting enhancement and focus:
Link 3

2 and 3 seem to show upper and lower jaw/mouth/etc. as there is a clear separation . . . not unlike that of a porpoise/dolphin-like creature.

2 and 3 also seem to show a clearly defined [eye].

These are all the same image, as it was the only one posted with the article.

Would love to have the rest.

No clue as to Nessie, Champ, etc. . . but this is definitely one of the better photos regarding the Lake-Creature phenomena.

Any thoughts!?

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 02:26 PM
I cant find the article but i guess like 2 days ago there was a couple fisherman who got some pictures and a video that showed champ. Maybe it was on ats that i saw it. Anyway thats what ive heard

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 06:50 PM
you know, whippy, i dont know, but that lake creature kinda look like a dolphin, why would a dolphin be in a lake? I don't know, but hey, maybe all lakes have an underwater cavern that leds to the ocean? Maybe?

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 10:30 PM
Those picture enhancements are interesting. Yeah, I thought it look like dolphin too, but if there are caves linking the lake to the ocean then the lake should be somewhat brackish, or at least have traces of saltwater. Also, dophins living in a lake would deffinately be noticed. After staring at the pictures they remind me of a saurapod's head, or at least what drawings of saurapods tend to look like. I'm not putting that out as possible, although I believe they might be lurking in Africa. I'm just saying, that's my impression and due to that I'm leaning on the side of a faked picture.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by truttseeker
I cant find the article but i guess like 2 days ago there was a couple fisherman who got some pictures and a video that showed champ. Maybe it was on ats that i saw it. Anyway thats what ive heard

Yeah, I posted the article with my first post... It's here... Article about Champ But they don't show us the pciture/movies they took!?

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 07:51 AM
Vasilis Azoth,

I live 15 minutes from where those pictures were taken, and I spent half of this summer working on the very dock where those pictures were taken...Unfortunately, I stopped working a month before the alleged sighting. Before jumping to conclusions, perhaps a few minutes of research would dispose of any unfounded beliefs of yours. Lake Massawippi is not connected to the ocean. In fact, it is many hours away from the nearest ocean. I have heard stories of alleged sightings throughout my entire childhood; stories from well-respected citizens who would normally consider these things irrational. In fact, the very morning of the sighting (about an hour before the sighting, to be more precise), a man who lives about 30 yards aways from the alleged appearance of the 'creature' heard a group of ducks quacking in a most unusual way....Perhpas whatever this thing is was actually eating the ducks...Anyway, food for thought..

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 09:20 PM
Any chance this might be a huge Musky?Kind of hard to tell the actual size of it with no background.I don't have a scanner,but I looked at some pictures in some sportsmans mags and the snout is a bit similar from what I can see.

If they do not grow naturally in this lake it may have been illeagely stocked in there.With no natural predator for it an opportunity for it to flourish is possible.

Like I said,I have no scanner so I cannot download the pics.Ther are probably plenty available online though.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by bargaindan
Any chance this might be a huge Musky?Kind of hard to tell the actual size of it with no background.I don't have a scanner,but I looked at some pictures in some sportsmans mags and the snout is a bit similar from what I can see.

I can see how you can compare this to a Musky. Good spot!

This is the Musky:

This is what a giant Musky would look like with its "head up" (Out of the water obviously... LoL! - And imagine its mouth closed...

[url=]> A Musky surfacing

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 07:45 AM

Here are the species that have been identified in Lake Massawippi, they were taken from the following site:


Perca flavescens, Ambloplites rupestris, Catostomus commersoni, C. catostomus, Notemigonus crysolencas, Coregonus carinatum, Moxostoma carinatum, Micropterus dolomieui, Lepomis gibbosus, Ictaleurus nebulosus, Moxostoma anisurum, Salmo trutta*2, Salvelinus namaycush*2, Esox lucius*2.
*1 In order of relative abundance. *2 Economically important.

The Esox lucius is a member of the Muskellunge family...So yes, musky's are indeed found in the lake. Furthermore, as per my claim that this "creature" may have been eating ducks the morning of the sighting, here is what I found regarding musky's:

"In Europe, a 145-pounder was taken in 1862 but a
record rod-and-reel catch in the U.S. is a 46-pounder taken in New
York. In parts of Canada, because they gobble so many wild ducklings,
bounties are paid for pike." (

I'm actually fairly covinced now that this is simply a massive pike (member of the musky family). If they found a 145 pounder in Europe, then it is certainly possible that an even larger one exists in Lake Massawippi. What do you guys think??


posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 03:18 PM

Before July 28, the most recent talked-about sighting came when an angler, unnamed because he wanted to remain anonymous, reported something very large tailed a lake trout he was pulling out of the water from a depth of 120 feet on Aug. 18, 1998.

That would freak me out. One time while fishing Kentucky Lake I had a huge white bass or striped bass tail a smaller fish I caught to the boat & it got a lil shaken up. Now if it was a 50ft monster i'd freak.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 07:56 AM
it's enough to stop anyone ever going near a body of water again!! Imagine splashing about in a nearby lake and something going all Lake Placid on you

I used to be really scared of the ocean, wouldn't even paddle in Margate (in the UK) because I was scared of sharks. Now there are Mako sharks off Cornwall's coast, so I think I'll stick to baths and swimming pools. There's scary stuff in water :s

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 07:08 AM
I just wanted to post that I performed an enhancement on the picture and came up with almost the exact same results as 12m8keall2c above.

I have also done some screen caps from the video of the page that ran the news story.

You can see them on my blog at:

I have been trying to get some higher-res pictures to use, but have not been able to secure them from the news or the innkeeper.

Anyway, have a look.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by kraken
I just wanted to post that I performed an enhancement on the picture and came up with almost the exact same results as 12m8keall2c above.

I have also done some screen caps from the video of the page that ran the news story.

You can see them on my blog at:

I have been trying to get some higher-res pictures to use, but have not been able to secure them from the news or the innkeeper.

Anyway, have a look.

Cool Blog!!!

It seems like this picture supports the "Musky Theory"...?

(^This picture appears along with some others on Kraken's Blogspot at Crypto-Blog)

Too bad there's nothing in the pictures to indicate size!?

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 02:12 PM
Part of the mystique in chasing, capturing and releasing muskellunge are their rather remarkable behaviors. The photograph I have just seen is exactly that. Muskies are known to "breach" or to actually stick their heads out of the water whilst swimming along the warmest top layer of surface water. Unusual as it seems, its often the size of the specimen is what can be startling.

It is also not uncommon to know of reports of fish striking at objects (feet or hands holding beach toys, splashing fingers with rings or bracelets and/or perhaps at other fish attached to stringers at the side of a rowboat). Nice to know there's something to catch other than a sunburn in MT!

the Muskymaven!

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