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Maybe not so intelligent?

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posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by Vinci
Hmm, that's a possibility. Once again, these are "documented". Not varified. But dude, 1947...Such a hoax wasn't common at all.

Some of the grandest hoaxes took place around this time period. It was the first wave of interest in UFOlogy, it was inevitable that there would be plenty of hoaxing around that time.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 08:03 AM
The Golden Age of UFO Hoaxes

Originally posted by shorty
Some of the grandest hoaxes took place around this time period. It was the first wave of interest in UFOlogy, it was inevitable that there would be plenty of hoaxing around that time.

I see the late '40s and early '50s as The Golden Age of UFO Hoaxes.

It was nuts. People were seeing them everywhere, and all sorts of wild stories and rumors were circulating around.

Many of the classic UFO hoax photos date from that period, and there were some extremely cheesy home movies floating around back then that were laughably fake. Good times. Good times.

It really captured the public imagination, and belief in alien UFOs was common in American society.

Heck, just look at all the movies featuring them and space aliens during the '50s, including Plan 9 From Outer Space, generally considered the worst movie of all time. That was not coincidence.

UFOs were big back then. Very big.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 08:11 AM
It was, especially with the likes of Adamski still being listened to.

But, it's surely to be expected that some hoaxes would follow and that now a large percentage of the population believe that it was an alien craft rather than a weather balloon thta the gov't/airforce or whomever would use this to their advantage.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 12:16 PM
I would still like that list of 'crashes' defined.

A) An Eyewitness account
B) Multiple Eyewitness
C) physical object impacts, documented somehow
D) recovery effort mentioned
E) recovery effort documented somehow
F) reports of life forms seen

Would be a good start.

Even the fattest donut eating beurocrat operates like a ninja to clean up all the evidence.

Very funny actually. However for those who might see it otherwise... The USA and many other nations are quite good at crash recovery, Military, Commercial, Space Program, we do it, we do it fast, and have for a long time.

The possibility also exists that their are different classes of UFOs, perhaps representing craft from various species of aliens.

Remove 'possibility' and 'perhaps' and I am right with you. The sheer volume of reports across the globe have always defeated any sort of solid analysis of number of Races or types of craft. But that fact itself, the numbers of reports, just verifies all the other types of data on UFOs. Heavy percentage mistakes, fair amount secret craft, Small amount Hoax, tiny percentage actual ETV.

How does 60, 25, 10, 5 sound?

I guess what I mean is: what if, in the end, we turn out to be the super-advanced mysterious aliens to another species?

There is no doubt at all that this will indeed happen, the only question is how long. I think we will do ok.

If you really want to judge the human race then please do it over the whole of human history with a focus on numbers of humans and their ability to live their indivdual lives as they wish without outside negative influences from other humans in the form of : Governments, Religions, Wars, and the like.

The use of some sort of absolute standard is not really a proper way to judge such huge questions. Wanting to see an end to War is a proper thing to do, and I do, but it's existance is not a true indicator of the advancement of humanity.

I hope someday I can watch as we orbit a new world, one full of intelligent, but a touch over-violent beings. We are excited at the idea of the new people but as we watch and learn, in secret mind you, we realize what would happen to them if we just landed on the steps of their lead government.

With a sigh, and a sad kind of smile, we will turn around and head home, or onto the next leg in our journey. Everyone will be notified, and we will let them live in peace until it seems as though they are ready to meet us.

Oh, and Jeremiah, if tomorrow someone should land, and a month later people can buy SpaceShips. I will reserve a spot for you on my crew, we will explore as far as we can reach in our new Ship. This comment is more because of what you said in another thread about 'belief' but it seemed to fit here.


[edit on 8/24/05 by Alexander Tau]

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by shorty

Originally posted by Vinci
Hmm, that's a possibility. Once again, these are "documented". Not varified. But dude, 1947...Such a hoax wasn't common at all.

Some of the grandest hoaxes took place around this time period. It was the first wave of interest in UFOlogy, it was inevitable that there would be plenty of hoaxing around that time.

I ment like, launching a heavy weird looking object into the ground/sky, not eyewitnesses and such. I ment especially crashes.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 05:14 PM
Intelligence has nothing to do with piloting. Errors can happen.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 05:26 PM
Intelligence has everything to do with piloting, FIRST OF ALL. That was a very timid and pseudo statement in my perspective.

But yes, they've been crashing into us for quite a while now, maybe they could, perhaps, fix the errors?

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 06:24 PM
A little clarification on a few of the 1947 "UFO" crashes.

Seeing as how one was listed in Maryland, I decided to look for a little more information. Almost immediately, I found this regarding the Maryland crash in 1947:

Crashed Disc
Laurel, Md, 11 July, 9:45 p. m. A buzzing thing 3 and half feet across made of a circular piece of metal and a garbage can lid. Had two small aerials, a dry cell battery, a camera lens, and a "ticker" Mr. Thaddeus Elder and young son found it. Called FBI. They did not want it. Turned over to Laurel police. Cambridge, MD, DAILY BANNER, 12 July,, AP

More can be found here.

A few of the more amusing known hoaxes from 1947 (also from the above website):

Illuminated Kite
Clearwater, Florida police responded to a call on the night of 15th of July. They found what appeared to be some type of device being flown like a kite. As they moved upwind the prankster cut the device loose and police found it in a vacant lot. The device was a kite that had a silver disk painted on it. Clearwater, Florida SUN 17 July,, p 14

Crashed Disc
Woodworth, North Dakota, 11 July, Five Woodworth residents fabricated a disc-shaped object. It caused quite a stir people came from the surrounding area to view the disc. Some even flew in by plane. Minot, North Dakota DAILY NEWS, 11 July,, p. 1

More from

Of these 30 posted, only one has any real interest in the UFO community: Roswell. The vast majority of the remainder can be passed off as hoaxes, or as actual weather baloons.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 06:31 PM
Hmm, well, that theory was disproved.

Roswell? A lot of people claim that it was an experimental craft, not a ufo. Even if the "bodies" (never specificed, human or alien) were recovered. But, I should read about it :-P

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by justyc
totally off-topic here but are bill hicks and alex jones the same person?
now THATS a conspiracy!

I dont know anything about Alex Jones...but look it here.....see...its ALL a conspiracy!!

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Vinci
Hmm, well, that theory was disproved.

Roswell? A lot of people claim that it was an experimental craft, not a ufo. Even if the "bodies" (never specificed, human or alien) were recovered. But, I should read about it :-P

There's been compelling arguments for both sides of the Roswell crash. Initially, the statement issued by the USAF was that they had indeed recovered a flying saucer. After the wreckage was moved to a nearby Air Force base (I don't remember which one, offhand), the story was changed to the wreckage being that of a weather balloon. Over the years, speculation from the UFO community has garnered more research on the crash, and documents made public by the Freedom of Information Act have seemed to confirm parts of the story. Fact of the matter is, nobody really knows what really happened there (except those that were physically investigating the crash and its wreckage - all in government hands), though there's quite compelling evidence to support both a craft of alien origin as well as human military experiments. We may never know the truth.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25

Not-so-intelligent life on other planets? Sure. That would be special.

I often wonder what would happen if, between now and the time when humans develop the capability for interstellar space travel, no aliens were forthcoming. What if we go out into space knowing no more than we do right now? What happens if we encounter a planet technologically less advanced then ourselves?

I guess what I mean is: what if, in the end, we turn out to be the super-advanced mysterious aliens to another species?

You know, I've often wondered that myself. Like what if we headed off on our futuristic frigates and crossed the galaxy to find that the "aliens" visiting us were no more than a race of beings that weren't educated at all. flying through space may have been a natural thing for them (perhaps by use of some creature like a living ship) what if they were as educated as an isolated African tribe? Having no knowledge of atoms and quantum theory. What would we do then?

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 08:26 PM
Alright people, if they aren't intelligent how did they travel to Earth?

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by meshuggah1324
Alright people, if they aren't intelligent how did they travel to Earth?
Like i said, maybe its natural. maybe a living ship of sorts which grows on there planet reaches a stage in life and seeks out other places. maybe there crafts are seeds. (has anyone read the book half life, where these scientists grow new mechanical probes as plants?) perhaps sometimes these beings with more knowledge on herbology (probably not the word but you get the idea) than physics get into one of these self flying, moderatly intellagent seeds and position it to a point where it picks up on us. Maybe we come in better than other places on whatever it homes in on. Then they see how we act and they ride it back before the seed can develop.

[edit on 24-8-2005 by Tinko1]

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25
What happens if we encounter a planet technologically less advanced then ourselves?

I hate to say it but our track record would indicate that we would exploit them, steal their precious minerals and try to convert the heathens! I would like to think that today, an agency like NASA or the ESA would not operate on that premise, but if you add the average homo sapien into the equation that is whats going to happen.

The thing is that spaceflight, at least right now, is only in the realm of the super wealthy and giant corporations. They would never do anything dishonorable to make a profit though, right?

Adding that that last sentence was meant to be sarcastic.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 12:31 AM
We can teach them physics (if it's the same where they're from [maybe different universe, who knows?]) and they can teach us how to fly to different planets the way they do. Then we can discover all these other planets, and all of those species, and then we realise they've all known eachother for a long time. It's just we, humans, are intelligent, just didn't know hyperspace technological stuff. Then we can like, draw maps of the universe, the different sectors, governments they have, the species. And we can acheive utlimate peace through ultimate acceptance, as menguard said.

Then we'd invent lightsabers and add lasers to to our ships, making them starfighters! Then we'd make blasters, robots which can destroy crap pretty fast.

See where I'm going?

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 12:54 AM
Like Total Entitlement

Originally posted by Vinci
Then we can like, draw maps of the universe, the different sectors, governments they have, the species.

Then we would be like the ultimate badasses, and they would be all, “Like, we aren't going to go along with this,” and we'd be all, “Like, BEWM!!!” and they'd be all, “Like, dude, that was so harsh,” and we'd be all, “That's right. Any questions?” and they'd be all, “As if!”

Sorry, but I just love that style of narrative. I like totally do the voice and everything.

I must say, the premise of this thread is a hoot.

The title, on the other hand, is an absolute masterpiece.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by Vinci
Intelligence has everything to do with piloting, FIRST OF ALL. That was a very timid and pseudo statement in my perspective.

But yes, they've been crashing into us for quite a while now, maybe they could, perhaps, fix the errors?

A plane crashed near Maracaibo. So the pilots were dumb?

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 07:19 AM
They would know it was not our fault they crashed.

The main reason for ufo crashes is a fault in calculations or a failed engine ( b or c, not a)*.

I think you might be onto something though. What most people don't think of is there are different types of smarts. Maybe they are very drunk all the time

*: UFOs use a tri-anti gravity engine complex to fly and cancel out the g-force when pulling quick moves in flight. real ufo generators&ship systems for all types of ufo for info.

Here is a totaly real video of a ufo which has a problem, hits the ground at an angle causing some dirt to fly and then crashes at a harder angle after bouncing at about 400+mph.

Something i note about it also is that it totaly explodes, almost like they put a self destruction exp pack in there so we couldnt recover anything and use it if they crashed and died. (thats just a maybe)

the real thing


[edit on 26-8-2005 by drakefist]

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 08:52 AM
I really doubt that the crashes are signs of lower intelligence than expected. I believe that crashes occur because of:

* A failed engine.
* Problems with earth's magnetic field, fluctuations.
* Craft fired upon resulting in damaged instruments, hull, engine etc.
* Pilot/s may be having medical problems or even died while at the the same time the auto pilot aint working correctly.
* Collisions with human or et crafts.

They are intelligent, just not perfect like their creations.

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