Since the beginning of this country, there have been those who have trusted and those who are skeptical. There have been those who have followed
blindly and those who have rebelled against everything. The extremists get the attention because...Well, they're extreme. However, the majority has a
balance between the two.
It is natural for humans to be inclined to believe those whose beliefs are similar while distrusting those who have a different ideology. To use
American politics as an example (though I'm sure this mentality is true across the planet), if I'm a Republican because I believe that ideology but
don't know a lot about politics, with the exception of the soundbites the media gives me, I would probably have one of two reactions to a politicians
words. I see on the bottom of the screen D (for Democrat) and I question what he's saying. I see at the bottom of the screen R (for Republican) and
(s)he say exactly the same thing, and I'm inclined to believe it.
That, too, is an extreme example. The majority of Americans are moderates. They don't stick to party lines but have some views that coencide with one
party and some views in line with the other. I am fairly sure, though, that the rest of the world can't see that, especially when they go to boards
like this. Why? Because generally people won't want to take the time to type out their opinion, give their money to a campaign, make an ad, start a
website in support of an issue unless they
really believe it, hardcore. Ironically, it is the extremists who spur on great movements like the
civil rights battle. The extremist decides they have to change this, and they start a movement that those who aren't quite as passionate but do
believe get on board for.
Alrighty, not sure how I got there. What I'm trying to say is that Americans do not fit one mold. Those you hear about are those on the fringes,
typically (like myself).
Oh, and generally, we don't admire our politicians. We think of them as lying, coniving, cunning, mean-spirited, power hungry people who will do
anything in their power to get elected. As to trusting the government, that is slightly easier because of the nature of our government. We have two
sides currently that pull no punches, and are generally balanced in the government. If one side starts sneaking around or whatever, the other side
will be there with gusto. Remember Watergate? On top of that, if the government as a whole has a plan, they're still not going to be able to get
every one of these elected officials who are at political odds with one another to cover something up because they are, as I said, power hungry and,
if they see an opportunity to further their own careers, they'll take it, exposing whatever the conspiracy is.
I know I wasn't offended by your statements. Why should I be, you're expressing an observation.