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NO SMOKING / drinking / porn / anything else?

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posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by MrEisenhower
Well I don't smoke, and never will. I've seen what it has done to people. But I can't believe the amount smokers here, wow. Perhaps we need a non-smoking area

.....Well it's about time! A "no smoking area". I tell ya, I'm tired of having to go find a designated smoking area. Let the non smokers go out side, they're the ones who want the fresh air.

What happened to the good old days when you could light up when and where you wanted too? Can't even drink a beer in public unless your at a bar now days.

Yet porn and viollence is shown freely - thrown in the face of all - like it or not. Please....discriminate across the board or not at all.

Heck, in my teen years you could smoke a cigarette in krogers or pizza hut or anywhere else you please, heck you could buy them before you were old enough to count out the 55 cents that they costed, and sit right next to a cop drinking a beer while driving (not the greatest of ideas). But to get into a rated R move was all but impossible without mom. Go figure.

posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 01:59 PM
Lets just outlaw fun, period. No sex. No smoking, drinking drugs. No driving even one mile over the speed limit.

No more fun! no more pleasure! Outlaw it all! Misery and puritanical paranoia and boredom, thats what we need!

posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 02:16 PM
Smokes and Sex..
To me!
I can even take a beer but lets put the drugs to the trash can..

posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 02:44 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again;

Puritanism: That nagging feeling that someone, somewhere may be happy.

posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 02:57 PM
Yep, our freedom is slowly being reduced, 10 years ago life was more fun.
And it's really getting out of control, in my country there's a law in the making that forbid smoking in Pubs.

posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 03:22 PM
I smoke anywhere I damn well please, really. Movie Theater, Bar, Resturant, Airplanes, etc...

This whole "No Smoking" crap just pisses me off. You want fresh air? The go the F**K outside!

[Edited on 31-8-2003 by JamesLimelight]

posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Lets just outlaw fun, period. No sex. No smoking, drinking drugs. No driving even one mile over the speed limit.

No more fun! no more pleasure! Outlaw it all! Misery and puritanical paranoia and boredom, thats what we need!

~Yea I totally agree. It's all just a bunch of stereotypical nonsense. You may not like smoking, but i may be annoyed by the stench of your perfume,cologne, or breath!


posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 03:56 PM

~Yea I totally agree. It's all just a bunch of stereotypical nonsense. You may not like smoking, but i may be annoyed by the stench of your perfume,cologne, or breath!

They have found that many of the artificial additives in perfumes are carcinogenic. perfume causes cancer, and headaches.

If youre in a bar, Im pretty sure the last thing youre concerned about is your health. if you are, youre stupid. that tripple shot of vodka or that mixed drink youre drinking is doing wonders for your liver! And youre worried about someone else smoking cuz it might hurt you?

What about getting so drunk, that you drag the first thing u see home and boink it......what about VD? What abaout the damage loud music is doing to your eardrums? What about getting drunk and being convinced your ok to drive, and u go out and kill people?

No smoking in bars is the most stupid thing California ever did. Another reason I left the communist replublic of cali.

We can smoke in bars all we like here, and in restaraunts that permit it too! vSome restaraunts are no smoking. Thats fine, ill take my business elsewhere then. Thier choice, my choice, everyone is happy! if u dont like smoke while youre eating, then chose a restaraunt that prhibits it! Dont make it illegal everywhere!

posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 03:58 PM
I dont smoke, or do drugs. But if you are considering banning sex, music, and alcohol, Im quite ready to lead the rebellion!

posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 04:14 PM
Wow, my post is being used as in example of Anti-non-smokerism (errr... yeah)

Can I just say before anyone gets the wrong idea about my views, I have no objections what so ever to people smoking, hell, I've got plenty of friends that do. And no where have I said that I think it should be banned. The non-smoking area phrase in my original post was a joke. So be happy and have a pack of cigerettes on me

(Phew that was a close one ... theres nothing worse than angry smokers


posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 04:43 PM
Well if they decide to ban smoking in the bars around me, it looks like I might have to give up drinking.

posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Lets just outlaw fun, period. No sex. No smoking, drinking drugs. No driving even one mile over the speed limit.

--- on floor, legs up, eyes crossed - what would be the point?

posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by JamesLimelight
I smoke anywhere I damn well please, really. Movie Theater, Bar, Resturant, Airplanes, etc...

This whole "No Smoking" crap just pisses me off. You want fresh air? The go the F**K outside!

[Edited on 31-8-2003 by JamesLimelight]

I love this guy.....

posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by JamesLimelight
I smoke anywhere I damn well please, really. Movie Theater, Bar, Resturant, Airplanes, etc...

This whole "No Smoking" crap just pisses me off. You want fresh air? The go the F**K outside!

[Edited on 31-8-2003 by JamesLimelight]

Well, you go boy!

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 04:02 AM
preferably, i do all three at the same time, but i've only got so many hands.

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 10:05 PM
Yeah, so I smoke. Ain't exactly the most healthy thing I do, but you know what, I do. It relieves stress and since I don;t have a girl, It's the best possible way. When I'm ready to quit or can;t breath anymore, I will. You may not like it, I may not even like it, but I don;t feel like being judged about it, you know?

Fury, pass me a beer and a marlboro, would ya?

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 10:32 PM
Wow look at this a thread full of temporary humans.
Not long to go and all your sordid addictions and fetishes will be illegal....

[Edited on 2-9-2003 by Netchicken]

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 10:36 PM
I'm an ex-smoker (of many things

posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 07:01 AM
Well, as an advocate of an America with as many freedoms as possible...and a parent of a child stricken by asthma, this topic has kept me torn for some time now. I guess all I can say is that I'm glad restaurants have non-smoking sections so my kid can go out and enjoy and burger without spending the next 3 weeks breathing through a nebulizer. The city I work in just banned smoking in ALL public places and I find myself going against such a ban because it has given the Department of Health way too much power..and now they are tlaking raising taxes to pay for more police to enforce such a ban. I would also like to say that with modern exhaust systems in most establishments that you would want to take a child too, are more than adequate to carry the smoke away..and as for bars, I think the owners should make that decision because they have put up the capital to buy the place and should decide what does and doesn't go on there. Enforcing it is their problem. So, my position is that I'm against a ban on smoking and won't take my kid to any places that don't have a non-smoking section.

I won't go to places that you can smoke and bitch about it ( because I like the occasional cigar myself) and you don't come to a disney movie and poison a bunch of kids and we'll get along just fine. Its all in having some consideration for others and using a little common sense. That goes for those on both sides of this issue.

I see such an "its all about me" theme from this latest generation..and I'm pretty sure I know where it originated but I don't want to get The Colonel and Romantico in here and turn this in to a defense of our previous administration so I won't mention his/her name(s). My point is, smokers and non-smokers can both have their way to an extent..but neither can force their will on the other to the extreme. Smokers have to realize that there are some places you can't smoke and there are some times when its not appropriate and non-smokers have to realize that in some places people can smoke openly and if you go in there, you need to understand that. Its all about compromise and respect for another's liberties as well. When does your liberty run out?...the point it infringes upon anothers. Don't light up in a kindergarten classroom and we'll try our darndest to keep the socialist our of your business in bars.

posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 01:13 PM
Hi, all. I live in the UK and am an ex smoker. I certainly dont want to work in an office where I have to wear a gas mask just to breath. However, when it comes to nightclubs, pubs and bars then you may all be surprised to know that I fully support the RIGHT for smokers to smoke in such venues! After all, you go to a nightclub for fun and relaxation, right? The local club bouncer doesnt come up to you, put a gun into your face and force you into his club, does he? Course not. So why are smokers villified in such venues when everyone in there has a simple choice: if you find the smoky atmosphere really unacceptable then leave and dont go back. Simple, eh? And I have heard (hopefully someone will put me right if I've misheard this!) that California either has, or intends to, ban people from smoking when walking down the street! That is, an open road, not a mall or otherwise enclosed area, but on the street! Hmm, now if Hitler had won the war (and who was notoriously anti smoking) I bet even he wouldnt have dared suggest such a thing! Thoughts on this, anyone?

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