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education and the media ..future con jobs

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posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 01:02 PM
Bravo...Bravo....Bravo...Well done!!! I salute you for your post.
I could not have said it better..Well done..


posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 09:06 AM
Blue sky: I have so many articles to disprove what you say that you'd be reading for an entire day; just do a Google on "scientists refute global warming".

America does indeed use a considerable amount of the energy produced worldwide, but we also help to feed two-thirds of the world. Comparing our energy use compared to the population is a red herring.

America has no control as to where oil goes; it essentially goes into a big pool, and countries bid on it, and the highest bidder wins.

One has to consider that fuel is not the only use for oil. It;s mind-boggling to see what is produced from oil; all you have to do is look around your house and car.

Enough coal exists to last over 250 years, and oil to last 400 years.... this is just from known reserves.

Is the cost of fuel high?... you bet, but I'm so tired of hearing of "gouging" by the oil companies. Consider this factoid: since 1977, American oil companies have profited 460 Billion dollars. In that same time period, Federal and State taxes equal 1.4 TRILLION dollars.... so who's gouging.

The reason you have such high taxes and fuel prices in Britain (and Europe) is that you're Socialist/Marxist states. Sorry.

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 01:12 PM
the most radical of the enviornmentalist are often tools of buisnesses aiming to stop competition..and control markets by this method.
I too dont believe all this stuff about global warming ..I believe it is naturally cyclical. Its just that good records dont go back that it is easy to put people on a emotional string.
Also yes..zappafans point about us feeding much of the world from our production is true. It is just not popular to quote this information in lieu of all the guilt techniques used by our leaders and politicians ..educators too.

I also agree with zappafan's position on price gouging. Oil companys have huge overheads compared to many other buisnesses. Combine these expenses with the loss in purchasing power of the dollar ..the oil companys have to make so much profit in order to replace the capital used in the process of making money.
In shipbuilding ...the congress of this country is actually stupid enough to balk at the costs of new ships when they are getting money by deficit ..creating money without creating product to balance it against...they they wonder why high budget long term items cost so much have to go to school to get this stupid...ordinary people arent this dumb. The cost of ships must go up this much to make a profit against the loss in purchasing power of the dollar ...over the time the project is being manufacturered and delivered. Talk about a stupid bunch of people...I mean by this ..our leaders. They are causing the loss of purchasing power of our dollar...they call this is actually and correctly termed depreciation. They even decieve us about this too.
This knowlege is applicable to every commodity in a market using fiat phoney money systems.
The energy is out there..including new sources of energy not yet developed. Ive often wondered about farmers going into the Energy buisness..since they pay many of them not to plant....annually. Energy itself is and always will be a controlled market..primarily controlled by the ignorance and emotions of the public.


posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 03:44 PM
Glad to see there are those aware of what the "Green Movement" really is and isn't.

How many of you remember the El Neino(spl?) effect on world climate being discussed in the early 80's? Science told us it was deep ocean temperatures that effected the weather and that it was cyclical and known of for 100's of years. The oceans heated from the bottom, not the surface. Thermal vents? Ties in with all the activity of the earths crust. It was out of our control to do anything about it, something modern man has a huge problem accepting and then bang, everything became all our fault and ocean temperature cycles dropped off the media radar.

As to oil control, keeping the poor, old and weak from freezing will never be more or even as important as the profitability of the plastic nick nac industries... can't...type.....fighting .. raging...rant...AHHHH!!!

posted on Nov, 24 2005 @ 10:30 AM
Orangetom: You are correct in your thoughts and reply. America should never have went off of the Gold standard.... big mistake. It used to be that the only definition for "inflation" was printing more money that you have "hard currency" (Gold, Silver, etc). That still holds true today, but they've added more definitions.

Suzy Ryan.... Cool out.. take a pill.... 8^) Thanks goodness there are some here who actually realise the "Greenpeace" agenda... which is along the same lines as the Kyoto Treaty. I have twenty or thirty links concerning climate change, and also to scientists worldwide who have facts, or at least better ideas, as to the causes of global warming.

Here in America a lot of our taxes go to the old or infirm who receive aid for their heating costs during the winter.
By the way... I like Australia.... but I'm one of those who just has to have snow during the winter 8^) which is why I live in Wisconsin.
However, I thought Paradise would be a toss-up between Australia, and Vancouver, Canada. But I'd never live in Canada... I don't like Socialism/Marxism.... and it's way too hot for me in Australia.

[edit on 24-11-2005 by zappafan1]

posted on Nov, 24 2005 @ 08:46 PM
I agree too.. The gold or bi metalic standard is the only check and balance to overspending and ruination of our moneys. To my knowlege when the money of a nation collapses...without exception ...the government always falls. Planned collapse of the money supply is what I see in the future. With another form of government waiting in the wings. A feudal dictatorial government. They just want to remove the cloak covering it now.
Control of a nations money supply has always been a tool for hidden control since ancient times.
Gold and silver moneys have always been a limit on this control. This means financial control of Government also means freedom and liberty for the people living under that government. Deficit spending puts power unlimited in the hands of the government or who ever is the real government. This is a concept not taught in public schools. Financal controls on government always means liberty for the public. It also means freedom and liberty for the various states in the union to mind their own buisness.
I could take this further but this is sufficient for now.
Good to see that others have a notion of this understanding also.


posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady
These "new high standards" on emissions will push used cars off the road, since most older cars can not meet high emission standards. That will leave a whole section of poor out of a car, since the newer used cars are expensive themselves. You think car manufactuers are pushing for this with their money?

Higher gas prices means less mobility for Americans. I wonder if this is more of a plan to keep us immobilized instead of reducing emmissions.

If diesel goes up too high, the trucks will stop running, and the country will become immobilized, since no products will be shipped anywhere from groceries to office supplies. Right now what is happening is that the companies who reimburse their drivers for fuel are transfering some of their costs over to their customers, who in turn transfer the cost to the consumers. That is one reason why prices have risen so much since the gas climb started.

It can get to the point where the company can can not absorbe any more fuel costs, and their customers will refuse to take on any more costs because the consumers are not buying the item at such a high price. The company can try to pass on the fuel costs to the drivers, but many of them will quit driving instead. They have a dangerous job, are pushed to the limits and beyond by their companies, are forced to deal with bad HOS (hours of service) rules, and in many cases receive low pay for what they are doing. Either having to accept lower pay, or having to pay even a part of the fuel costs may be the last straw that breaks their backs so to speak.

Then you get to the lease drivers and owner operators who have to pay for thier fuel costs. Very high deisel costs will shut them down, because it will get to the point where it will not be worth it for them to keep driving.

I wouldn't be suprised to see regular gas prices climb higher than diesel. Of course regluar gas prices going too high could shut down the economy as well. It could get to the point where people will not be able to afford to go to work, and public transportation where it is available would raise their prices so much, that it would be expensive for people to buy their passes. Only a very few could walk or ride a bike to work.

As for starvation, you can look for more and more people in our country who can not buy enough to eat, and yet our grocery stores shelves are packed to the brim.

You don't see this happening in Europe, do you?... where income taxes are higher, as are most other things.

Our fuel costs will never hit that highand, if they do (which would require a large catastrophe), would not stay that high.

Starvation? A second job, or altruism, would prevent this. Most "poor" people , who are not elderly or physically disabled, are poor because of their own failings.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
I agree too.. The gold or bi metalic standard is the only check and balance to overspending and ruination of our moneys. To my knowlege when the money of a nation collapses...without exception ...the government always falls. Planned collapse of the money supply is what I see in the future. With another form of government waiting in the wings. A feudal dictatorial government. They just want to remove the cloak covering it now.
Control of a nations money supply has always been a tool for hidden control since ancient times.
Gold and silver moneys have always been a limit on this control. This means financial control of Government also means freedom and liberty for the people living under that government. Deficit spending puts power unlimited in the hands of the government or who ever is the real government. This is a concept not taught in public schools. Financal controls on government always means liberty for the public. It also means freedom and liberty for the various states in the union to mind their own buisness.
I could take this further but this is sufficient for now.
Good to see that others have a notion of this understanding also.


Well, except for government spending, actually "the people" control a larger portion of Americas money than you might imagine. It seems that all of a sudden the dems have forgotten that it was they who were responsible for decifit spending for 40+ years; now they complain.
Although the decifit seems like a large amount (and it does), remember that it is only 4% of GDP, which is quite manageable.
In some aspects, I see another depression on the horizon, which would be a good thing for the majority of the kids out there, who have no concept of work ethics, money, or much else (and after the last depression, the government did not fall).
On the other hand, there are too many other countries who are invested in America to allow that to happen.

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