posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 05:31 PM
It may just be a pack of Belgians. Seriously.
Back in the late BC, a group of Belgae emigrated to the island from the mainland, established a settlement in the area, and were henceforth known as
the Corieltauvi.
The Corieltauvi were wiped out in the Roman invasion of England, less than 200 years after their arrival. Now, follow me here, but England has always
had a very warlike history, and your area's role in the story is now coming to light.
When the Romans sesttled the area, they named the settlement Ratae Corieltavorum, after the Corieltauvi that they conquered.
Now, nobody knows much about them, other than that they were warlike, and there before the Romans were. What happened to the Corieltauvi? We may never
know the full story. Anywho...
About 700 years later, in come the Danes. The Danes now control the area, and much of the eastern part of (what will become) Leicestershire County.
So far, a lot of death, strife, and anguish in your area, yes?
Fast forward another 200 years, and you're looking straight into the Norman conquest of England. Yet even more war!
I personally would have no problem assuming that one/a handful/all of the black shapes you see are the lost spirits of those who died in the area. It
seems like a strong possibility to me.
Now that probably doesn't help you much, but that's all the historical information I really have about the area.
Also, there in the county is still in the park, in ruins, correct? perhaps they are interconnected?
I love history. It's like a jigsaw puzzle half done, and the dog has just gotten ahold of the box with all the pieces, and scattered them about the
house. If we know where to look, we can certainly piece it back together.