posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 10:35 PM
As my average day goes buy my brain seems to have a pressure put upon it as the day progresses. This feeling doesn't hurt, but it does interfere with
my brain processing. This has been happening day by day for about three years now. After I graduated from college I kind of had an 1/4 life crisis and
took a bunch of sleeping pills and alcohol one night and I experienced lost time. (a day) The feeling seems to have greatened since then. I am highly
phychic when I allow myself to be. (I am kinda scared of my abilities) Is the pressure I am experiencing a direct link to alcoholism, or something
else... I drink a tall boy of miller light and a 40oz of olde english every night to help me sleep. I'm down to a 1/2 of my forty tonight as I write.
Obviously I don't get to drunk because I can complete full sentences, but it does help with the pressure thing...opinions? I have posted other
threads not entirely directed towards this if anyone cares to research. I am a picese with a very old soul (i'm 25), and though I struggle with day
to day conversation, (I hate small talk) I can write well...
[edit on 18-8-2005 by eyeballkid]
[edit on 18-8-2005 by eyeballkid]
[edit on 18-8-2005 by eyeballkid]