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John Titor and Cindy Sheehan is there any connection?

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posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 10:48 AM
Mr. Titor described ("a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse"), Civil Unrest ?

Big Show Down In Texas... High Noon August 28th
Maybe John Titor prediction will come true .... It's going to be Mom Vs Mom.. I hope it want be PayPer View

“You Don’t Speak for Me, Cindy” caravan will be led by Deborah Johns of Marine Moms that arrives in Crawford Saturday, August 27, 2005 rally on August 28th....

George Bush Gets Ring Side view.

Cindy Sheehan Vs. Deborah Johns August 28th

Maybe John Titor will be there?

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 11:13 AM
if sheehans supporters get burned alive with flame throwers, I will concede it is a waco type event. Until then, its just an anti-war demonstration.

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 11:25 AM
There doesnt necessarily have to be fire. The vigil is there.

I did read somewhere, Titor, Catholic prophecies(not sure) that a woman would be the catalyst to civil war.

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by XPhiles
Cindy Sheehan Vs. Deborah Johns August 28th

Thats whacky, but its nothing like Waco.

Whoever was writing the titor stuff was a reactionary anti-federalist militia-ist. Cindy Shehan is not part of a militia, 'titor' wouldn't be the least bit concerned about it.Of course, titor never existed anyway and the whole thing's a hoax, but why let details ruin the fun right?

Also, Titor said that there'd be a waco type event, every month of this year (or was it 2004?). THere has not been a single such event.

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
There doesnt necessarily have to be fire. The vigil is there.

I did read somewhere, Titor, Catholic prophecies(not sure) that a woman would be the catalyst to civil war.

I disagree. I would expect a waco type event would in some manner resemble a waco type event. If the ATF agents move in with tanks and flame throwers and indescriminantly start murdering protesters, you've got yourself a waco type event.

The titor supporters have nothing to stand on, so all of this stretching of events to fit the titor story is , well kinda sad.
Why do people want so much for this to be true that they will skew and distort any event into a waco type event ? Your realize if titor is legit it means 3 billion deaths ? Thats billion with a B

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Also, Titor said that there'd be a waco type event, every month of this year (or was it 2004?). THere has not been a single such event.

Titor did mentioned both times 2004 and 2005, as being the time when civil war would begin. He said that it would begin slowly and gradually escalate.

Maybe Titor is connecting Cindy Sheehan to the Waco type event? Where ever Bush goes Cindy goes. Militia type groups are attached to both sides. This could eventually escalate.

Then we have Government Intelligence, maybe they are trying to defuse and alter our worldline to where this situation is mute. Like causing her mother to have a stroke?

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 07:53 PM

I did read somewhere, Titor, Catholic prophecies(not sure) that a woman would be the catalyst to civil war.

Ah, like Helen of Troy? It is nice to know the power us women can have on events in the world. Of course, have you noticed that it is always the men that seem to be blowing things up and starting wars?

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by XPhiles
Maybe Titor is connecting Cindy Sheehan to the Waco type event? Where ever Bush goes Cindy goes. Militia type groups are attached to both sides.

What militias are attached to either Sheehan or Bush???

Then we have Government Intelligence, maybe they are trying to defuse and alter our worldline

If anyone in the government takes titor seriously they should be fired and forbiden from ever working in government again, whether they're an intelligence analyst or a postman.

have you noticed that it is always the men that seem to be blowing things up and starting wars

Since men are usually in charge, this should come as much of a surprise. Wars will allways be fought. Cleopatra was more than willing to go to war. Zenobia started the Palmyran war. Boudicca was a warrior Queen, and there was certianly not a global peace when Elizabeth and Victoria were Queens.

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 09:59 PM
The civil war began in 2004 when Bush was reelected. There has been a severe seperation of the masses in America. It started as left or right wing and lately many right wingers are switching sides and seeing the lies of Bush and Company. Cindy Sheehan is the figure head of a new "Vietnam style anti-war movement." There will come a time that these people will be physically attacked. If not by our own military (under orders), the secret service, or by Republican extremists not unlike the idiots who drove over the crosses and flags at Arlington West.

There are enough people in this country praying for change especially in Bush and Company and enough blind followers of Bush to cause a Civil War.

Only time will tell but I would watch the events of August 27th and 28th very closely.

If not then, soon **** will hit the fan.

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by GTWill
The civil war began in 2004 when Bush was reelected. There has been a severe seperation of the masses in America.

No there hasn't. Hell, a majority voted him back in, thats not a severe seperation. The US was far more divived in the 60's, let alone in the lead up to the actual US civil war. In a few years bush will be out and the hysterics can calm down.

Cindy Sheehan is the figure head of a new "Vietnam style anti-war movement."

This 'anti-war movement' is about as vietnam like as the iraqi insurgency, smaller, weaker, far far less effective, and doomed to utter failure.

If not then, soon **** will hit the fan.

And if not soon, then later, and if not later, in the distant future, and if not then....

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 12:26 AM
There is a big separation taking place in America that has been going on since the 2000 election.

Fact: The Libertarian Party is the fastest growing political party in America. The reason that the party is recruiting so many members is because so many former Republicans are finally waking up to the truths of what the republican party represents.

U.N troops are already in America. They have been called upon to help take down the notorius MS-13 gang that has thousands of members in almost every major city in the U.S.A.

Waco type events - I believe as Roth Joint has pointed out that in recent months the Taser incidents DOES constitute a Waco like event. The cops are acting as the judge, jury, and executioner by killing civilians who resist arrest. In america i thought that you were innocent until proven guilty? and that you deserved a trial by jury? There have been hundreds of deaths like this in the past several months.

In 1999 remember this was a GOOD year and everyone was making money in the stock market, when Bush was still president elect, Titor said that we would be go to war with Iraq again because of WMD's...and he said that we wouldn't find any!

Titor said in 1999 that the US. citizen would lose their rights, in exchange for security. The Patriot Act was then passed in 2001.

What I am saying is... Don't dismiss Titor just yet because his story sounds unbelievable. What is truely unbelieveable is what is going on the world today...and how Titor keeps coming true.

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
What militias are attached to either Sheehan or Bush???

Militias are private armies preparing for war. I'm sure the radical right and left are gearing up for a future confrontation. It's just a matter of time.

Originally posted by Nygdan
If anyone in the government takes titor seriously they should be fired and forbiden from ever working in government again, whether they're an intelligence analyst or a postman.

I'm sure there is government people who takes theory of relativity, or string theory very serious. Wither it pertains to Titor, I wouldn't know. It would be foolish for a government to not follow the postings of a possible time traveler.

Originally posted by GTWill
The civil war began in 2004 when Bush was reelected. There has been a severe seperation of the masses in America.

This is true except corporate America makes it seem it hasn't deviated us.. They keep US all to busy with work and lies for most to even really care... Someone learned a lesson in the 60's to do things different this time around.

This is what John Titor could be referring too.

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 01:53 AM
If and only if one buys Titor...

The there's an angle you folks may or may not choose to debate a bit...

Why Titors preditions could "slip" is easy - point perspective within a particular slice of the multi-verse.

Whether n10, n11,n(x), n(infinity) doesn't matter - beside the point.

How could he know the future beyond generalization for any given reality he was dropped into?

He could never be sure exactly which past he landed in so how could he know anything specific about its' particular future. Simple - he couldn't, this reality (our reality) hasn't played out yet.

So consider the Waco a month thing might not occur in this reality. Or may not happen at the stated rate or at Waco severity. Plenty 'nuff bad stuff happening everywhere anyway.

Not to mention the fabled 2%plus/minus event certainty variable. Geez there's a total "get out of jail free card" if I ever heard one.

I haven't mentioned the "Butterfly effect" and its' complications - Oops there - Just did - future's changed. Think about it.

But cheer up - I've been following Titor events for years and I have yet to hear a truly cogent argument to irrefutabley disprove any single element of the saga - no matter what the loudest of the "anti" cognoscente say or scream - some folks get way too wound up about this stuff - total info rage.

I can not say anything in Titors statements are incorrect yet - the man told no lies - I don't care about the laser photo one bit - big yawn - produced ipso facto and no doubt a fake.

I do take seriously the trends he predicted and they are grave and ostensibly occurring right McNow.

The physics stuff is uncanny - pretty much comin' down like he stated.

If it's true at all the guy had a wicked dry sense of humour - "No arm, no legger, that's a no brainer". Gives me the willies thinkin' 'bout that and Iraq and beheadings.

Now on to his "organized armed conflict" - this one is easy to account for - think info warfare - think the net, blogs, terror web sites - TV - Movies, all freakin' media - if this isn't armed organized conflict what is? It's a veritable firestorm of data flyin' around. Tons of rage - on demand 24/7 wideband baby. That battle is for the digital highground - and our minds. Information is the real "super weapon" - ideology kills - read or watch the news. Guns take a backseat - for now.

The "trading freedom for security" stuff - raids in 27 states cleaning up gangs, Judith Miller, Patriot act - close enough for me. America and Britain are police states and my country Canada isn't too far behind.

All the Middle-East stuff seems about ready to go ka-boom too.

America is so far in Chinese debt that western destabilization could be caused by Walmart having a bad week - my pick is energy as a source for the wheels comin' off the economy - all those folks with expensive real estate and debt are in for a world of hurt.

For me there's still lots of room for Titor lore yet. I don't yet not buy it.

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 07:23 AM
I think Nygdan is a Republican.

First off, I understand that 51% is a majority but 49% is one hell of a lot of people. That only rings true if the election was not fixed. Also, have you checked the latest approval rating. The majority now thinks Bush is crap.

This 'anti-war movement' is about as vietnam like as the iraqi insurgency, smaller, weaker, far far less effective, and doomed to utter failure.

The "anti-war movement" is just beginning. There were over 1600 demonstrations around the U.S. on Wednesday night.

Get your head out of Rush Limbaugh's pompus behind and see the light.

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 07:49 AM
You guys are making too much of the wing nut.

Cindy Sheehan is nothing except a woman who has
lost her marbles and is in need of psychyiatric care.
She is being used by radical lefties and she is enjoying
the limelight.

I'm sure Cindy will have been forgotten in a few months.

If not a few months, then for sure as soon as Hillary starts
her pres. campaign. All eyes will be on Hillary and the 'slow
news day' story of Cindy that has been embraced by the
radical left will have faded into nothingness.

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by GTWill
I think Nygdan is a Republican.

Ahhhh yes. Nygdan used FACTS instead of emotion and so you 'accuse'
him of being a republican.
That's funny. So if someone uses
emotion and doesn't look at the facts, I guess that makes him/her
a democrat?

Fact is, he's right. 51% IS a majority.
It's not a mandate, but it's a majority.

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 08:01 AM
Cindy went home. Her mother suffered a stroke and according to Cindy she needs to "assess the situation."

It would be pretty ironic if a woman protesting against a war was the cause of a war, no?

Of course, if that did happen it would mean Titor was right, which would mean he was real which, well, damn, hang on, monkeys are flying out of my butt.

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 10:08 AM
Two things. First of all the whole Titor story is a hoax (IMHO). Secondly this isn't the politics forum. Can everyone who's jumped onto the Left vs Right bandwagon please get off? At least in this forum. It would be nice if things could be discussed normally without spiraling into political banter.

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 10:38 AM
Well .... that would be nice dbates except there are a few problems ....

Cindy Sheehan is all about politics. She's spouting typical radical
left wing (and notice I said RADICAL ... not your average everyday
Democrat stuff) ... spouting radical leftwing rhetoric about 'neocons'
and Israel and Palestinians, etc. etc. etc.

The Titor hoax was about civil war because of ... politics.

So there is no way to discuss Sheehan and Titor and not have
politics enter into it. Politics is the life blood of the Sheehan
story. It's not about a woman protesting the death of a son
in a war ... at least not anymore (if it ever was). Politics and
abnormal psychology .... that makes Sheehan tick.

What would you like to see discussed in relation to Sheehan
and the (alleged) Titor connection? Would you give us a few
suggestions please? Thank you.

(Although since Titor wasn't real, I don't see how there can
be one??)

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 11:25 AM
Sheehan lost her only son to a war based of BS just like Titor said would happen, What have you givin for this crap war??

58 to 60 million people Is far from the Majority in a country with 300 million people, bush got 51% of those who were able to vote, plus the cheat vote from the diebold repubican machines, lets remember folks the president of diebold told the USA that he would hand bush ohio, and to no ones surprize...he did.

Titor has been right on so far in his predictions, minus the open conflicts, or civil war in the USA, on a violent level, but we are divided non the less, and all is needed for our differances to become violent is a spark, question is who will shoot first, I bet the cops will.

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