posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 08:35 AM
The ongoing plan is to get Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Couilter and Drudge and his pin headed friends to trash her. Rove calls this the “Grass-Roots
Response” task force and orders have been issued to the Friends in the Media to go ahead. Faked interviews with obscure White House staffers
disguised as grieving parents of the recently killed in Iraq have been going on in the basement for a week now and I happened to blunder into one. If
it wasn’t so sick, it would be funny.
This is just like something out of ‘Wag the Dog’ but in the case of Rove, it would be ‘Grease the Pig.’ Then these faked sound bites are sent
off to paid media employees at the various networks: CNN, FOX, NBC and others to be played on prime time as “growing public outrage” at the
“lies and self-seeking” efforts on the part of Ms. Sheehan and a “gang of left-wing Bush haters” and “anti-military left-wingers.”
In full force- Mothers are coming out of the woodwork as planned, enraged at Cindy. Rush and Sean are having a field day also! is a very reliable news source!