posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 11:09 AM
(not sure where to put this topic)
Note, my theory is based on minimal evidence, and i haven't researched it too much
I'm new to this and have no idea in hell of how to use the stuff. The following stuuf contains a lot of thingf from the site .
I've always had a fascination with things like ancient mysteries, the paranormal and such forth. The estra terrestial section has given me some bad
parranoya (i suck at spelling), and has also intrigued me. One of them, which was based on Majestic twelve was very indepth. I have read it again and
agian. Actually only twice but who cares. Anyway, the alian named krill said that the alian species orginated in the orion cluster. In one of the
articles on the website above it said that the pyramids where in corrilation to the orion cluster. This made me think. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.
I think it isn't so- I don't think that the egyptions, as thechnologically advance as they were would be able to achknoledge something like thins.
This is where the atlanteans come in. I believe that they are the people that influenced the people of egypt, if they where influenced at all. That's
where my theory stops. I know there is more to it but i don't know it yet.
This is all a theory, my historian insulting theory...