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Six Days examined

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posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 12:12 AM
Hello I have reciently read the first book of the bible or Genesis as it is called, after a thorough evaluation I cannot say many things that could prove a fight for the idea of creationism. I was a skeptic going in but decided I would give it a shot, but after my review I became much more skeptical. I will lay some evidence for why this is in a minute, but first I want to say why I conducted this thorough reading, everywhere I went I seen christians so illiterate of there own religion, most never read the bible and a startiling number did not know any other authorities in the bible exept Jesus. This was very odd because the one thing they were good at was giving donations most gave a large share to the church. Now to critics I will say Genesis is the only verse I have read and these conclusions are based off of my beliefs.

1. Six Days of Creation and the Sabbath, I am not going to use a specific quote but I would like to bring up a startiling argument. HOW COULD THIS BE DOCUMENTED, now according to my bibles fact section this book was put together in the time period 1225-1000 B.C. which has been proven by many scholars. It was gathered from oral traditions and stories of tribal peoples. Now how in the hell could they know an accurate depiction of an event that happened millions according to the bible or billions according to carbon dating, years ago. The truth is that would be impossible onless Adam and Eve knew to carry it down from their generation, but if that were the case you are looking at a complete warp of the situation.

2. Six Days of Creation and the Sabbath, Many more questions without using a specific quote arise, firstly how could adam and eve communicate and dont say GOD. Now in verse 20 of this book you hear "let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky." Now according to modern day scientists birds were not a living lifeform until well after the extinction of the dinasours which brings up another compelling point unless this is an acronym which I doubt, because this verse goes on and on about birds there wings and such. Birds were not developed 6 billion years ago not even 2 billion, a definate falsehood. I should also add on top of that 24 also clams of cattle made during the development of earth. But of course more unlikely than that is its depiction of humankind. Now the idea of evolution which has been proven for the most part relly disproves "So god created humankind in his image" and replaces it with a more realistic ideal that we decend from apes. Now what relly proves the idea of evolution is evidence, whereas the bible has no evidence what so ever evolution has increasing skulls with more and more human characteristics. As far as I am conserned Evolution is definatly the right answer and this disproves this fight of orgins.

3. Six Days of Creation and the Sabbath, Now there is something impossible creating something out of nothing that is the very thing that the bible stipulates god did always following with, "and god saw that it was good". Fine you can believe this but if there was no matter in the universe to start with how could there be matter all of a sudden.

I could give you alot more examples of my reading of the first verse but I am on a time constraint so I will end with, where is the evidence for your ideals, where is the evidence of gods existience, where is the evidence of a great flood or a original people. where is the evidence that anything in Genisis is true, I will tell you where NOWHERE.

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 12:18 AM
I am just going to sit back an watch this.
Wait, let me take a few off ignore then I will watch an see what goes on here, this outta be good...

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 12:27 AM
Ha, I certainly am ready for alittle abuse, otherwise I would have kept my thoughts to myself. Becides I enjoy christians trying to defend their "faith".

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 03:38 AM
you are following the wrong path brother

please use this link to find enlightment and truth

may you be forever touched by his noodly appendage

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 09:45 AM
I don't know - I wasn't there.

However, I personally believe that it is supposed to be that each day of the week merely REPRESENTS a stage of creation, not that the world was created in 6 days.

I also think that man's first cycle may have here WITH the dino's, and that we are now in our third cycle, about to enter the fourth - Aquarius. Water (the flood) brought us into our third and fire will bring us into our fourth.

Only the gullible would think the bible was litteral. 6 days? What is a day anyways?

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 08:25 PM
I wonder if I would be out of line to ask you to get your facts straight.
I have quoted your post and will leave the lines that need correcting of one form or another

Originally posted by innominate
everywhere I went I seen christians so illiterate of there own religion,

Now to critics I will say Genesis is the only verse I have read and these conclusions are based off of my beliefs.

. It was gathered from oral traditions and stories of tribal peoples.

or billions according to carbon dating, years ago.

Now the idea of evolution which has been proven for the most part

3. Six Days of Creation and the Sabbath, Now there is something impossible creating something out of nothing that is the very thing that the bible stipulates god did always following with, "and god saw that it was good". Fine you can believe this but if there was no matter in the universe to start with how could there be matter all of a sudden.

I could give you alot more examples of my reading .

Please do.

Something from nothing? LOL

You mean like...Big bang? Where did the dot come from and why did it explode? Or how about life from nothing?
What...things can come alive from nothing but a creator God is impossible?
You have faith in yours and I in mine.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 01:51 AM
Im not the most knowledgable person in the world when it comes to physics but doesnt the law of conservation of energy prevent any kind of explosion from nothing? The only thing that makes sense to me is some sort of highly compressed matter being compressed enough to create an explosion. Still where did this matter come from? what forces were acting on it to create such an explosion? I think we allow our limited understanding of science to try to explain away God.

Remember that the first few chapters in genesis are more of a morality tale. diobeying God and being cast from paradise, the first murder, etc.

If you can respect the beliefs of muslims why cant you 'enlightened' people respect ours as christians?

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 11:06 AM
Something from Nothing

What can't be seen is not necessarily 'nothing'--it is just something which isn't seen.

The 'nothing' is consciousness. God is the original and foremost sentient being--i.e. 'mind.' And as such, has true free will. Which means that what is willed by that mind comes into being. And until there are eyes of observers who can collapse the light wave, 'nothing' is seen. When those eyes are willed into being, they look around and collapse the light waves and lo and behold! There is 'something.'

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 02:51 PM
Native americans, and Tribal Africans do a very good job of keeping thier history intant thru oral traditions. No reason why it could also happen for the old testement.

And actaully Moses was the first one to write down Genises and the Tribes of isreal kept it intact thru scrolls and oral tradition until they were compiled by king soloman.

What about the possiblitly of God creating a mature universe and as he created the earth he left dinosaur bones in the earth where it would seem they had been around millions of years ago. We are talking about histroy here, not pre-historic times. Cant have history unless someone remembers it and passes it on, or writes it down.

for the thrid point all I have to say is four words: It is a miricle

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Jehosephat
What about the possiblitly of God creating a mature universe and as he created the earth he left dinosaur bones in the earth where it would seem they had been around millions of years ago. We are talking about histroy here, not pre-historic times. Cant have history unless someone remembers it and passes it on, or writes it down.

for the thrid point all I have to say is four words: It is a miricle
I certainly believe in miracles--and have been fortunate to experience one or two.

But God is efficient and always logical and purposeful. To make dinosaur bones where there weren't any dinosaurs--which would cause confusion and questions from men--that just doesn't seem likely.

Besides that, isn't that much like lying? False representation, at the very least? It is not possible for God to lie or misrepresent.

Man misunderstands, that's all.

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