posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 10:33 PM
Hmm, I cannot recall a specific instance in which a ghost drained energy from a human. Many people do argue, however, that ghosts draw energy from
their surroundings. They point to the well-known phenomena of 'cold spots' as evidence of this. Essentially, the argument goes that ghosts require
energy to interact with the physical world in the small ways they have been known to (slamming doors, writing crude messages, scratching people, etc.)
and they draw this energy from their enviornment, thus causing a drop in temperature.
Whether or not this is true is entirely open for debate, given that most ghosts are unwilling to submit to laboratory analysis. I have only ever seen
what I believed to be a ghost once, and did not notice any drop in temperature or draining of energy. However, while ghosts remain a mystery to
science, I guess anything is possible.