posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 06:05 PM
This is a really good question for a number of reasons including your assesment about the nwo or as I like to think of it as the one world government
which I think would be a great thing as long as its not oppressive.
But back to your question it might be the USA do to its size and wealth of natural landscapes and resources. But then again its all about location
location location right, so thats were Israel would come in with its central location in the eastern hemisphere but that might not necessarly be a
good thing ease of access by terrorists and other psuedo revolutionary factions from the much more culturally diverse people in the eastern
hemisphere. So again we come back to the USA since with the modern worlds telecommunications and the ever improving albeit still behind were it should
be transportation system. Your better off having security and stability geographiclly speaking.
So in the future maybe it will be greenland after the ice melts, or is transported to the various desserts or other locations around the world
desiring freshwater resources.
The ice thing being transported idea is something that I am a big fan of, avoiding allowing the vast amounts of freshwater being released into the
oceans and also providing a huge source of freshwater to the areas around the world that will most certainly need it i.e. middle east with their vast
riches from oil would be the number one customers and proponents of such a plan (money talks, to bad for africa) along with areas like americas
southwest with its increasing population numbers and limited freshwater sources. Of course all we need to do is figure out how to transport minimum
one kilometer cubed blocks of ice. I dont think anyone in the desert would complain about the new environment created by the fresh water either.
But back to the point of all this take away the ice and suddenly greenland would become the most ideal place to set up base for the nwo the untapped
resources its great location( i love the cold, future shouldnt be so bad though
) central to west and east hemisphere, though east asia is quite
far away. Your thoughts on all this.