posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 12:26 AM
Who's we?
That's the first question you have to answer.
The people who really want to do something about the situation are, in fact, doing something about it.
If you want to do something, do it.
Don't wait for any 'we' though, because that's what everybody else is doing, and the results of this mass indecision are clear.
I won't be a part of that we, by the way. I intend to watch the unfolding world, and survive in it, nothing more, nothing less, business as usual.
I can adapt to the situation that others feel needs to be changed, so I don't care one way or another what happens with this government or the
They should have the right to protest, and they all have the ability to make decisions that change the world for the better, but the ability to decide
and act lives in the individual, not the group. Each person has to make their own choices and take responsibility for the outcome.