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Not an ordinary strange night.

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posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 08:24 AM
Hmmm. Where should i start?

Im a student here in the Philippines, im studying at the university of the philippines. I stay in a dormitory. The Uni is located at Los Baños Laguna. Laguna is a bit more rural and it is not habited by large buildings. But theres this one eerie night. I heard a continuous sonic boom. (I cant explain how it sounded like). But according to my perception. The sound was like a huge ship that came across our home. Its like hovering, with the aid of sound, 50 mtrs. above ground. I would describe the sound like a scence in the ALien Vs. Predator, the scence where a huge ship passed above the man, the man heard the sound but never noticed the "ufo" (remember?) ANyways, just like to have some opinions of what is it.

1. Our dorm is located near a hangar, so I know the sound of airplanes that cruise in our atmosphere.
2. Im not hallucinating.
3. And please dont call me a noob cause im new here XD

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 09:24 AM
Are there any more details you can provide? Was the sound pulsating, whining, humming, etc? Was it similar to the "whopping" of helo blades? How long did it last? Any external effects like things rattling or shaking? What were the weather conditions? Any power problems like brownouts, lights flickering? More than one person experience it? Could you see anything? Any odd sensations physically? Did it "feel" like there was something above you, like the sensation of weight or mass above you? How high up did you percieve it to be? I'm sure there are more questions, maybe these will lead you into some more afterthoughts. My thoughts are that at first read this comes across as something man made, maybe a fastmover pulse detonation drive style of craft, something we here in the states have seen example of on the west coast from time to time.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 10:47 AM
I find Defragger's idea of a fastmover, pulse drive very interesting. Of course, the US military doesn't have anything like that, right?

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 01:46 PM
Well, I dont have one in my garage yet.....
I wish I lived on the west coast sometimes so I could see these buggers with my own eyes.

[edit on 16-8-2005 by Defragger]

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 02:04 PM
Need more info -

Have you heard a sonic boom before - more a quick bang than and extended rumble?? Also, there were/are a bunch of tropical storms in the area. Thunder from those can be heard for miles and often the low frequency stuff can rumble on for quite a while like 10-25 seconds. Was this longer??

Helos, even if wacky ones kinda sound the same - if one was hovering for a while that could cause it but again a helo sounds like a helo. Airport or airbase nearby?? Large 747 or bomber can rumble a bit....

Aliens, spooky HAARP things - dunno....

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Defragger
Are there any more details you can provide? Was the sound pulsating, whining, humming, etc? Was it similar to the "whopping" of helo blades? How long did it last? Any external effects like things rattling or shaking? What were the weather conditions? Any power problems like brownouts, lights flickering? More than one person experience it? Could you see anything? Any odd sensations physically? Did it "feel" like there was something above you, like the sensation of weight or mass above you? How high up did you percieve it to be? I'm sure there are more questions, maybe these will lead you into some more afterthoughts. My thoughts are that at first read this comes across as something man made, maybe a fastmover pulse detonation drive style of craft, something we here in the states have seen example of on the west coast from time to time.

It was a continuous sound. It lasted about 5 seconds. And yeah, the house did vibrate a little bit. Im in my bed in that time, so my bed also vibrated. I think the vibration was becaue of the sound waves. The sound were continuous bass waves. Meaning they are very low sounds and if you hear it, you would actually imagine a big "ufo". And yes, it feel like something above the house have passed. Its like 25-50m as the sound is. I know sonic booms and ive seen one. Yeah, our place iha a lot of weather disturbances. But the sound didnt seem like a thunder. Thunders can only be heard. The sound ive heard is like something passed above the house. fastmover pulse detonation works like the aurora project right? It doesnt seem like one. And there are no trails in the sky. (It was also night time). 747s and Jet fighters sounded high pitched notes so prob its not using jetpropelled engines. It sounded like it was using the gravity to fly. WHen it passed, i felt thath the gravity in me suddenly increased a little.
Still im confused of what is it. Im here in the Philippines. US aircraft techs may not be available here. We only have one deserted US airbase that is a tourist attraction. The Clark Airbase.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 11:47 AM
Your thought on gravity being "pulsed" (meaning objects in the vicinity of your "object" getting heavier then lighter in increments that could be felt as it passed by) is an interesting idea. I would think that it would have an effect similar to being blasted with very low freq. sound waves in a way. There are reports of ULF experiments being done out there in the world as well. Of course this will remain a mystery to you until you can put your eyes on something that would have this type of an effect, whether it be sound or something else. As of right now all we have is an anomolous sound that was unexpected and had an effect similar to a very low rolling, rumbling thunder and nothing visual to enhance the experience. At this point I would personally write it off to Mt. Pinatubo and some localized geologic activity, but ya never know, right?

I would simply mentally file this event and be on the lookout for a similar event in the future and hopefully you will be able to see it as well and add more info to what it may be.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 12:37 PM
I agree. I've heard a similar sound, like a pulsing, low freqency diesel engine only very low and loud, that I always have associated with UFO's. If you do a search you will find my earlier posts. Keep an open mind and heart. They may return.

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 03:56 AM
Thanks guys, I needed infos for this one. Pulse gravity is a really complicated. ANti gravity batteries can be possible but pulsed one sare far more harder to create. Its like opposing gravity by using low frequency sound. Woa! I cant imagine that. Making sound a magnet? And opposing either North or South Magnetic Pole?


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