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Does this prove that USA is fighting a religious war?

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posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 01:05 AM
Is it all about politics, or is it religion; Cristianity againts Muslims, thats what I have wondered many times. Now this report shows that even though only fourteen percent of Americans are evangelical Christians, Forty percent of active duty American military personnel are evangelicals! This differense is so great that it might indicate that this is a religious war after all, but not talked about in the open.

Any opinions?

[edit on 16-8-2005 by anorwegianguy1972]

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 01:11 AM
The fact they started a little jihad against the west, and flew planes into our buildings killing thousands, all while yelling death to the jews, just doesnt work for ya does it? its a bunch of crap realy, hell what would happen if some 3rd world country in africa attacked us and we faught back, would that mean we are fighting a racist war against africans? i mean ffs

If this was some type of holy or religious war, islam wouldnt exist in the middle east anymore you can take that to the bank.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 01:28 AM
Just a thought,

If you oseparate the word Islam in to to words it can read "I Slam", which is apparently the practice of many of the fanatical Moslems. As far a being a religious war? No, Evangelicals are found mostly in the poorer middle to lower class citizen groups who generally send children into the military in order to 'have a better life'. It's like College for the Upper middle class to upper classes!

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by C0le
The fact they started a little jihad against the west, and flew planes into our buildings killing thousands, all while yelling death to the jews, just doesnt work for ya does it? its a bunch of crap realy, hell what would happen if some 3rd world country in africa attacked us and we faught back, would that mean we are fighting a racist war against africans? i mean ffs

If this was some type of holy or religious war, islam wouldnt exist in the middle east anymore you can take that to the bank.

it goes much further back than that. trying reading some books on the history of the middle east and you might find out the reason for the hatred of americans. I agree completely that it is a religious war, the US has the highest proportion of christian of any western country and you claim to be gods chosen people.

Have you nay idea how many millions of people the US has killed in it pervious wars? No other country has ever started so many wars as the US is it any wonder that 'they' are starting to fight back?

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by arnold_vosloo
Have you nay idea how many millions of people the US has killed in it pervious wars? No other country has ever started so many wars as the US is it any wonder that 'they' are starting to fight back?

have u ani idea how those wars started? back in WW1 that Zimmermann telegram resulted in U.S. involvement in that war. WW2 Pearl Harbor. Korean War North Korean Invasion, Vietnam war North Vietnam invasion, Panama Noreiga, Gulf War One Saddam Hussein, Bosnia War Serbs, Kosovo War Serbs again, War on Terror 9/11, Al Qaida and other groups working with them, Iraq War Saddam dont follow sanctions, even Clinton views him as a threat thanks to that 1998 bombing in response to Saddams refusal to cooperate with inspections.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 10:00 AM
What is an "Evangelical" Christian? Over 3/4's of the country claim to be Christian of some sort, but we do not see war as "religious". WE do see the need to defend our country and our way of life, though.

We were attacked, as you might recall. That the ones attacking us over and over in the last few decades have this tendancy to yell, "Allah Akbar!" before killing themselves and several Americans might attach religious significance to the war, but not by us.

Arnold, I have a bulletin for you. I have read books on the Middle East, and I am aware of what has gone on there, and I am aware that there is not rational reason for them to want to attack us for the past. No rational reason, anyway. I'm sure you believe there is, though, just as you mistakenly think that Christians think they are God's Chosen.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 10:08 AM
I don't see the figures as indicating a religious war, they simply indicate the religious upbringing of the people in the survey. I imagine the soldiers in question would happily fight people from any religion, including other Christians.

The term "Jihad against the west" was mentioned somwhere further up the page, since a Jihad can only technically be waged against occupiers of a (perhaps formerly) Muslim country, doesn't that mean that Spain is the only country that qualifies?

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by arnold_vosloo
Have you nay idea how many millions of people the US has killed in it pervious wars? No other country has ever started so many wars as the US is it any wonder that 'they' are starting to fight back?

Remind me, which wars did we start? For most of it's history the US has followed a policy of isolationism, so we really only get involved in things when we get attacked.

Let me see... Spanish american war, maybe. The thing against mexico where we took Texas... Vietnam and Korea were to help allies... The US has started maybe 2 or 3 wars. What country do you live in? If it isn't canada, you have probably started as many or more.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by arnold_vosloo

Have you nay idea how many millions of people the US has killed in it pervious wars? No other country has ever started so many wars as the US is it any wonder that 'they' are starting to fight back?

Can you back this up with some FACTS?

How many, exactly, wars have we started?

How many have we killed in the wars WE started as opposed to say WW1 and WW2 where millions were killed? Not to even mention the millions killed in Russia and China during the Communist take overs?

Can you back up ANY of this? Or do facts get in the way?

[edit on 16-8-2005 by Amuk]

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 11:38 AM
Of course this is a religous war. We are being attacked by religious fundamentalists who want to spread their religion to the entire world. Only one side needs to be fighting for religion for it to be a war about religion...

[edit on 16-8-2005 by skippytjc]

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 11:50 AM
true, One side is all that is needed...
but it seems interesting that it is having the drawing effect upon christians and jews to oppose the muslim extremists...

the challenge is to keep that from happening...

A full out religious war is not what either side wants... besides being opposite to the reason for religion (bring peace)... it draws in the non extremist elements that don't really want to fight...

I really like that they have renamed the war as the struggle against extremism... because that is TRULY what this is right now... and hopefully will remain...

marginalize the extremists and they will become as hated as pedophiles and nazis...

I also respect those islamic countries that have tried to clean house without pushing from our government... it is a very good sign...
if only SA, Iran, and Syria would do the same,

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by arnold_vosloo

Originally posted by C0le
The fact they started a little jihad against the west, and flew planes into our buildings killing thousands, all while yelling death to the jews, just doesnt work for ya does it? its a bunch of crap realy, hell what would happen if some 3rd world country in africa attacked us and we faught back, would that mean we are fighting a racist war against africans? i mean ffs

If this was some type of holy or religious war, islam wouldnt exist in the middle east anymore you can take that to the bank.

it goes much further back than that. trying reading some books on the history of the middle east and you might find out the reason for the hatred of americans. I agree completely that it is a religious war, the US has the highest proportion of christian of any western country and you claim to be gods chosen people.

Have you nay idea how many millions of people the US has killed in it pervious wars? No other country has ever started so many wars as the US is it any wonder that 'they' are starting to fight back?

This last statement really shows how ignorant you must be. I can think of at least 10 empires/countries that have waged more wars than the United States. Including the one you live in LMAO.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 12:00 PM
Fair point, but can you list all the wars the US has won since the Allies were victorious in WW2?

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by cargo
Fair point, but can you list all the wars the US has won since the Allies were victorious in WW2?

Korea (allies should be thanked for), Panama, Gulf War One (should thank the allies for the help), Bosnia (thanks the allies again), Kosovo (thank the allies again), Afghanistan (thank the allies again), Iraq War still continue (with allies).

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy

Originally posted by cargo
Fair point, but can you list all the wars the US has won since the Allies were victorious in WW2?

Korea (allies should be thanked for), Panama, Gulf War One (should thank the allies for the help), Bosnia (thanks the allies again), Kosovo (thank the allies again), Afghanistan (thank the allies again), Iraq War still continue (with allies).

I said list the wars US has won.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by cargo

I said list the wars US has won.

right now its pretty much Panama alone. the rest of the wars, allies the U.S. had that fought with them.

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