posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 09:21 PM
I just recently got a bunch of hemi-sync and relaxation mp3's. Supposedly they help you meditate and get into a deeper state of relaxation, which is
required for AP'ing i think. I just recently got into this whole astral projection thing, i've tried it a couple of times but haven't really gotten
newhere. Neways, i also got two mp3s entitled:
Dick Sutphen - Astral Projection 2 - Stnd Lift-Out Hypnosis - B.mp3
Dick Sutphen - Astral Projection 4 - Vibrational Lift-Out Hypnosis - D.mp3
I was wondering if anyone had heard of these and how helpful they are? Also, this probably sounds stupid but what exactly do you do with these? I know
you have to use headphones for it to werk and i got all that but do u jus close ur eyes and listen to it? Any help would be appreciated and I'm
really looking forward to AP'ing (as long as i don't run into any evil things lol)