posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 03:44 PM
I stopped watching the news for a while and stopped visiting conspiracy sites as the constant propaganda from the news networks and constant negative
future predictions from the conspiracy sites was getting repetitive so I figured I would give it a rest for a while and see if in a few months time
anything had changed, here's what I have found , Alex jones has released another DVD , jeff Rense is still going on about the jews and Ats has
combined its 9/11 board with 7/7 but no real change in the major conspiracies that are being talked about.....
Before I gave it a rest for a while the major issue about U.S. gov was if it was going to invade Iran after they basically got told to bugger off by
N.Korea and in the past two weeks the mainstream news channels are laying the ground work saying that bush may use force against Iran after all.
I am just trying to justify to myself if there is any point in getting back into this stuff, Yes I knew thanks to boards like ATS about bush possibly
going after Iran next and now seeing it on BBC news etc means it wasn't hearsay after all but on the other hand there is not to much else happening,
maybe its just me but 7/7 did not in my opinion have a major conspiracy about it and all the talk of doctored photos for me are not true I can't see
how or why they would be doctored.......
The New World Order is going to happen but not for years and by the time it does we will be so compliant it won't matter as much as the thought of it
does now....
I'm just a normal guy who is looking for a bit of understanding as to why things happen in this world Any thoughts on this post would be