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Sheehan's Husband Files for Divorce

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posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
CTID and RANT seem closer to divorce than the Sheehans.

Some healing please.

I feel better too!

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 09:33 AM
Here is a photo of the whacko kissing Dubya last year:

posted on Aug, 22 2005 @ 10:58 AM
I agree with one of the other posters...Mr Sheehan also lost a son.

However the way and manner in which our ignorant society is " preconditioned " to operate is such that his feelings and sentiments are disposable and hers are not. Her feelings get front billing and his are disposable. Many of the postings in this thread show and illustrate this clearly.
Mrs Sheehan is entitled to her feelings and it is clear that someone is making merchandise out of her for what ever purposes. It does not take rocket material to percieve this.
Mr Sheehan to his credit has tried to stay out of the limelight and private in this. Outside of this issue of the divorce..available on public dont see him looking for the spotlight. I salute him in this.

Once again.....Mr Sheehan also lost a son.

Men and now women too are making themselves disposable in joining the military does not look good for a mother in her grief to make such merchandize out of this in a voluntary military.
Mrs Sheehan cheapens and dishonors the service of her son and also other military people and their parents who support them in this voluntary military. Her son was not drafted into the military.

When the dust settles Mrs. Sheehan will find out exactly how disposable she too is in this series of events. A concept she should have known already.


posted on Aug, 22 2005 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
Mr Sheehan also lost a son.

That is very true and you make an excellent point. Seeing as how he disagrees with the publicity of it all, this must be extra hard on him. I imagine he feels like his loss is on parade. That is very sad, indeed. I will, in the future, be aware of his loss and his struggle as well. Thank you for pointing this out so eloquently.

Originally posted by orangetom1999
Mrs Sheehan is entitled to her feelings and it is clear that someone is making merchandise out of her for what ever purposes. It does not take rocket material to percieve this.

I have asked before but haven't gotten an answer yet. I'm no rocket material, but I don't understand how it's so clear that she is being used... Can you elaborate? As I said in another thread:

- She says she isn't being used. (of course, who would?)
- She (and her husband) became politically active of their own accord, after Casey's death.
- The press was not even aware of her existence untill she and her husband, with a few other families, founded Gold Star Families for Peace
- She has appeared (to me, anyway) to have hit the ground running and been the force behind which the press (and left) are following.

Mr Sheehan to his credit has tried to stay out of the limelight and private in this.

Again, why is this 'to his credit'? I don't understand what is honorable about staying private about a death? If it's his wish, then yes, I understand him remaining behind the scenes, but 'to his credit'? Why is it preferable (in some moral sense) to keep the death of a loved one private?

I guess if you assume Ms. Sheehan is 'in the limelight' for some kind of 15 minutes of fame, then I can see the honor. Do you really think she's using the death of her son to be famous? For her own glory?

Personally, I can separate Ms. Sheehan from her son, even as she talks of her son's death. I see it, not as a story about her son's choices, but a story of her feeling of loss and grief. I'm beginning to understand that many people aren't able to separate the two as I do (and perhaps she does).

Her story isn't about her son, it's about her. Her loss, her grief. Her desire to end the war. Her son is a character in the story, but this is really about her wish to end this war and save the lives of the other soldiers.

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 12:49 AM
Mrs Sheehan is camped outside of the presidents ranch..not some shopping center. Not some post office..or recruiting center but the presidents ranch ..his home. The press just eats this up. They are making merchandize of her and her loss ..her son...and attempting by default to make merchandize of everyone else who has a son in the military. She is feeding and walking right into this. In a year no one will remember who she and her son were...As I recall her sons name is Casey Sheehan. Does anyone in the public arena even know this name.??? Or just hers???
Mrs Sheehan dishonors every family who supports thier childs decision to enter the military. They dishonor these military people too.
Serving in the military was a begining for me..I knew the risks involved in those days..Vietnam was still going on. No one candy coated it for me..I did not expect fame or makeovers. My parents knew this about the military too.

Nevertheless ..Mr Sheehan lost a son too..the press avoids this view in favor of what sells and makes them merchandize to sell/get ratings. I have known this about the media for years and years. They will sell the soul of this country and any other country for ratings. I have little respect for the media ..any of them.


posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 12:53 AM
Divorce is often a combination of things and I am sure not all of them are media headlines. The end of marriage is sad regardless of what your opinion is of Cindy.

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 12:56 AM
Grief is to me a private thing not a public spectacle. To be kept private among family and close friends. Not to be made a spectacle on the evening news among parasites like the media.

There must be something wrong with my thinking now days ..I'm obviously not up to date with current trends.


posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Souljah

Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo
One thing's for certain, Mrs. Sheehan's actions have truly struck a nerve among the "I'm In Love with Mr. Bush" population.

Could not Agree with You more!

Maybe that's whats Bothering them....

Uh, no, what you die-hard ant-Americans can't figure out is that while we mightnot be for Bush, we still are for what is the closest to being right. The crap she spews is crap that not only does the memory of her son no service, but it does those serving over there now no service, and is a load of commie-bull that only, as someone else said, "moonbats", would buy into.

Speaking of being disgusted, but always suggesting that someone who doesn't embrace those who live to lob Western heads are Bush-lovers is getting mighty old.

BTW, their son has been dead for months, now, Cindy might just be responsible for her own self by now. Her husband might be the one who has had to deal with the loss by himself; did you ever think about that as you try and lump blame on him?

Save your warpness.

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 10:17 AM
Mr Sheehan may be looking for a wife not a headline..
He may be looking for a help meet not a help yourself meet.

As I tried to imply ..the fashion today is that the man is implicit and the woman is explicit. The trend in this day of emotional jags is that the woman is much more merchandizable especially in politics than is the male.This is what I meant by merchandizable.

I agree..he has had ,probably by choice,to suffer this one alone. And when the media is finished with Mrs Sheehan ..she too will be alone again. And this is exactly what I think of the media..Pimps..whores..same as politicians..shills for their political partys. both partys plural!!!

Once again ..this story is "not" front page news.. It is contrived ..manufactured...for political/emotional purposes. It is pimping a product. No rocket material needed.


posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 10:24 AM
It is to me a very low blow..almost among the lowest take and use a woman or man in their grief to merchandize a concept for political purposes.

Another example..of this very low caliber..was of one candidate mentioning during the last election of the opposition having a daughter who was gay. This is the lowest of despiration tactics.

These two examples are of the despiration of the pimping and whoredom to which our political process has stooped in order to achieve its gains.
What is even worse is that the public has stooped so low as to not catch on to it but lives and thrives off the emotional jag that the media and politicians put them on ..unawares. The treadmill. They are on this treadmill and dont even catch it. This is politicial Jerry Springerism..Rikki. et al by both partys...


posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Oh, brother...Like you know her family and their sentiments... I hope one of them makes it to the media and sets this story straight.
Rush Limbaugh must be having an orgasmic field day

How can we NOT know her sentiments? Everytime I turn on the freak'n television...there she is! Now, if it was just about her son, why would she say into a microphone, on television, that we should pull out of the MiddleEast all together? Why would she say that the Jews should leave Israel?

This is WAY above and beyond "working through my grief" as she said earlier.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 01:16 AM
Bravo...Bravo... Right in the bulls eye...good shooting.

I totally agree..this is why I say ..Mrs Sheehan is being merchandized by someone behind the scenes who is pulling her strings in order to pull ours.

I am not intrested in this type of Jerry Springer merchandizing. It gets wolfie...


posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 10:48 AM
Well well,

It has been a couple of years since Cindy Sheehan has been in the front of the news formats. I am glad she is gone ...except that her abscence has been replaced with headlines..much worse.

IN the lowest common denominator Cindys abscence has been replaced with the very important and trend setting likeness of Brittany Spears, Nichole Riche, Paris Hilton , and Lindsay Lohan. What pitiful replacements.

I conclude that in the political arena as well as other news items our Media is very Hard up.

I have noticed this format in CNN (Chicken Noodle News) and others. Even the Fabled Fox network has resorted to such Filler to take up empty space. It is noticable to me and also very telling and disappointing.
I really tire of this lowest common denominator in news and information/sensationalism. The up and coming elections will illustrate nothing new here..just a continuation of the same olde drivel. This too will be manipulated just as was Cindy Sheehan.

I believe she was used and used up by the media and the body politic. I also think her husband knew it a long time ago.

I wonder who the next "Filler" will be to sensationalize before the electons??


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