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I want to see a UFO, damnit!

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posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 03:06 PM
Okay Casper, I have just as much reason to belive you as anyone else, so please if you get the opportunity, tell them to visit me in south Wales........if their in any way Psychic, they'll know who to look for...

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 03:15 PM
~I support you all the way Casper
But I wanted to ask of the different species you've encounterd in the past. Please tell me about such.

~Regards. Jeff

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 03:38 PM
i appreciate all forms of life, and i would love to come to the complete realization that i am not alone in thinking the respect for other intelligent beings is a positive thing. i pray or have faith that if it be it be for a necessary reason.

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 03:47 PM
As long as the aliens are nice and do not harm me i have nothing to fear. I might be scared at first because it is a new experience but it wouldnt take me long to not be scared.

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 04:08 PM
I want to believe you....I really do....but I don't know how you can differentiate between voices you "telepathically" hear in your head that are basically your own thoughts, and alien voices. I still recommend at least TRYING therapy, and seeing if the aliens stop talking to you.

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 04:10 PM
Chebob, I'll do my best


I will do a quick run down, as best I can. I am not a scientist but I will try to explain as best I can.

One of the types I encountered was basically humanoid but they don't have the same kind of thought process like we do, or their physics seems to alter brain function. By this I mean...when they think of something it automatically manifests into action without second thought processes like we humans have. In other words, if one simply thought "I will raise my arm" the arm would raise spontaneously. This is also the way they communicate, every thought is registered automatically with no second guessing, so you have to be really careful about what you think because all thoughts initiate imediate action. This would be the equivalent of not having the luxury of a conscience like we humans have. The second most notable feature was they seemed to be completely devoid of emotion. I think this may be because of the havoc emotional centers in the brain would cause in this thought/action state of being. These types are mainly workers and gatherers, one explained that they were involved in studying cattle and taking samples etc. They also have smaller shuttle craft and transport people back and forth to a giant cigar shaped craft stationed near our moon. They are in essence "worker bee types" for lack of better classification.

More later...

Peace and Love,

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 04:14 PM
By the way, if you do manage to get them to do a flyby, could you tell me when and around what time?

And what if one of those types of aliens thought "I will shoot Bob with an Ak-47"...would he enter a brain paradox and die because he has no AK-47?

[Edited on 30-8-2003 by Cutwolf]

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 04:18 PM
Casper, I'm sorry to rain on your parade but I cannot take your claim seriously. First off why would an alien do what you say? Because you were abducted by them? If so, then that means you are a lesser species to them and therefore they would not take any orders from a lower form of life!

Would you take orders from a two-year old? No, because it wouldn't have the same morals as you, what they would ask you to do would be pointless, and would get in the way of your plans!

If you really do have contact with these beings would you tell them to make a short pass over Bristol and Clevedon (UK) on its way from South Wales?

Until then ...

Cutwolf, good thinking. The whole concept of the Humanoids thinking is so flawed its laughable. If you told one to destroy the Earth it would do it instantly. How do they operate? A being has thoughts all the time regardless of emotions.

If the being thought that "I need to go home" it would. Then half way it would think "I forgot the Milk" then it would go back. But it would then think "Home" then go home, in an endless circle.

I'm sorry to ridicule you, its not something I do often, but until that flyby, I'm a non-believer in your 'skills' and this is all a little game of Attention Seeking.

Sorry Casper

[Edited on 30-8-2003 by MrEisenhower]

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 04:26 PM
obviously you believe but you are trying to have others disbelieve. my assumption come from the fact that your mind has already been allowed to believe that your a sub being versus respecting other beings it gives it all away sorry to expose your disinformation tactics, also i heard the avatar you are usibg was a crossdressing, pres turned commie in fear of his presidency from the last 5 star thats a give away also.

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by bigsage
obviously you believe but you are trying to have others disbelieve. my assumption come from the fact that your mind has already been allowed to believe that your a sub being versus respecting other beings it gives it all away sorry to expose your disinformation tactics, also i heard the avatar you are usibg was a crossdressing, pres turned commie in fear of his presidency from the last 5 star thats a give away also.

*Hands Up* you got me. Yes, I'm lager-drinking communist Brit from Zeta Reticuli.

Serioulsy, how clever. But I've never said I disbelieve in Aliens! Where in my post have I said I have no belief Aliens? I only only said I disbelieve in Caspers 'buddyness' with ET's.

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 04:38 PM
but really tho my words hold more weight that your senseless jokes about the issue being runaround.

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by bigsage
but really tho my words hold more weight that your senseless jokes about the issue being runaround.

Do you believe that Casper has contact with Aliens? If so why? Has he shown you evidence, proof? Or do you know the same amount as the rest of us here?

Believe me, there have been many people who say they have had contact with Aliens, mny people. People who say there best friend is the second coming of Jesus.

Do you expect me to lay down every bit of skepticism just so I can believe another story of "my best friends an alien?" If people like this get unchallenged, sorry Casper if this sounds very offensive, then they are able to control the people who believe in any way. I'm sure I'm no the only one on this board to think that Casper has no contacts of ET origin.

Now Casper, I'm sorry if this sounds like I am having a real dig at you but I can't just lay down all my skeptism to believe your story. And you know, you may prove me wrong

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 04:59 PM
to extrapolate the physical world in wich we were created, not take for granted the possible other creation good or bad that may be. if it cant be disproven then its just as good as proven.

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by bigsage
if it cant be disproven then its just as good as proven.

Disprove that I am a Millionaire. You cannot therefore I am. Hopefully you understand where I am coming from. Well, Its late over here so I should be going to get some sleep, and I get cranky with no sleep

Can I just thankyou Bigsage, and I am being sincere
, I have valued your comments because I do believe you are an intelligent person. But I hope you understand my stance will be the same, skepticism is a good thing to have especially over matters like this. This board is so wide now that of course I'm going to have contrasting views with some members. Now I didn't want his to become a debate so I'll take my leave until anything or nothing materializes.

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 05:31 PM
Your whole theory that the aliens would think of milk and want milk or think of home and go home is flawed. If aliens brains are different then the may not think the same way we do. Human's minds are clutered with thoughts and ideas but that does not mean an aliens mind is. Also aliens probably evolved and gradualy over time learned how to deal with it.

I have read some stuff on telepathy on the internet. It is hard to tell the difference between your thoughts and messages someone is sending you. The reason is human's minds are not clear. Humans do so many things in a day and think about so much their mind is not clear. In order to have telepathy work you have to be thinking about doing it while not thinking of any thing. When you meditate you get your mind clear and that is what you have to do.

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 05:31 PM
but that is something you put human worth on not something that is real it is just as imiginary as knowledge the only thing that does exist is the all that is, love as a creation in human terms and other forces created by the creator. do you understand?
but good attempt.

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 05:41 PM
In responce to:

Casper, I'm sorry to rain on your parade but I cannot take your claim seriously. First off why would an alien do what you say? Because you were abducted by them? If so, then that means you are a lesser species to them and therefore they would not take any orders from a lower form of life!

Again, a prime example of why people such as myself don't disclose these experiences. I said I would ask, not that they would comply. They have in the past, so the odds are at least fifty/fifty. I never said I was abducted either, I was invited... there is a difference. Why? I have no earthly or unearthly idea. And I guarantee you if I were a publicity seeking, needy, attention getter, I can think of a zillion better ways to get attention than to subject myself to ridicule by skeptics who secretly believe the very things they contend are lies.

To address the AK-47 remark, I never saw any weapons of any kind in any of my encounters. They seemed to be less interested in fighting and more interested in gathering scientific data. Of course there are many stories of hostle types, but as of yet I have not been INVITED to observe them.

Like I said in my opening comments, many will never believe until it happens to you and even then your mind will start to rationalize and discount the experience. I try to have an open mind and look at these things with wonder not fear, this is the secret to opening yourself up to more profound truths.

I had an x-boyfriend who was as skeptical as you. I took him out to a field in the country one night. We were just about to leave and we had a sighting. At first he was skeptical, then as it came closer and closer he rippled with fear. A strange mechanical beeping sound appeared to be coming from a place directly between us as it drew nearer. He jumped out of his skin and raced around trying to figure out what was happening, then ran back to the car and ordered us to leave. He was a fundamental Christian and on the drive back to the city he was trying desperately to adjust his belief system to what had just happened. He came to the conclusion that time travel was indeed a reality. I quietly watched as he processed the whole thing.

By the next day he had decided to pray about it and offered that when Jesus said "they will do things much greater than I" he meant it...but some folks may just think Jesus was trying to get attention eh?

Love and Peace,

I just wanted to add that I am a girl, I just noticed where one poster assumed I was male.
And one more note to the poster with the milk reference, I never observed these thought/action types eating or drinking anything. This is not to say they don't, but simply I never saw them injest anything.

[Edited on 30-8-2003 by CasperTFG]

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 06:21 PM
~Very interesting Miz Casper. That's how us terrans should be. More involved in science and other things to better ourselves as a race instead of waging war over political issues that most of us don't understand the half of. But that is interesting considering that those beings showed no emotion whatsoever. I could see how that could interfere with the thought/action process in which they use to engage in activity or to communicate through telepathy. Again, very interesting.

~Peace and Luck to you.

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 07:18 PM
Casper, well if they do comply, will you tell me when and where? If they want to come talk to me, I have stuff I could give them....text books, a spare computer, human food, my cat, etc....seriously I would lol. No hassle, as long as they didn't come while i was sleeping and scare the crap out of me.

I do believe in aliens, but I just am skeptical of your story. Just "ask them" and find out the time and place....will they know where to do a flyby? Well whenever you "find this out" please let me know so I can believe you or not believe you.

Im still EXTREMELY skeptical of your story...I really do think you need some help if youre hearing things talking to you in your head....but theres a .000000001% chance you could be telling the well prove it. Im a human youth, I could probably be of some valuable info if they wanna chit chat!

posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 02:40 AM
Thank you for understanding what I said about why I assumed they had no emotional brain centers. If you have no reference to hate, jealousy, rage ect which are ranges of emotion, you would not even have a thought cross your mind that would automatically commit an offensive act. I was taught a great lesson by observing this, but I also felt at some level they were missing out on positive emotions as well.

In reference to:

"Im still EXTREMELY skeptical of your story...I really do think you need some help if youre hearing things talking to you in your head...."

Again Cutwolf, when did I ever say I heard these voices in my head? I stated plainly these were encounters, that means my whole body, not just my hearing apparatus was present and functioning.

I have a philosophy about such matters...this is an excerpt from my as of yet unpublished manuscript..."If you hear voices in your head and they tell you to kill your mother and you go ahead and do it, your criminally insane. However, if you hear these voices, and you have the where-with-all to say NO, that's a stupid idea then you know the difference between right and wrong and your just hearing voices." I fall into the second catagory in this example. Do you understand my point here?

As a side note; If you really want to blow your mind check out the new HSS (hypersonic sound) pattens by the American technologies Corporation. Pretty soon we will all be hearing voices whether we like it or not.

Anyway... I just want you to understand I am as dumbfounded as you as to why some people seem to be plucked from the herd and have these types of experiences. I have always maintained a sense of humor about the whole thing...I definitely don't bring it up at family reunions and rarely mention it to anyone.

I just happened on this board when I typed something into Google. I saw your thread and thought I may be able to help you with your quest. I firmly believe more people would come forth with these revelations if there was not such a stigma attached to the experiences.

I would strongly advise anyone on this thread who wishes to have a sighting should plan an outing to an isolated area soon. And I also advise you should take a witness or two so no one will deem you insane or troubled if you happen to see an anomaly. Let me know what happens...

Love and Peace,

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