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Strange event last night

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posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 07:54 AM

Last night I was sitting outside taking a smoke Time : 02.46 AM

I have often these abilities to know when something dangered is near , know how a person is just by looking at their face and very good hearing etc ( Check my other topics for that )

Anyway as said I was taking a smoke on the balcony when I suddenly heard something in the bushes.At first I thought : "ahh its just a cat or a dear" , but as the sound continued I started to feel an uncomfortable feeling that this beeing was not friendly . As soon as I got that feeling that something was wrong , the "beeing" started to run or jogg towards me (I have balcony on 2th floor , but I do hear very good so I know it was coming towards me) . At this point I was to afraid so I smoothly walked into the house again closing the door.

Then my brother (who was sleeping on the couch) finally decided to go to sleep. So I opened the window so we could get some air and I also opened the out-door (so we could get some cold air quickly)

After the door got opened I went to watch some Text-Tv to read about some news etc and my brother continued sleeping on chouch , when I heard something moving outside that door (then again I can hear very good so this was no problem to catch up) , I got a little scared but tried to avoid it and think of something else.

Then I felt fear going through my whole body as now the beeing runned around on the tarmac , with small footstepts like it was somekind of child (only that no child is up 03.00 AM) .

After running around at least for about 20 seconds it started to move up the stairs (out-stairs) , it walked half way up (approxly 8 steps) and then runned down the stairs continuing that running around and luring for about 30 more seconds.

03.05 AM

My brother wakes up from sleeping on the couch and goes to bed closing the out-door.

2 intens hours before bed

I sat up 2 more hours because I could still hear small steps outside my house and strange noises before I decided to wake my mother up (I am sixteen years old and are very mature but at this point I was terrified of this thing because I could feel the beeing as evil or wanted something)

I finally went to bed after I grabbed a smoke with my mother......

This months strange events has happend here with :

*Strange lights in the sky (pulsing red , blue , white , green and yellow)

*Comet or star going down

*This event last night

*Beeing terrified (as I never are unless I feel something isent right , as last night)

Please check some of my other topics to get an image of me as an person :

At least read this on :

My Encounter.....

Lost time ....

Lights in the sky ......

Ufo picture ?

I want you that read this to respond like an mature person instead of just shovel my topic down into the ground.

Thanks for reading my topic

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:06 AM
Well, this may have been an animal maybe? Could it have? I know animals dont wear shoes but maybe since you hear so well the sounds were amplified in the night..
Or who knows, if you thought it was dangerous and had that feeling maybe it was an alien being.Next time i would go get my mother and face this thing or at least try to get a peek at whatever it is.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:11 AM
Animal or hobo. I vote for its being a combo of two: animal and vagrant, probably.

Raccoons often go inside someone's house and they can make some pretty weird sounds. It'd be consistant with the bird picture you thought was a UFO from the other week.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:11 AM
It might as well be an animal but I have never been afraid of an animal or person at night or daytime , this was something out of the ordenairy .

Usally I am tough enough to face things myself but this time it was something I cannot explain other that extreme fear of this thing.

My mind is very peacefull when I want it to be and sometimes I do not think at all . I could mabye think it was an alien since strange events has happend here latly and then I have been afraid of that or being paranoid . But again this time I was not thinking of anything alien or extraterresial I just felt that this thing / beeing was not friendly like any other I have meet.

Thanks for the reply

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by Indellkoffer
Animal or hobo. I vote for its being a combo of two: animal and vagrant, probably.

Raccoons often go inside someone's house and they can make some pretty weird sounds. It'd be consistant with the bird picture you thought was a UFO from the other week.

I can agree that the photo might be a bird , Raccoons don`t live in the area .....

And almost none hobo`s here in Norway ( just in oslo and some other cities)

[edit on 15-8-2005 by gamerman]

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:21 AM
I believe your imagination has gotten the better of you, which can happen to us all.

It seems more logical to assume it was some kind of animal, than to jump to conclusions of an alien persuasion.

If you're 2 floors up surely you could get a look at it before it managed to get to you with it's probe?

May I ask you a personal question?

Why at 16 are you smoking?

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Koka
I believe your imagination has gotten the better of you, which can happen to us all.

It seems more logical to assume it was some kind of animal, than to jump to conclusions of an alien persuasion.

If you're 2 floors up surely you could get a look at it before it managed to get to you with it's probe?

May I ask you a personal question?

Why at 16 are you smoking?

You might be right that I assumed or imagined that it was an alien since the lights in the sky has been very odd latley.

Sorry for my poor english but I live 1 floor up
, I would of course take a look but as said my ability striked me at that point to keep away from this thing.

I started smoking when I was 12-13 years old for about 2 months and then I quite , after my niece`s wedding when I got a bit drunk I smoked a couple of sigarettes .

After the wedding two months later I lighten a sigarette and got hooked again.

I want to thank you for replying to my topic , and I want you peoples here to get an image of my not as an Teenager but an mature person as I surely am

again , thanks for the replies

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:39 AM
I can totally refer to your story, i am 16 myself and i was smoking on the 2nd balcony around 1am when i herd my footsteps on the balcony from the first floor. The balcony is in the shape of L and i couldn't see over to see what was making the noise.

I could hear the "thing" walking around on the balcony, it didn't sound like anything i have ever herd in my life. This went on till i finished my cigarette when the noise got so close that my body went into a sort of freeze. I went back into my room and got into bed.

Then i herd footsteps inside my roof, but i realised they were just possums who live in my roof.

The Next day i took my puppy onto the balcony and it started eating a pebble the size of my index finger, i tried getting it out of its mouth but it swalloed the thing. Anyone know what it ate? its been vomiting ever since that day

Where you from?

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by Inno887
I can totally refer to your story, i am 16 myself and i was smoking on the 2nd balcony around 1am when i herd my footsteps on the balcony from the first floor. The balcony is in the shape of L and i couldn't see over to see what was making the noise.

I could hear the "thing" walking around on the balcony, it didn't sound like anything i have ever herd in my life. This went on till i finished my cigarette when the noise got so close that my body went into a sort of freeze. I went back into my room and got into bed.

Then i herd footsteps inside my roof, but i realised they were just possums who live in my roof.

The Next day i took my puppy onto the balcony and it started eating a pebble the size of my index finger, i tried getting it out of its mouth but it swalloed the thing. Anyone know what it ate? its been vomiting ever since that day

Where you from?

I am from Norway , I live in Vestfold > Nøtterøy (Notteroy)

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:51 AM
Well im from the otherside of the world,(oz)

Good luck finding out what it was and next time try carrying a camera around

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by Inno887
Well im from the otherside of the world,(oz)

Good luck finding out what it was and next time try carrying a camera around

I will of course do that now but my camera is very old (4 years) and was a good buy of a Digital Camcorder at that time but the nightvision sucks .

I do have a sony ericsson k750i with the blitz so I might be able to catch something out there if I hear it again.

Mabye I should buy me a Police Light ^^

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 09:10 AM
If you are really serious about this # and that you are SURE that there was somthing other then animals or humans that night.

Go buy a wireless home secruity system from ebay, hook it up to your computer and set it to start recording when movement is visible.

or just get a tape recorder from radioshack and record the noise

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 09:24 AM
I will go buy something from the local store , I will be leaving sunday to an school and won`t come back for 1 year.

If I get something on tape or sound I will imeaditly post it here.

[edit on 15-8-2005 by gamerman]

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 04:25 PM
well people who smoke get really paranoid... so


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