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Calling all abductees

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posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 12:37 PM
so the last couple months i have been experiencing a sleep disorder that feels like there is something that is pulling me out of my sleep. like a gravity pull into the sky, everytime it happens i wake my self up by concentrating all my spiritual and contemplative proweress to pull myself away from what feels like a tractor beam, the one time that the concluded efforts were sucsufully accomplished was when i saw the ET's in all their inconspicuousy and a lone human, it was actually two ET"s and a human standing over me. asking "why do i like explosions?" i then shot back into my bodie on my bed. do you guys ever feel like you are being pulled away from your bed, and if so should i follow the pull next time they feel like they are going to take me away???

edit, also though i should add that before all of this i saw a ET craft hovering right over my house, this was wat seemed like about 3 months ago big bright red light bobing up and down then vanishing into thin air. quite a site!

[edit on 14-8-2005 by sturod84]

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 12:56 AM
Hi, sounds like sleep paralysis to me, its a medical condition and is basically that parts of teh brain is waking up while the body is still paralysed by the drugs emitted while you sleep to stop you huring yourself when dreaming. It can create some very real "dreams", I am not saying you dreamt it but I think you should Google "Sleep Paralysis".

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 07:44 AM
I would like to say that I haven't been sleeping well, lately, at all. My allergies and ailments are at an all time high, and my dreams are disturbing. I am not on any medication that, I believe, would effect my dreams, either. I have felt, to a degree, that I have been "pulled" out of my sleep a couple of times. Did not like it. Was able to go back to sleep the second time it happened (yesterday).

Up until just recently, I was able to sleep about 8-10 hrs., no, I've done good to get 6 hrs. without waking. It's been happening for, about, the last week or so.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 12:47 PM
thanks for the insight guys, i guess mabye i just get weak when i sleep. i do run out of breath sometimes and wake because i smoke a lot. i have had sleep paralasys quite a few times in the past and know exactly what it is like, this was nothing of the sort. there was no disconfort and the dream did not feel like a dream at all. the ET's they dont seem very bad when i look at all the different abduction cases, and i figure as advanced as they are they would only want all the better for mankind. so here is to a bright future for us and them, as a intergallagcit alliance peace and prosperity for the WORLD!

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by sturod84
thanks for the insight guys, i guess mabye i just get weak when i sleep. i do run out of breath sometimes and wake because i smoke a lot. i have had sleep paralasys quite a few times in the past and know exactly what it is like, this was nothing of the sort. there was no disconfort and the dream did not feel like a dream at all. the ET's they dont seem very bad when i look at all the different abduction cases, and i figure as advanced as they are they would only want all the better for mankind. so here is to a bright future for us and them, as a intergallagcit alliance peace and prosperity for the WORLD!

Do not be so quick to say this. They only let you recall that part of the memory. got what they wanted and didn't ask for it or tell anyone else how evil it was. that's the advantage ships have.

Or you are lying.

= : Drake : =

[edit on 16-8-2005 by drakefist]

[edit on 16-8-2005 by drakefist]


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