reply to post by altered_states
Thanks for mentioning my thread... I appreciate.
I do quickly want to make something clear, while much of what Kevin says has a basis of truth. I agree with those that say he sort of sells lies.
For starters, I have a background in health and fitness and an fairly decent amount of academic time in Micro bio and Pharmacology.
I also, went for Tests, lost and lots of tests.
I repeated many times in that thread there is no cure, any one cure... many people u2u'd me looking for an answer like what Kevin gives _______ will
Now way
I knew what was going on in my body because I had blood work, heck I even had a brain scan done lol
I might have chose self treatment but I couldn't know what to treat with out actual tests. Couldn't have been successful...
How do you KNOW if your shrinking a tumor or not with no tests done? For sure?
Can certain herbs work on Cancer
But 90% of people who go this route will die unless they know what they are doing
Because they got the cancer in the first place for a reason, if you don't identify and "know thy self" and then "change thyself' nothing is going
to work not Medicine not holistic in most cases.
You can't say that substance X______ will cure Cancer
substance X with out the lifestyle change will not work because the cause will still be there... In many cases like my thread says there are overall
things you can do...One I recommend is detoxification via dry sauna, purge toxins, heat microbes out of the body, Cancer is usually triggered by an
organism, parasite, or toxin build up....
So you purge...
Whats next, how is the tumor growing?
Well obviously it's cut off from the immune system, dead tissue, lack of circulation something preventing the body from working right...
Mostly Exercise can help with that
But not if you don't get serious about it, a walk isn't going to get circulation to a part of your body that's clogged or lacks blood flow proper
or has damaged tissue or infection etc.... You need to really go at it... Most people wont do that
Then diet, healthy, immune building...not going into details, but diet/lifestyle... sugars cigarettes these things have to go... and thattakes
THEN... Substance X can actually get to the Tumor or disease etc... and it's useless otherwise...
and even then you have to know if substance x is even good for that type of_______ whatever you have going on.
So what Kevin does, I don';t agree with it
The principal is there, that there are natural things etc you can do...
But I did them with blood work and knew exactly what was going on in my body and it was multifaceted on every level...
Diet, exercise, specific meditations... very specific supplements... detox...
I disagree... with the person who said you can't cure diabetes... I sure as hell did!!!!!!
But I didn't do it with "Brocccoli" lol, I knew my body, i knew what was going on, I was honest with myself and i put effort in a real way and made
many changes on many levels...
I used the services of an MD too
To take a moment, I rant allot about Obama care in here
Not because i'm a nut that thinks Granola and yogurt will keep me alive, but rather because I don't want to be Mandated treatments, I like to PAY my
doctor, I sometimes need to ask very specific questions, or want very specific tests or yeah even medications...
But where would I be without blood work... Dead lol
I think trying to simplify holistic medicine make certain claims is wrong.
There are many factors, you should work with the right doc...
Hard to find but they exist
Kevin offers Magic Potions...kind of... I'm not into that, it's complex the human body.
And frankly, it takes allot of work
I recommend detoxing super heating of the body, calorie restriction and other things like exercise, removal of much Carbohydrates and definitely sugar
etc, etc... and there are supplements like Resveritrol and pomegranate extract I take every day...
But I offer no answer for everyone, it's sad, sad, sad... Doctors in America don't work hand in hand with holistic practitioners and lifestyle
coaches etc for a full picture and simply treat symptoms...
But if your sick and you don't know what your doing you need an MD to help and even then if you do know, you still need to monitor progress via an
People that say... TAKE X and cure Fatal disease Y
NOT really... not so simple.
[edit on 30-9-2009 by mopusvindictus]